so I've been training for 8 years consistently, I'm 5'6'' at 175 LBS and all be 24 in a few days. Just finished up my first natural competition took two first places an a second in the overall but natural isn't the look I'm going for I just don't like it. I'm reverse dieting now an I'm about 5% BF.
so from the research I've been doing I have this in mind running a test cyp only cycle at 500 mg a week doing a 250 mg split dose and running adex at .25 eod an using nolv for pct running it at 40 mg everyday for a week then 30 mg everyday for a week then 20 mg everyday for two weeks. I'm interested in using hcg but I don't know a lot about it or how to run it tip pointers or a complete overhaul of what I have in mind would be appreciated I wanna stay as safe an healthy as possible thanks!!!