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Thread: 18 y/o Female on Clen

  1. #1

    18 y/o Female on Clen

    I'm 18 and have been lifting for 1.5 yrs. I'm 5'3" and 125 lbs. I'm looking to shed fat and make the muscle I've put on really pop. Been reading about clen recently. Would it be a problem considering my age and gender? Doesn't look like it a "steroid" but would like some more info on it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    It's not a steroid at all but clen is a bit bad in it's affects gives you the shakes lol and can over heat you a little and lessen your endurance during workouts I found. As long as you don't do any drug tests regularly I would recommend ephedrine tabs they work better and you get a good energy burst for training

  3. #3
    Diet,train and train harder your too young to even consider anything but good food and hard training,go to the diet section and read.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by dusto View Post
    It's not a steroid at all but clen is a bit bad in it's affects gives you the shakes lol and can over heat you a little and lessen your endurance during workouts I found. As long as you don't do any drug tests regularly I would recommend ephedrine tabs they work better and you get a good energy burst for training
    Clen is supposed to heat you up , thats how it burns fat , it heats your core .. That is the effect you want

    Clen doesnt lessen your endurance if anything it gives you more energy , but you shouldnt do stuff like HIIT as it can put a strain on your heart

    Ephedrine works better ? ... Debateable

    On clen I feel like I can run mount everest for breakfast

    You need to understand Everyone reacts different to clen , some get on great with it , some people dont.
    Last edited by Reiid13; 01-11-2014 at 12:31 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    United Kingdom
    Quote Originally Posted by FluffyKitty View Post
    I'm 18 and have been lifting for 1.5 yrs. I'm 5'3" and 125 lbs. I'm looking to shed fat and make the muscle I've put on really pop. Been reading about clen recently. Would it be a problem considering my age and gender? Doesn't look like it a "steroid" but would like some more info on it.
    Welcome !
    Would it be a problem because of your age ? Well that will stir a debate ...

    Personally id say no ( im not educated on age using clen , I cant see the harm but not 100% ) but then again at your age you just shouldnt need to take anything , your in your prime .

    Some people like clen , some hate it . You might take it and your body is fine , others take it and there sweating all day , cant sleep , shaking like crazy

    Personally I dont think you need to take it , but I dont see a issue with you taking it

    Wait for a pro to reply to you
    Last edited by Reiid13; 01-11-2014 at 12:12 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mid west
    I've done a clen cycle before. Did not like it. I shed some fat the but sides did not make it worth it. Rapid heart beat feeling flush and jittery for 3 hours a day. I would use T3 if I were to do something like that again, but diet and cardio is the way to go in my opinion.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    my moms couch
    Ephedrine and a higher protein diet

  8. #8
    Ephedrine alone is good. Ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin is the best thermogenic stack. Clen is more "active" than ephedrine. It will increase your body metabolism by more than double over ephedrine. You can increase the affect of clen by stacking clen/T4/Keto. Clen is strong and you'll get cold sweat, shakes, cramps, increased resting heart rate, etc. But it works pretty good.

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