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Thread: Accutane on cycle,,any experienced members

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Accutane on cycle,,any experienced members

    Can I take it while on a cycle,im gonna be on deca again an test,,or is it too much on the liver?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Accutane only needs to be taken one time. For me, it was a 6 month therapy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    It can be..... Yes.

    It's tricky tho..... Accutane when prescribed by a doc is usually at a higher dosage than I recommend. They monitor liver values through blood work and keep a close eye on you. Their protocol shuts down your oil glands and theoretically, as mentioned above, u should never have to run accutane again.

    Here's the problem tho..... Androgens will stimulate oil production and therefore..... Acne CAN return. It wouldn't suspect it to be nearly as bad but its possible.

    With all that said..... I've run very low dosages for short periods of time with no ill effects. 10mgs/day seems to suffice tho I've needed to use 20mgs to control a bad case. I only run it as long as I need to and then stop. I don't use it as a preventative measure.

    There's other things you can try that I ha success with and I had pretty bad acne as a teen. Anti-bacterial soap called "safe guard" - its sold in Walmart. This helps dry me out a bit - and then a benzoyl peroxide cream. I applied the cream twice a day.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Thnx for info.

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