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Thread: 3rd injection

  1. #1
    skindiesel's Avatar
    skindiesel is offline Associate Member
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    3rd injection

    So as the title states on my third one I chose my right glute as my previous two were in my right and left quad which went well a lil painful but to be expected right? Back to the glute how in the fvck does anyone do that by themselves I felt like Houdini trying to inject that and I had a lil stream of blood afterwards? Yes i aspirated. Could I just rotate between quads? And maybe shoulders? Only test e for now been a week oh an abombs to start. So far no sides other than killin the weights.

  2. #2
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skindiesel View Post
    So as the title states on my third one I chose my right glute as my previous two were in my right and left quad which went well a lil painful but to be expected right? Back to the glute how in the fvck does anyone do that by themselves I felt like Houdini trying to inject that and I had a lil stream of blood afterwards? Yes i aspirated. Could I just rotate between quads? And maybe shoulders? Only test e for now been a week oh an abombs to start. So far no sides other than killin the weights.
    Like everthing mate practice makes perfect... its my fav site !!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I hear you bro. I still feel like a snake trying to twist to kiss my own rear. LOL

    I just hit the hip so I don't have to twist for the glutes.

  4. #4
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Just do the quads.

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I prefer the delts myself!

  6. #6
    skindiesel's Avatar
    skindiesel is offline Associate Member
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    im going to try the delts this weekend.

  7. #7
    samt93 is offline New Member
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    Delts are really good, the only thing is first time PIP feels dead, because of course its more gear in a smaller place (I think?)
    It feels like a tiny scratch, but you dont even feel the dead sensation when you put the needle in because its smaller, i use 16mm Orange for delts, just go slowly not as deep so it likes to come out more!

    I dont use a mirror or anything, just stand up, twist with your shoulder until you can see your bum cheek, swab, press in slowly but firmly with your good hand, mine is always with my right and then remember you can flick the syringe to aspirate , try to take the weight of your leg your going for, trust me i leant on it once and i regretted it the next day..

  8. #8
    samt93 is offline New Member
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    Also the blood just means you clipped a vein on the way in or out, your gear is still safe, i clip them all the time, clumsy hahaha

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