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  1. #1
    Captncavematt's Avatar
    Captncavematt is offline Junior Member
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    PIP or infection?

    Just started first cycle in about 10 years. 45 years old, been training for almost 30 years. 191 lbs at 5'7' with probably 12 to14% body fat. Was planning on using Genza sustenon 270 for 12 weeks, 3/4 cc every 3.5 days. Of course hcg , ai, and pct are part of the plan. First injection was in the left delt. There was some pip but went away in a few days. Second injection was in the right glute and resulted in a knot and some discomfort that lasted almost a week. Third injection was last Sunday into right delt. Felt it later but no big deal. Yesterday I worked chest and delts. Today while working back I noticed a lump at the bottom of my right delt that is a little red. The pain is not bad but I can feel it when I flex by bicep or tricep. Infection or pip? What is the appropriate course of action?
    Last edited by Captncavematt; 01-16-2014 at 04:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Psaletta's Avatar
    Psaletta is offline Member
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    Pcp??? That's a first for a cycle. Hahaha. Pct* I always got pip with sust. Not a fan. If it isn't (red,swollen,warm to touch) it's prob not infected. I recently used salonpas pads when I had horrible pip and it worked wonders. Good luck!!

  3. #3
    Captncavematt's Avatar
    Captncavematt is offline Junior Member
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    Ha! Typo Fixed.

  4. #4
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Draw around it with a black marker and make sure it does not expand outside that.
    If its warm take note as well, if the following is so, sounds like an infection and you would need to go to a doc to get some antibiotics.

    I've gotten cellulitis a few times and always in my quads but I don't shoot quads ever anymore.

  5. #5
    Captncavematt's Avatar
    Captncavematt is offline Junior Member
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    It seems to be getting a bit better. There is a little redness that increases with physical activity. That redness is pretty much gone when I wake up in the morning, but the swelling remains. Last night I was scheduled for another 3/4 cc. I skipped that. I would rather not end the cycle but am considering what to do. If every shot yields a tender knot that takes a week to go away what is happening? Virgin muscle? I can deal with the lump and discomfort but am concerned about infection. I have seen mention of being able to kill or remove bacteria from contaminated gear through processes like boiling, pressure cooking and filtering but the information I have found is incomplete. A thread with complete information on this would make a great sticky! If this already exists would someone please show me the link to it.


  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captncavematt
    It seems to be getting a bit better. There is a little redness that increases with physical activity. That redness is pretty much gone when I wake up in the morning, but the swelling remains. Last night I was scheduled for another 3/4 cc. I skipped that. I would rather not end the cycle but am considering what to do. If every shot yields a tender knot that takes a week to go away what is happening? Virgin muscle? I can deal with the lump and discomfort but am concerned about infection. I have seen mention of being able to kill or remove bacteria from contaminated gear through processes like boiling, pressure cooking and filtering but the information I have found is incomplete. A thread with complete information on this would make a great sticky! If this already exists would someone please show me the link to it.

    Many of these cases frequently posted about PIP are local reactions to the oil or trauma induced by inexperience with injections. Yes, they cause discomfort but the vast majority will improve within 5-7 days and healing can be accelerated with light massage, a warm compress (NEVER ICE) and ibuprofen for pain as required.

    That's not to say infections don't occur. They do and we've certainly seen some nasty ones discussed on this forum. Sterilizing/autoclaving/pressure cooking your gear is a good idea to minimize infections.

    Always a great idea to get feedback from members about your PIP to identify cases of infection and how to treat and prevent.

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