Hey guys i am 1 week past my PCT. I ran the proper protocol of 100/75/50/50, 40/40/20/20. I ran 400mg Tren E for 10 weeks, Test e 500mg for 1-6 and then dropped the Test e down to 250mg 7-10. I also used an AI (Arimidex) at 0.5mg EOD, along with HCG 500iu eod 4th day. I had Prami but didn't try it until week 6, but then had to discontinue because made me very sick. I had a sex drive the whole cycle and even 2 weeks into PCT but after that it wen't down hill. Now i have no Sex drive whatsoever and it's one week past PCT. Just two nights ago I had no desire, I couldn't even get it up and when i finally did it wasn't as hard as usual. Should i be worried? Should i run a two week PCT again? What are thoughts on running an AI for a couple weeks? Any ideas on what i should do? I will be getting blood work here in about 3 weeks. Thanks!!