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Thread: Critique this cycle

  1. #1

    Critique this cycle

    Now: 5'10 185lbs 9% BF

    Goal: To KEEP 198-200lbs 8% or lower BF (so my assumption is that I need to weigh a decent amount over that to achieve that keepable weight)

    This is my second real cycle, Third if you count my first one being T-bol only.

    I am a very hard gainer. I have trained for about 9 years. I played division 1 football as a DB. The Heaviest I've EVER been was 198. I started my last football season at 193 @ 8%, dropping all the way down to 183 @ 7% by the end of that. Needless to say the course of a season makes me lose a lot of weight. Good thing I am done with all that cardio now, but that is just a little background from me. Even with consistent training for all of this time I still have not gotten my little ass over 200. Strength is NOT an issue though haha. Currently @ 185 I can squat 515, deadlift 585, and Bench 335, 225 for 22 reps. My training routine has consisted more of high volume and muscle exhaustion training now, since I have strength trained for so long. I'm not too interested in squating or deadlifting too much more than what I do because I think on the smaller frame I have I prolly should save my joints a little bit.

    First cycle was Test Prop 10 weeks @ 100mg/day w/ 6 weeks of var. PCT w/ nolva/clomid (that was it though no hcg no ai) got my bloodwork done and everything went smoothly. BUT I only gained about 8 and kept 0. So I reallly reeeeeaaaaly really want to keep some damn gains. But I want to maintain a lean vascular look.

    So now down the business here is the proposed cycle

    Week 1-10 Test E - 600mg/week
    Week 1-10 Mast E or EQ (suggestions here?) - 500mg/week
    Week 1-10 HCG 500iu / week
    Week 1-10 .25mg Adex /day

    Week 4-10 60mg Tbol/ day

    Week 12-16 Nolva/Clomid PCT

    So my questions are:
    Being a hard gainer, should I lengthen the cycle to have the weight on my frame longer and potentially make more gains?

    Should I use Mast,EQ, or something else entirely here?

    Backloaded the Tbol based on it taking longer to kick in so instead of using it to "kick start" I wanna use it to keep continued gains after the test gains begin to taper off, am I right in the thinking here?

    Am I more likely to keep the gains by adding HCG and an AI during the cycle?

    Do my dosages seem cool? Other Suggestions? Is anyone else here a real hard gainer? I mean like I been hovering around 185ish for 3 years..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    Dawg in the House! I know you said you're 25, but you should really fix your profile if so members don't ignore you thinking you're 22.

    Alright man few thoughts on what you posted:

    Your goal of jumping from 185 to 200 is not unheard of, but I understand you wish to maintain 200 after you've come off. Your thought process is somewhat correct in thinking that you need to weigh a significant amount more than that in order to maintain 200 after the fact. Not entirely true, as you can keep most gains with proper diet and training post cycle. After this post I'll post up a piece written by the big man on the topic.

    But let's say you will lose 5-10 lbs after pct. That would mean you would need to increse your weight by 25lbs during cycle. Still not unheard of but you said yourself you're a hard gainer so the question is, is that realistic?

    Here's where I'm going with this: you may want to consider the notion that it may take you a couple more cycles and some additional time with property diet and training in order to acheive what you're looking for. The fact that you kept nothing after your last cycle tells me that your diet and training fell off in some way. If it didn't, then you need to consider that an increase in caloric intake post cycle may be of some value to you, considering your metabolism. Strength is impressive by the way bro.

    Also, considering that you want to maintain a lean vascular look, this is another reason why you may need to be patient with your long term goals. If you wanted to compromise and consider drol or dbol, you may be able to acheive your goal weight faster, but you may sacrifice some vascularity, at least temporarily.

    Test dose is fine. Adding tbol later in the cycle is fine. Otherwise, you won't get much love on the EQ consideration and I've never used Mast, but I know some who have and loved it. Definietely add an AI to you cycle to keep estrogen levels in check - adex .25/eod. HCG is always recommended and can aid in a faster recovery which could contribute to more gains kept.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    Good read that I think you'll be interested in: courtesy of marcus300:

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Good read that I think you'll be interested in: courtesy of marcus300:
    I appreciate the input and I was just checking that link out.... I think I could attest a lot of my losses on the last cycle to it being my last year of football and I did my cycle during the summer time, finishing up about 2 weeks before camp. So my cardio increased so dramatically even when our nutritionist are practically forced feeding us, us smaller guys can't really keep in a caloric surplus... not to mention the pure exertion one goes through during football, my body probably needed rest for a little long than I had.

    and I do feel you about the multiple cycle thing, and again my end goal for like life in general (although we all know were never satisfied) is to weigh 205, ripped as **** 7% or so.... Now that I've had a year off from playing I think its time I can try my luck with a cycle again hehe. I'll probably try to go the Mast route, however my cousin gets our shit made by his friend who is a chemist. but it is expensive for her to make mast so I may opt for something cheaper.... I appreciate the input on this though!

    P.S. about the profile thing. I just entered in my real birthday under the "settings" tab, but i do not yet have access to the "profile" tab so I am not sure why it is displayed at 22. maybe I need to get my posts up to adjust that?

  5. #5
    bump - more suggestions on mast/EQ and other compounds
    Last edited by DawgHouse; 12-09-2013 at 12:07 AM.

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