Now: 5'10 185lbs 9% BF
Goal: To KEEP 198-200lbs 8% or lower BF (so my assumption is that I need to weigh a decent amount over that to achieve that keepable weight)
This is my second real cycle, Third if you count my first one being T-bol only.
I am a very hard gainer. I have trained for about 9 years. I played division 1 football as a DB. The Heaviest I've EVER been was 198. I started my last football season at 193 @ 8%, dropping all the way down to 183 @ 7% by the end of that. Needless to say the course of a season makes me lose a lot of weight. Good thing I am done with all that cardio now, but that is just a little background from me. Even with consistent training for all of this time I still have not gotten my little ass over 200. Strength is NOT an issue though haha. Currently @ 185 I can squat 515, deadlift 585, and Bench 335, 225 for 22 reps. My training routine has consisted more of high volume and muscle exhaustion training now, since I have strength trained for so long. I'm not too interested in squating or deadlifting too much more than what I do because I think on the smaller frame I have I prolly should save my joints a little bit.
First cycle was Test Prop 10 weeks @ 100mg/day w/ 6 weeks of var. PCT w/ nolva/clomid (that was it though no hcg no ai) got my bloodwork done and everything went smoothly. BUT I only gained about 8 and kept 0. So I reallly reeeeeaaaaly really want to keep some damn gains. But I want to maintain a lean vascular look.
So now down the business here is the proposed cycle
Week 1-10 Test E - 600mg/week
Week 1-10 Mast E or EQ (suggestions here?) - 500mg/week
Week 1-10 HCG 500iu / week
Week 1-10 .25mg Adex /day
Week 4-10 60mg Tbol/ day
Week 12-16 Nolva/Clomid PCT
So my questions are:
Being a hard gainer, should I lengthen the cycle to have the weight on my frame longer and potentially make more gains?
Should I use Mast,EQ, or something else entirely here?
Backloaded the Tbol based on it taking longer to kick in so instead of using it to "kick start" I wanna use it to keep continued gains after the test gains begin to taper off, am I right in the thinking here?
Am I more likely to keep the gains by adding HCG and an AI during the cycle?
Do my dosages seem cool? Other Suggestions? Is anyone else here a real hard gainer? I mean like I been hovering around 185ish for 3 years..