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  1. #1
    NoApologies21 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2014

    Test C/Tren E Cycle

    I just started a new cycle with Test C 250 and Tren E 250. I've never taken Tren before and was curious how I should run it with Test C? My last cycle was Test E 300 with EQ. What's the best way to run Tren with Test Cypionate ?

  2. #2
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    What are your stats?
    Age, height, weight, cycle history, body fat %, work out history, diet? Once this is determined we can adequately assist you.

  3. #3
    NoApologies21 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2014
    I'm 21 about 5' 9". I weigh about 145-150. I recently lost about 25-30 lbs in muscle because I stopped powerlifting and working out but I just recently started back and am trying to get to where I was. I haven't taken anything in a long time. My last cycle was Test E 300 and EQ and that was probably almost a year ago. watch?v=T5-1MK-qWAk that's me about a year ago(enter it after I don't know what my numbers are now but my max when I stopped was 495 on deadlift, 365 on Bench, 455 Squat. Thanks for the help

  4. #4
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoApologies21 View Post
    I'm 21 about 5' 9". I weigh about 145-150. I recently lost about 25-30 lbs in muscle because I stopped powerlifting and working out but I just recently started back and am trying to get to where I was. I haven't taken anything in a long time. My last cycle was Test E 300 and EQ and that was probably almost a year ago. watch?v=T5-1MK-qWAk that's me about a year ago(enter it after I don't know what my numbers are now but my max when I stopped was 495 on deadlift, 365 on Bench, 455 Squat. Thanks for the help
    You seem to have had very good lifts at one point. You will hear from many people that you are too young to be using AAS for the second time, and that for your height and weight more could be accomplished from a natty bulking diet and proper training. Forgive me for asking but why would you start a cycle while unsure as how to run it? AAS if used improperly can cause tremendous damage to your body especially using strong AAS such as tren . I am not going to thrash or insult you as you may experience in the not to distant future however, I would suggest drop the tren. And depending on how far you are in your cycle either finish your test Cyp or, if you just started stop altogether and focus on natty training. I know it is probably not what you want to hear but I personally have gained 50 lbs naturally from diet and proper training. When I joined the Marines I was 130 lbs. When I left I was 185, lean mean fighting machine. I ran 2 cycles in the past and it has been 7 years since my last cycle. Unfortunately I lost everything I gained from AAS due to reasons I will not go into. However, since then I focused on a natural bulking diet and training and long story short I am as strong and big as I was on AAS. Granted I had a little more lean tissue while on AAS, especially tren, but I am still pretty close to where I was. If you take a step back from what you are doing you will be a better person for it. Best of luck to you.

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