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Thread: Few questions about steroids and sterility

  1. #1
    lui is offline Junior Member
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    Few questions about steroids and sterility

    Hello, i have a few questions that have been in my head for a while and im just curious to know. I put them all on the same thread to not spam the board.

    I know people on the forums are helpful and protective with novice steroid users (and im proud of that) but dont worry these questions are just curiosity.

    These are the questions:

    1) Im not sure if its a myth that pros are on a permanent cycle... how true is that and whats the way of doing it? I mean, always test and they add more gear from time to time?
    2) Should a sterile man worry about any side effect if he did a permanent cycle?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    lui is offline Junior Member
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  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    no such thing as permanent cycle. steroids are powerful hormones and if not used correctly it can be deadly, cancer! on patients on TRT stay on steroids continuously, but the dose of TRT puts a person in normal healthy range, not like those who cycle. is a man is sterile he's got nothing to worry about using steroids.

  4. #4
    lui is offline Junior Member
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    So how do professional bodybuilders cycle?
    Do they plan the cycle to match its peak with an event?

  5. #5
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass
    no such thing as permanent cycle. steroids are powerful hormones and if not used correctly it can be deadly, cancer! on patients on TRT stay on steroids continuously, but the dose of TRT puts a person in normal healthy range, not like those who cycle. is a man is sterile he's got nothing to worry about using steroids.
    ^^^Correct. The doses many top competitors use far exceed what most should use recreationally but also realize, these top competitors (1) train more often, (2) train harder, and (3) eat better than the vast majority of recreational users. Top competitors are professional athletes. They train and eat to become the best in their field and hopefully secure endorsements worth millions. Training, eating, and cycling IS their business. Just like ANY athlete in the off season, they reduce their intensity (which is still higher than most of us at our highest intensity!) which means adjusting diets, training, and anabolic doses for the off season. They don't necessarily stop, but they do make changes.

    Most of us have jobs, school, families, or other obligations that prevent us from making the kind of commitments the professional athletes make. For many of us, it's a lifestyle, not a profession, and there's a HUGE difference. Any recreational user who thinks cycling the same doses as a professional athlete is appropriate or necessary, isn't being realistic or safe.

    Recreational users who need TRT to function normally will blast and cruise between cycles, but again, doses are nowhere near those of professional athletes and "cruising" (TRT) is done simply because a man can no longer produce enough of his own testosterone to function normally.

  6. #6
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lui View Post
    Hello, i have a few questions that have been in my head for a while and im just curious to know. I put them all on the same thread to not spam the board.

    I know people on the forums are helpful and protective with novice steroid users (and im proud of that) but dont worry these questions are just curiosity.

    These are the questions:

    1) Im not sure if its a myth that pros are on a permanent cycle... how true is that and whats the way of doing it? I mean, always test and they add more gear from time to time?

    Yes all Pro's I have known use on a continual basis (or course that's not a cycle which implies change IE on and off) Since there own (endogenous) production of testosterone is shut down they should use test constantly. Most use a ton of other steroids during prep for competition's this typically includes thousands of dollars a week worth of growth, as well as large amounts of Insulin, and large amounts of compounds like Tren etc

    2) Should a sterile man worry about any side effect if he did a permanent cycle?

    Yes absolutely, there is no way to use large amounts of anabolic steroids on a continual basis without doing severe damage to the body. Add insulin, growth etc. and the problem only becomes worse.
    Thank you
    Hope this answers your questions

  7. #7
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Hope this answers your questions
    I may have misunderstood but I believe he was asking about sterility. but of course I agree long term continual use of cycle dose will definitely cause some damage to the organs.

  8. #8
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass

    I may have misunderstood but I believe he was asking about sterility. but of course I agree long term continual use of cycle dose will definitely cause some damage to the organs.
    I understood it as two parts....or maybe two halves to a whole question.....or some fraction thereof.

    Wasn't sure exactly what he was asking about WRT side effects in a sterile man. Of course there are health risks in general, but I wasn't sure if his question was related to sterility, fertility, general health, all of the above, none of the above, or somewhere in between.

    I need to cut back on my caffeine intake I think

  9. #9
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I understood it as two parts....or maybe two halves to a whole question.....or some fraction thereof.

    Wasn't sure exactly what he was asking about WRT side effects in a sterile man. Of course there are health risks in general, but I wasn't sure if his question was related to sterility, fertility, general health, all of the above, none of the above, or somewhere in between.

    I need to cut back on my caffeine intake I think
    thanks for the clarification MI!

  10. #10
    lui is offline Junior Member
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    Well what i meant:

    If you cycle you have a chance to suffer baldness, gyno, water retention..
    But in long term, would new side effects occur to a sterile man?

    Thank you for the answers
    Last edited by lui; 12-19-2013 at 03:33 AM.

  11. #11
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    no new side will appear. the sane side you risk being not sterile are the same as sterile, the only difference is you dont care about becoming sterile you already are.

    sterile or not you can still lose your hair, get boobs, and shutdown your HPTA permanantly and more...
    Juced_porkchop likes this.

  12. #12
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    no new side will appear. the sane side you risk being not sterile are the same as sterile, the only difference is you dont care about becoming sterile you already are.

    sterile or not you can still lose your hair, get boobs, and shutdown your HPTA permanantly and more...

    This-----^ same thing as every one else, without the worry of shut down... I hope you are on HRT though if you have test/sterility issues? Have you had your testosterone levels checked?

  13. #13
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop View Post

    This-----^ same thing as every one else, without the worry of shut down... I hope you are on HRT though if you have test/sterility issues? Have you had your testosterone levels checked?
    he may have an healthy testosterone level AND being sterile...
    many factor can cause sterility unrelated with testosterone(I think...) I've never worried about that.
    but mobility of the sperm can be the issue or any other genetic issue affecting the mecanic of the production of the spermatozoide can cause sterility without affect the leydigs cells.
    maybe Im wrong but it do not seems to be hand in hand in all case.
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 12-19-2013 at 09:36 AM.

  14. #14
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  15. #15
    lui is offline Junior Member
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    IM NOT STERILE and i have no intention of being sterile, i was just curious.

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