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  1. #1
    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    Lowered estrogen with AI?

    I started my cycle 14 days ago. I have been experiencing symptoms of "menopause" like lethargy, unmotivated, hot flashes etc.

    Currently I'm on 600mg/week Test and Aromasin 6mg ED.

    I was under the assumption that an AI just stops the extra test from aromatizing to estrogen, not necessarily stop the production of estrogen.

    Thinking of taking the Aromasin 6mg EOD until later in the cycle where I may need to do ED. Thoughts?

  2. #2
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Your estrogen levels could, in fact, be too high, which can also cause estrogen related signs such as lethargy.

    An effective dose of aromasin is 25mg/ed. Try that and see if it helps. 6mg/ed aromasin is low, and therefore your E2 levels are most likley higher than desired.

  3. #3
    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Your estrogen levels could, in fact, be too high, which can also cause estrogen related signs such as lethargy.

    An effective dose of aromasin is 25mg/ed. Try that and see if it helps. 6mg/ed aromasin is low, and therefore your E2 levels are most likley higher than desired.
    25mg ED? I have never run that high of exemestane. I've always heard of everyone running 12.5mg EOD for a protocol. Not trying to contest you, but are you sure you're not thinking of arimidex or another AI?

  4. #4
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    I agree^^^up the Aromasin . It's very difficult to lower your E2 levels too far using Aromasin.

    Yes...12.5mg ED

  5. #5
    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    I'll also like to add that I'm using 60mg ED of Raloxifene, forgot to mention that. Does that make a difference?

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    Lunk1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ANIMAL View Post
    I'll also like to add that I'm using 60mg ED of Raloxifene, forgot to mention that. Does that make a difference?
    No. Are you combating gyno still?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    No. Are you combating gyno still?
    Yea, I have a small lump still. It had gone away and I stopped using the Ralox and then within 2 days it was back, got very sensitive. Sensitivity is gone, but lump is slowly going away again. I'll just stay on it longer this time. I don't think I gave it enough time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ANIMAL View Post
    Yea, I have a small lump still. It had gone away and I stopped using the Ralox and then within 2 days it was back, got very sensitive. Sensitivity is gone, but lump is slowly going away again. I'll just stay on it longer this time. I don't think I gave it enough time.
    No issue running the 2 together. They don't work the same way.

  9. #9
    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    No issue running the 2 together. They don't work the same way.
    That's what I figured, just wanted to throw it out there. I will up the aromasin to 12.5mg ED see how that goes.

    Since the dose was too low and I'm feeling the effects of possibly high e2, would that technically mean my test is doing what it's suppose to? I mean my e2 wouldn't raise for no reason if I was just to take the Aromasin by itself not on cycle right?

  10. #10
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    IMO, yes. If you were shooting olive oil then there would be no aromatization of excess testosterone resulting in elevated estrogen levels. The down side is, it doesn't speak to the potency.

    Everyone aromatizes at different rates. The fact that you have had the gyno issues tells me you aromatize easily.

  11. #11
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ANIMAL View Post
    25mg ED? I have never run that high of exemestane. I've always heard of everyone running 12.5mg EOD for a protocol. Not trying to contest you, but are you sure you're not thinking of arimidex or another AI?
    yeah man.. not uncommon at all and is certainly my magic number. Try 12.5mg/ed first and see how it goes and feel free to go up to 12.5mg/2x ed (25mg).

  12. #12
    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    IMO, yes. If you were shooting olive oil then there would be no aromatization of excess testosterone resulting in elevated estrogen levels. The down side is, it doesn't speak to the potency.

    Everyone aromatizes at different rates. The fact that you have had the gyno issues tells me you aromatize easily.
    But even at 14 days, I would notice a change?

  13. #13
    ANIMAL's Avatar
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    Just wanted to give this thread an update. I upped my Aromasin to 12.5mg from 6mg. Within 8 hours all my symptoms went away and by the second day my gyno lump had went down 75%.

    Thank you again Lunk and Igifuno, much appreciated.

  14. #14
    jdpeters's Avatar
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    Great to hear your improvement

  15. #15
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ANIMAL
    Just wanted to give this thread an update. I upped my Aromasin to 12.5mg from 6mg. Within 8 hours all my symptoms went away and by the second day my gyno lump had went down 75%. Thank you again Lunk and Igifuno, much appreciated.
    Nice ANIMAL! Glad it's working for you brother.

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