Number of Cycles:6
Compound Experience:
Testosterone propionate/enanthate/cypionate
Tren-Acetate/ NPP/ Deca/ EQ/ Sust/ Masteron
Max ran on any compound 1050mg
Minimum ran on any compound 450mg
I'm currently running..
Sust 875mg/week Length:12weeks
Deca 600mg/week Length 10weeks
EQ. 600mg/week Length 12 weeks
I recently was given qty:50-50mg tabs each of anavar and proviron. I've done research on both but have read mixed reviews/experiences/ and preferences for both compounds. My question is would it be beneficial for me to add these compounds in and what would be the best way to do that?
Other information:
-Currently in week 1
-Shots split to Monday morning 6am and Thursday night 11pm