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Thread: First time user?

  1. #1

    First time user?

    I have never used steroids in my life, and am 18 years old. I am seriously considering using steroids, but want to know a little more about them first. I've watched/read lots of posts and videos on steroids, but I have a few unanswered questions.

    1: What is a good steroid to use for a first time user (18 years old)
    2: Where do I buy these steroids? I've heard there are lots of scamming websites. What some safe ones?
    3: Are there any steroids that will have the least side effects? PARTICULARLY bitch tits and acne.
    4: Is there a "main" steroid? If I only want to inject one steroid, what would it be, and how much?

    I weight 200 lbs, and am 6'3" tall. Bodyfat is 20%.

  2. #2
    There are so many things wrong with this

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    OP, welcome to the board. I can assume you did not read the rules when you registered, and I would suggest you go back and do so before posting again.

    First and foremost, this is not a source board. DO NOT ask for sources here, you will be banned in short order.

    Second, you are way too young for steroids. Way too young. You need to do research on training and dieting first and then, when you have that in line, begin reseaching aas, but you will not be ready for another 6-7 years. Doing aas at a young age can wreak havoc on your hpta system and you can create permanant damage to yourself.

    From the looks of your stats, you need to really focus on diet and training. There are forums here for that. Please spend time in them and do not let anyone talk you into doing aas for a long time to come. If you have friends your age that are doing them, they will pay the price in the future. Point them in the direction of this board too and educate yourself.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    OP, welcome to the board. I can assume you did not read the rules when you registered, and I would suggest you go back and do so before posting again.

    First and foremost, this is not a source board. DO NOT ask for sources here, you will be banned in short order.

    Second, you are way too young for steroids. Way too young. You need to do research on training and dieting first and then, when you have that in line, begin reseaching aas, but you will not be ready for another 6-7 years. Doing aas at a young age can wreak havoc on your hpta system and you can create permanant damage to yourself.

    From the looks of your stats, you need to really focus on diet and training. There are forums here for that. Please spend time in them and do not let anyone talk you into doing aas for a long time to come. If you have friends your age that are doing them, they will pay the price in the future. Point them in the direction of this board too and educate yourself.
    Great call, fantastic advice!

    OP, listen to every suggestion here. So many errors in your first post and you clearly haven't done any reading or research on your own. When you are at a level and ready for steroids, if its something you truly want to do, read and learn. Don't expect total strangers on a forum to spoon feed you. The decision to use steroids must come with education and a degree of maturity (referring to your age).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Your questions directly contradict your statement about having done lots of research.

    What to use on your first cycle and how to avoid estrogenic side effects are like AAS 101.

    Mate you're 18, you can pretty much turn your body into anything you like at your age. To think you need AAS so early is absurd.

    Not to mention you're simply too young from a physiological point of view.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    OP, welcome to the board. I can assume you did not read the rules when you registered, and I would suggest you go back and do so before posting again.

    First and foremost, this is not a source board. DO NOT ask for sources here, you will be banned in short order.

    Second, you are way too young for steroids. Way too young. You need to do research on training and dieting first and then, when you have that in line, begin reseaching aas, but you will not be ready for another 6-7 years. Doing aas at a young age can wreak havoc on your hpta system and you can create permanant damage to yourself.

    From the looks of your stats, you need to really focus on diet and training. There are forums here for that. Please spend time in them and do not let anyone talk you into doing aas for a long time to come. If you have friends your age that are doing them, they will pay the price in the future. Point them in the direction of this board too and educate yourself.
    Thanks for the input. Is there a website or book that would be beneficial to me in terms of information? I've been watching lots of youtube videos on people who use steroids (hours and hours worth). No one has ever talked about age restrictions, and "bostin loyd" even started taking them at age 20. Obviously I'm not as well informated as I thought, so any information would be helpful! Thank you!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer
    Using youtube as your primary source of information was your first mistake. All the info you need is here.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    OP, you appear wanting to learn as much as you can which is a great start. All the responses so far on your thread has been nothing short of great. What's even better is that you're on a site where you can learn so much more that by the time you're done reading half of the resources, you'd know the answers to your own questions.

    I'm 29 years old and weigh a bit more than you do at 5'9" and never till this day touched any gear. And yes, I'm pretty muscular. However, I'm still reading and getting all the information I can. Your levels are at their peak now. Take advantage of it. But to answer your questions:

    1. None. You're too young and NEED more research
    2. This is not a source site. 45 days and 100 quality posts is a good start
    3. Read #2
    4. Read #1 & 2

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by iownalljustquitnao View Post

    Thanks for the input. Is there a website or book that would be beneficial to me in terms of information? I've been watching lots of youtube videos on people who use steroids (hours and hours worth). No one has ever talked about age restrictions, and "bostin loyd" even started taking them at age 20. Obviously I'm not as well informated as I thought, so any information would be helpful! Thank you!
    This site is THE most educational mate .

    As everyones said your too young at 18 your still developing, you might feel like billy big balls , thats what teens feel .... Hell at 23 im still growing ! ( hope not im 6,3 as it is lol )

    But you get me , research , research some more , amd while researching , head over to nutrional section .
    A good healthy , strong diet is your steroids !!

    Best of luck bro !!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    Quote Originally Posted by iownalljustquitnao View Post
    Thanks for the input. Is there a website or book that would be beneficial to me in terms of information? I've been watching lots of youtube videos on people who use steroids (hours and hours worth). No one has ever talked about age restrictions, and "bostin loyd" even started taking them at age 20. Obviously I'm not as well informated as I thought, so any information would be helpful! Thank you!
    Please do not try to mimic Bostin Lloyd.. what he does is very dangerous. As stated above, there is a wealth of info right here at your fingertips.. read away and take your time.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Yeah pay no mind to that guy. He's the poster child for how to not use AAS.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Do yourself a favor and please listen to all the advice above. Every week on here there are one or two young guys who ignored all the advice and really screwed themselves up to the point of needing extensive medical assistance. Diet is everything, and the diet section here is excellent. With the correct diet and another 5 or 6 years of consistent training, you will probably find you don't want / need AAS. Best wishes with your training.

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