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  1. #1
    EatGrowTrain is offline New Member
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    Dec 2013

    Hgh/creatine - weight gain/bloat?

    I've been on creatine 5mg ED and humatrope for 5 weeks now, started at 3iuED. Worked up .5iu a day to see how high I could go regarding sides. Got up to 12iu and started getting aches and swollen hands. Dropped back to 5iu and sides are fine. Starting stats, 6' 215 12%bf. I've been monitoring my weight ed or eod, first week I was up to 220, which is normal since I began creatine as well and I usually add/lose 5lbs when taking or getting off. Two weeks later I'm around 225 at about the time I dropped back to 5iu. Two and a half weeks later, this morning I was 233. I can see the bloat all over, face, neck, stomach. Less vascular and faded striations. I have been training heavy with compound movements 6 days a week.
    wed-crossfit metcon
    at least 3 accessory lifts per day

    I'm curious if anyone else has experienced bloat and weight gain like this, not taking anything else besides whey. Diet is pretty good overall. I IF from 11pm-4pm, eating about 400cal in complex carb pre-wo, eat a large protein/fat based meal about an hour post-wo 1500-2000cal-a lot of fish & chicken, whey before bed plus a small snack if needed. So usually under 3000cal a day.
    BF hasn't changed much, I know the handheld BIA aren't too accurate but I've used one to kind of gauge gains/losses. I started at 12.0% and have fluctuated up to 13.3%.
    I have had some noticeable strength gains 300 to 335 on bench, 495 to 525 on dead and 455 to 495 on squat. Muscular endurance has also increased, 225x17 to 225x23 on bench.

    This is my first post, although I've read a lot of threads and tried to include all variables in my situation. Any insight on this massive weight gain/bloat would be greatly appreciated! I was hoping to drop some bf with the hgh. I've considered going off both for a couple weeks to see if the water falls off but want to stay consistent on the hgh for 6mo. Thanks bros!

  2. #2
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is online now VET
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    No source checks
    probably diet related

  3. #3
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    This is Humatrope made by Lilly? If so, the issue should sort itself out.
    Or you could use a diuretic like HCTZ.

  4. #4
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Are you on a AAS cycle or the HGH only?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    creatine will retain a lot of water and HGH will also retain some water. If you want to gain lean weight, drop the creatine. I found HGH/anavar a really good cycle to slow gain lean muscles.

  6. #6
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Running 12ius for a period could def bring on swollen hands and even ankles too. It's not something that just disappears once you back the dosage down either, it will take some time. Even at 3 to 5 ius you'll still feel tightness in the hands. It will eventually subside as was mentioned above...

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