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Thread: Post Cycle

  1. #1

    Post Cycle

    So its been a few years since i did my last cycle and im looking to get back into use with a cycle of 500mg/week of sus 250 and 300mg/week of deca both for 10 weeks with dbol 30mg a day for the first 6. i was wonder what people would recommend for estrogen blockers and pct, thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    Welcome to the board laker!

    You know that sust contains deca as well, right, so you're deca dose would be more like 400mg/wk.. which is fine, but just wanted to make sure you know that.

    for AIs, you could run adex at .25/ed or aromasin at 25mg/ed.. recommending the higher end dose of aromasin due to dbol and deca, which both have a high aromatization rate.

    You may want to also consider caber or prami to control progeserone related sides since deca is a 19-nor. If you choose prami, ramp up to .5mg/ed but you'll want to start at .25mg or less and slowly ramp up.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Welcome to the board laker!

    You know that sust contains deca as well, right, so you're deca dose would be more like 400mg/wk.. which is fine, but just wanted to make sure you know that.

    for AIs, you could run adex at .25/ed or aromasin at 25mg/ed.. recommending the higher end dose of aromasin due to dbol and deca, which both have a high aromatization rate.

    You may want to also consider caber or prami to control progeserone related sides since deca is a 19-nor. If you choose prami, ramp up to .5mg/ed but you'll want to start at .25mg or less and slowly ramp up.

    Good luck!
    since when sustanon have nandrolone in it???

    sustanon have some testosterone decaonate in it but it is not deca-durabolin aka nandrolone decaonate aka simply deca...

    Sustanon is only a blend of different ester of testosterone

    plus, deca do not HIGHLY aromatize...
    its a 19nor its stimulate progestin receptor and aromatize a little bit like 20% the rate of testosterone...

    agreed with the dose you are advising and with caber/prami use.
    but deca do not aromatize alot...
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 12-08-2013 at 08:21 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    IGi, I know you know this but, the decanoate in the sust is testosterone. It just has the decanoate ester attached. So it is testosterone not nandrolone.

    Laker, how about you give us your

    Cycle history

    You need to investigate aromatase inhibitors (AI) as Igi says. If you control your estrogen this way you may not need prami or caber but should have it to hand, at least.

    We have a PCT section for you to investigate there too.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    Welcome to the board laker! You know that sust contains deca as well, right, so you're deca dose would be more like 400mg/wk
    Sustanon is just a brand name anyways... There are hundreds of different blends out there. And sust does not have deca in it I don't know why anyone would think that

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    My mistake .. Yup, mind was playing tricks on me.

  7. #7
    It hurts your credibility when you post false information

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderZander
    It hurts your credibility when you post false information
    I hear you bro. I don't make a habit out if it. Glad you guys were able to jump in and correct me. Anything else on this?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderZander View Post
    It hurts your credibility when you post false information
    he have the maturity to admit it...
    Respect to him for that.

    plus his advise was still right. and its a easy fix mistake.

    so IMO it do not affect his credibility a bit and just proove he his a wise man.

    just my .02

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    qsc thank you bro - CZ can't be faulted for saying what he said as he is correct.

    Tbh, in the past, I really did think that sust blends contained deca, 100mg/ml to be exact. I have since learned and was aware that the decaonate is not in fact nandrolone, but testosterone with a decaonate ester - it just slipped my mind and I reverted back to my old way of thinking, which frankly is not good - we need to provide good info here.

    i'm glad you both contributed to the thread and hopefully others will see it and, if anyone has the same misconception, this will serve as a means of education for them.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderZander View Post
    Sustanon is just a brand name anyways... There are hundreds of different blends out there. And sust does not have deca in it I don't know why anyone would think that
    that's right BUT I can see where one would think "decca" would be involved since sust has 4 esters in it one of which have "deca" in the word....see the resemblance??? All of which are Testosterone esters as we all know.

    He has lost no credibility with me. The man kept his cool and is very professional.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    that's right BUT I can see where one would think "decca" would be involved since sust has 4 esters in it one of which have "deca" in the word....see the resemblance??? All of which are Testosterone esters as we all know.

    He has lost no credibility with me. The man kept his cool and is very professional.
    as The Dude would have said...CZ isn't wrong, he's just an a$$hole lol... but really commander relax eh? the man has almost 10000 posts and this is the first time I've seen misinformation, and I search old threads a LOT

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