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Thread: Tren E cause acid reflux?

  1. #1
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    Tren E cause acid reflux?

    I'm currently at week 6.5 here's what I'm doing.
    Test E - 500mg /wk
    Tren E - 350mg/ wk
    Stand - 12.5mg / daily
    Prami - .5mg / daily

    I been feeling pretty good overall, not much sides except a little trouble sleeping but I expected that. Woke up at 3am ready to puke, bad feeling in my throat. Every time I swallow it feels like a golf ball going down my throat slowly. This with extreme nausea. Haven't eaten anything all morning and its 1:15pm. I'm feeling like I'm screwed now. Can't afford to be missing calories.

    I know we are supposed to use Ace for first run but I decided to take my chances because Enth was what my good supplier had. Now I'm thinking I made a mistake. I did a shot last night (Fri) but not planning to continue (Tue) if this isn't resolved. You guys think its the tren? I never really get this acid reflux, its abnormal for me. And on all my previous test cycles I've never had any side effects. Just texted my doc for advice but wanted the experts on here to chime in. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    Tren is a funny animal. One day you could be going good and strong and the next you could feel like complete crap. I ran tren ace a few years back and I had a day exactly like you described. One of the worst days I can remember. I felt absolutely awful, did not sleep felt like my heart was jumping into my throat. It was so bad I was considering stopping all together and starting PCT. It lasted exactly one day and a little into the next day, and then it was gone. I understand your concern with it but perhaps give it until your next injection to see how you feel. If it is still bad maybe consider dropping tren ans sticking with test. But have faith I believe it will pass.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rv8G30
    I'm currently at week 6.5 here's what I'm doing. Test E - 500mg /wk Tren E - 350mg/ wk Stand - 12.5mg / daily Prami - .5mg / daily I been feeling pretty good overall, not much sides except a little trouble sleeping but I expected that. Woke up at 3am ready to puke, bad feeling in my throat. Every time I swallow it feels like a golf ball going down my throat slowly. This with extreme nausea. Haven't eaten anything all morning and its 1:15pm. I'm feeling like I'm screwed now. Can't afford to be missing calories. I know we are supposed to use Ace for first run but I decided to take my chances because Enth was what my good supplier had. Now I'm thinking I made a mistake. I did a shot last night (Fri) but not planning to continue (Tue) if this isn't resolved. You guys think its the tren? I never really get this acid reflux, its abnormal for me. And on all my previous test cycles I've never had any side effects. Just texted my doc for advice but wanted the experts on here to chime in. Thanks.
    I have heard and read many people having acid reflux symptoms while running tren. Another possibility or at least a contributing factor could be an increase in calories assuming you have done so.

    I experience acid reflux if I eat too late, but I've found that ginger root helps a lot as it aids in the digestion process.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I've read of it, just not any studies for a positive correlation of the two. You could drop the dose a bit and see if it stops, cut it completely or grab some generic prilosec. Prilosec works wonders if it's actually some type of acid reflux. I could not go a day without it due to a damaged esophagus from reflux.

    At night is when acid reflux really can kick in as your lying down and it's easier for you stomach acids to hit your esophagus. It can cause a sore throat like you're describing. A little trick is to elevate the top of your bed. Put something (brick maybe?) under the legs at the top of your bed and this simple trick may really help. Remember, force-feeding like I would assume you are doing on cycle can compound the issue.

    Elevate the bed, grap some omeprazole. Good luck!
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    I've had the same experience also. Currently I'm running 300 tren e and around 150 test cyp per week and 1mg of prami ed. And I'm getting acid reflux from the prami almost instant after I take it

  6. #6
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    Apr 2012
    Thanks for the tips. I did an injection last night and its enth so I don't hit it again until Tues morning. Doc had me grab prevacid for 2 week treatment, and gaviscon. I'll give it a few days and see how I feel. Even when I'm bulking and overeating I don't really get this. That's why I'm not 100% sure what's causing it. I don't think going lower than 350mg/ok tren is even worth it. Let me just see how it goes til Tuesday.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmy812 View Post
    I've had the same experience also. Currently I'm running 300 tren e and around 150 test cyp per week and 1mg of prami ed. And I'm getting acid reflux from the prami almost instant after I take it
    At first I thought it was the prami because I get weird inconsistent sides with it when I approach the .5mg mark but what's the half life on prami? Its been about 14 hours.

