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Thread: Low dose test and sperm

  1. #1
    PistolStarta's Avatar
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    Low dose test and sperm

    Hey guys been awhile hope everyone is well.

    My wife and I are looking to have a baby and I'm wishing to do at least a light cycle. So I'm trying to get opinions and maybe some science on if this is okay. (Basically will I be completely sterile or is pregnancy still very viable.

    I'll be taking roughly 400mg week in 1 enth shot. (I know I know 2 shots to maintain blood levels) approx 12 to 14 weeks.

    3 past cycles of test with kickers or pro hormones.

    5'6 178 lbs
    Bf is highish 15 to 17, but I'm on an anxiety med which makes weight loss hard even at good macros.
    So would it still be possible? Even likely?


    Those are mostly PR not repping.

  2. #2
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    You will not necessarily be sterile and I believe you have a better chance of conceiving if you take hcg with your cycle.

    As far as I know, and I'd like to hear Muscle Ink's thoughts, but there are no scientific studies linking any birth defects to ass.

  3. #3
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    With regard to my comment on birth defects, this is only for the male being on cycle, I believe complications can arise if the female is on aas.

  4. #4
    AD's Avatar
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    i believe your fertility decreases significantly when you're on a cycle, due to the shutdown of the HPTA. hcg during cycle helps a little to increase your fertility but if you're trying to have a baby, then staying natty is your best chance.

    so whats the rush with this cycle? you can always run it after she gets pregnant.

  5. #5
    PistolStarta's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info so far guys not sure why my thread posted twice. Maybe my phone. I just know alot of pros have kids and obviously most never come off, so with such a low dose I thought it may still be viable.

  6. #6
    AD's Avatar
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    thats why i said your chances are decreased, but its not impossible. for someone who doesn't want a baby, they cannot use a cycle as a form of contraception. for you trying to have a baby, why decrease your chances unnecessarily?

  7. #7
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD
    thats why i said your chances are decreased, but its not impossible. for someone who doesn't want a baby, they cannot use a cycle as a form of contraception. for you trying to have a baby, why decrease your chances unnecessarily?
    Exactly. Not impossible by any means. I know a couple people personally who conceived during cycle.

  8. #8
    smokethedays's Avatar
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    HCG will not help you with fertility, that would be HMG. You need FSH for fertility.
    Use HMG at 75iu 2x/week for the 6 weeks post your cycle and should bring up your sperm count and natural testosterone levels .

  9. #9
    PistolStarta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    thats why i said your chances are decreased, but its not impossible. for someone who doesn't want a baby, they cannot use a cycle as a form of contraception. for you trying to have a baby, why decrease your chances unnecessarily?
    It's more of an if it happens it happens. However I don't want to sabatoge the chances either. Its not that its unnecessary but I have test ready to passed date that some friends had crashing with and I dont want to waste ot.

  10. #10
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    You will not necessarily be sterile and I believe you have a better chance of conceiving if you take hcg with your cycle.

    As far as I know, and I'd like to hear Muscle Ink's thoughts, but there are no scientific studies linking any birth defects to ass.
    No controlled studies to date. Anabolic steroids however, will effect sperm motility and integrity and can reduce conception by altering the enzymatic activity in the uterine environment leading to fertilization.
    Igifuno likes this.

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