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Thread: lone hgh cycle questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    west linn

    lone hgh cycle questions

    I am looking to run an hgh cycle alone no test, I have read this can still produce positive results but still have a few concerns. First off, How long should the cycle be, amount, (not well read on this) will it produce a negative feedback and shut down hgh production, if so will that revert to normal after cycle. Also, hgh gut, do not want, but i would assume thats after extended use. Finally, The site thats always blaring all over this one ( sells it, but has anyone bought from them? just want to make sure they dont send me a near 200$ bottle of hcg haha. Thanks for reading and any info/advice is welcome

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    west linn

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by tomrntz
    I am looking to run an hgh cycle alone no test, I have read this can still produce positive results but still have a few concerns. First off, How long should the cycle be, amount, (not well read on this) will it produce a negative feedback and shut down hgh production, if so will that revert to normal after cycle. Also, hgh gut, do not want, but i would assume thats after extended use. Finally, The site thats always blaring all over this one ( sells it, but has anyone bought from them? just want to make sure they dont send me a near 200$ bottle of hcg haha. Thanks for reading and any info/advice is welcome
    First, sells ALTERNATIVE products. NOT the real deal. GH is only approved for treating GHD and HIV (in a few cases) so finding real GH without a prescription is not going to be easy. Second, much of the black market GH is counterfeit and not real GH. Third, GH needs to be run for much longer periods and is very expensive. I typically run it for 6-10 moths straight depending on where I am at in my cycles and what my goals are.

    Many guys will tell you GH is a waste of time as money unless you know for sure you have legitimate sources (an do not ask about sources or costs. It's against our rules).

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    west linn
    oh, alright yeah thats what i was wondering about was legitimacy. Thanks for info

  5. #5
    Last edited by DPTUK; 12-12-2013 at 04:29 PM.

  6. #6
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by DPTUK
    I got the real thing and it ain't doing shit for me other than making me sleep and recover better, thinking about quitting, I am only a month in, maybe not giving it a chance, but still feel like i should just gone on the test.
    GH is a very long term commitment. I won't comment on the doses the pros use because it may encourage abuse. I've run GH for about three years off and on. My longest cycle was 12 months; my shortest 6 months. Smallest dose was 4ius; largest was 15ius but took me awhile to build up to that level.

    GH works but its no overnight sensation. Time and patience is necessary with GH.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomrntz
    oh, alright yeah thats what i was wondering about was legitimacy. Thanks for info
    Yes, probably one of the most counterfeited compounds on the market unfortunately.

  8. #8
    If you really want to get some gh in your body go with peptides. More effective cheaper and it's secreted by your own pituitary so you know it's good (;

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderZander View Post
    If you really want to get some gh in your body go with peptides. More effective cheaper and it's secreted by your own pituitary so you know it's good (;
    Dont believe everything you have read. Looks good on paper but most who have tried it see little to no results. I did the who cjc-1295 + ghrp-6 deal a while back and the only thing I got out of it was scar tissue from pinning 2 & 3x a day.

    I have also ran real HGH for one year at mostly only 1iu and it was incredible. Minimum duration is 6 months if you want to see results.

  10. #10
    Last edited by DPTUK; 12-12-2013 at 04:29 PM.

  11. #11
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DPTUK View Post
    Yo Ink, if I started bumping doses high like 10-15 IU a day does that mean I will start seeing results like immediately?
    No its a long term therapy the bigger the iu the more chance of muscle tissue gains but in all honesty you need a combination of gh and aas for that to be really productive. Your looking at least 6 months for some fat loss/condition/general health benefits but more the 10-12 months for tissue gains if your running aas along side of it.

  12. #12
    Last edited by DPTUK; 12-12-2013 at 04:29 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DPTUK View Post
    Thanks bro, so what's even the point of running GH then if its such a long winded thing and so godamn expensive, should I drop the GH and just go on test and deca and blast and cruise?
    GH is a very expensive fat loss hormone to run, if that's what your goals are then test and deca aren't the answer but a solid cardio and diet regime

  14. #14
    Last edited by DPTUK; 12-12-2013 at 04:29 PM.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by DPTUK View Post
    True words! If I knew it was gonna take 6 months just to get some mild fat loss which I would have done just doing keto and cardio, I would have rather spend the money getting 4D Vaser Lipo and get instant fat loss results. Like literally 15lbs of fat scooped out in half and hour!

    My life is getting ridiculous now, I am so fed up!
    Two friends of mine just had Lipo done on breast and stomach, one went back for further treatment which was free but they sure got rid of the lagging fat. These guys don't really train much and have more money than sense but it certainly worked for them

  16. #16
    Last edited by DPTUK; 12-12-2013 at 04:30 PM.

  17. #17
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DPTUK View Post
    Well GH long term will end up costing more than lipo and I train a lot and I heard that once they remove the fat cells its gone forever (Obviously unless you end up pigging out all the time etc), maybe I should just get the lipo done and then hit up test and AA's to get swole and stop faffing around with this GH malarky cos its doing sweet FA!

    Thanks Marcus your a good lad.
    Gh doesn't do anything in the short term, some generic do but that isn't real gh and many get mislead but real gh like you have is a long term therapy which does cost a lot and extremely expensive for purely fat loss.

  18. #18
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DPTUK View Post
    Well GH long term will end up costing more than lipo and I train a lot and I heard that once they remove the fat cells its gone forever (Obviously unless you end up pigging out all the time etc), maybe I should just get the lipo done and then hit up test and AA's to get swole and stop faffing around with this GH malarky cos its doing sweet FA!

    Thanks Marcus your a good lad.
    Gh doesn't do anything in the short term, some generic do but that isn't real gh and many get mislead but real gh like you have is a long term therapy which does cost a lot and extremely expensive for purely fat loss.

  19. #19
    A lot of people swear on peptides and other people see nothing from them. The people who see ok results from peptides usually already have high levels of them and so they are not as effective. Other people have very low levels and see great results

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    Dont believe everything you have read. Looks good on paper but most who have tried it see little to no results. I did the who cjc-1295 + ghrp-6 deal a while back and the only thing I got out of it was scar tissue from pinning 2 & 3x a day. I have also ran real HGH for one year at mostly only 1iu and it was incredible. Minimum duration is 6 months if you want to see results.
    I know this is off topic and all I need is one quick do you know if you have scar tissue and where it is or what it feels like?

    Thanks ahead of time & sorry for the quick hijack...

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