  8. #8
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    That is why I used tren ace instead of tren e. The thought process being if I started experiencing harsh sides, I could stop the tren a faster due to the fast ester.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6 II View Post
    That is why I used tren ace instead of tren e. The thought process being if I started experiencing harsh sides, I could stop the tren a faster due to the fast ester.
    Yes I agree. I overlooked it because my supplier had enth. In a few days I'll know if it was a mistake! Plus figured how bad could sides be on only 350mg.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rv8G30 View Post
    At first I thought it was the prami because I get weird inconsistent sides with it when I approach the .5mg mark but what's the half life on prami? Its been about 14 hours.
    about 9 hours, so it's still active at 14 hours.

  11. #11
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    Many potential sources of GERD. Tren isn't typically the issue, but everyone is different. Oral compounds can have a much greater impact on stomach flora and digestion and every hormone will affect digestion to a degree since hormones regulate digestive function so it should not come as a surprise that changing levels of hormones would impact digestion.

    Often overlooked is DIET. Increasing protein intake will increase stomach acidity. Intake patterns are also relevant here - the closer you eat to bed, the more prone some people are to digestive disturbances.

    As Kel suggested, any of the proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) such as Prilosec are quite effective at low doses. If used for more than two weeks at a time, titrating the dose when you stop the PPI is recommended as PPIs are known to induce strong rebound effects when stopped abruptly.

  12. #12
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    I have had it happen too me a few times.I used Priosec or drank milk.One of the few times I drink milk.

  13. #13
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    don't think its the tren. I usually get extreme nausea when I abuse protein shakes (with milk). And I'm not the only one. my ex-gf got the same problem. another thing that gave me freakin nausea and had to stop, was cabergoline, prami should act similar, so maybe another cause to your problem.

  14. #14
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    sounds like everyone cops the reflux at times from one thing or another, i know i get it for about an hour after i take Stane and prami.

  15. #15
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    Well, I'm taking prevacid once a day for 14 days. Seems like it might have been a one day thing. I'm continuing the cycle. At this point I honestly think it was the prami. I haven't taken it in a few days. Guess I'll start back slow again.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rv8G30 View Post
    Well, I'm taking prevacid once a day for 14 days. Seems like it might have been a one day thing. I'm continuing the cycle. At this point I honestly think it was the prami. I haven't taken it in a few days. Guess I'll start back slow again.
    Glad to hear it. Those one or two day events are not uncommon on tren at least they were not for me.

  17. #17
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    tren=killer heartburn and acid reflux. Supplement with 15grams of glutamine daily and it disappears. Sounds crazy but it works. About the only thing glutamine is useful for imo.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by king6 II View Post
    Glad to hear it. Those one or two day events are not uncommon on tren at least they were not for me.
    Thanks. I can usually tolerate stuff but this was a bad day!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    tren=killer heartburn and acid reflux. Supplement with 15grams of glutamine daily and it disappears. Sounds crazy but it works. About the only thing glutamine is useful for imo.
    I'll definitely try this. Willing to try anything.

  20. #20
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    For acid reflux, try taking a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar. It works better than any medication I have tried.

  21. #21
    Two year old thread revival.... Facepalm.

    Anyways I've come to call this heart burn by a special name, "Tren-burn". Adding to the list of " Tren-somnia" and "Tren-xiety" lol

  22. #22
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    And here I am again 2 years later trying Tren E again and suffering from acid reflux again haha. 100% sure its the tren now. Done test cycles, anavar, deca, mast. Tren is the only one that causes this for me. Doing a trt dose of test and 500mg Tren E. Nothing else. Not nearly as bad as last time so the prami probably put it over the top last time.

  23. #23
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    I take 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar before each meal

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    I have heard and read many people having acid reflux symptoms while running tren. Another possibility or at least a contributing factor could be an increase in calories assuming you have done so.

    I experience acid reflux if I eat too late, but I've found that ginger root helps a lot as it aids in the digestion process.
    Chalk up another case of acid reflux on tren e. Damn this site has everything covered. I been getting it bad for couple weeks.

  25. #25
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    It happens to me on tren. It's the only time in my life I get heartburn. It comes and goes the whole cycle for me. Never bad enough for me to go get medicine but with all the things listed here I might try something. Also, tren suppresses my appetite. Which is fine, because I only use for cutting anyway. And Prami made me nauseous. That stuff is horrible.

  26. #26
    Prami literally gives me this exact feeling. since then ive swithched to cabergoline and problem solved. Ive never ran tren E but ive heard of tren doing exactly this as far as heartburn and ill feelings.

  27. #27
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    I got acid reflux bad once from Methyl Tren if it wasn't so toxic I'd be all over that stuff even with that side it's magic. I get it periodically from orals though more so than injectables.

  28. #28
    A common listed side effect for AAS is some people is acid reflux. Its far more common with orals,,however it can happen with injects too.
    My suggestion would takin NEXIUM daily or at minimum their 14 day regimen.

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