I am currently on a test e cycle, 500mg per week. For the first 5 weeks I am horny like mad, would randomly get boners at work the lot. Now I don't feel anything, is this normal?
I am currently on a test e cycle, 500mg per week. For the first 5 weeks I am horny like mad, would randomly get boners at work the lot. Now I don't feel anything, is this normal?
what are you using for AI? Are you using Hcg?
I'm using arimidex 0.25 eod. No hcg at the moment. My balls haven't shrunk at all
It takes about 4 weeks for the Test E to "kick in". Your buddies will shrink, they all do. Don't worry about it. They also come back. You might think about getting on HCG right now. Are you getting any acne? You could increase your adex to .25mg/ed and see how you feel.
In that case, I'm lack the experience to answer for sure. I know the guys here pretty much recommend that you start Hcg from the beginning. From expreience, in the days before Hcg and AI, I remember feeling something similar about half way through a 10 week cycle.
you been warned! but you didn't listen.
Warned about what?
Oh right ok, I'm 22 actually with good clean diet
these are the effects of cycling at you age, and they can be permanent if you can't recover with proper PCT. what you have done is stunt your adrenal growth potential, in other words you will never know what your natural potential could have been if you didn't cycle. read the link I posted so you can understand what risks you have taken.
What do you suggest I do from now on in?Originally Posted by bass
stop and do PCT, then wait until you are 25 or so to consider cycling. you only been into it for 5 weeks. do a light PCT 12 days after your last shot, Nolva only 20/10/10/10. this should get you out of it. then 6 weeks later do BW to see if you have recovered. most likely you will if you stop now.
What about if I carry on the cycle as planned - another 4 weeks and up the arimidex dose?
I am not going to tell you to continue, that would be bad advice. I already gave you my opinion. its up to you.
Ok if I stop now should I up the dose of arimidex unroll it's time for pct?
no because you don't know if your e2 is high or low, both will give you erection problems. if your e2 shot up it will come down in few weeks. do nothing except PCT in two weeks.
I can get an erection fine it's just I don't feel mental horny like I did a couple weeks ago
that's because you're screwing with your hormones, its expected. but what's happening today is not what you should be concerned about, its the long tern effect what you need to worry about. once you stop, do PCT you should go back to normal within couple of month, if not then see a doctor.
Ok thanks for your advise
When you administer aas, the body shuts down its own production of testosterone via shutdown of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPGA). This causes testicular atrophy, among other things. HCG should be used during steroid cycles to maintain and restore testicular size as well as normal testosterone production.
So whether or not your balls have shrunk, you are still experiencing testicular atrophy - HGC always recommended.
Last edited by itzj010210; 12-06-2013 at 07:17 AM.
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