Hi Everyone!
I have spent considerable time browsing thru all the recomended first cycles and although there is much good info on what to use, how much, and for what period, I still dont have a clue on what to expect in terms of cost. I have looked at the steroid profiles and it seems to be hit and miss as to cost info not to mention some are missing units making it difficult for a newbie like me to try to calculate what a cycles worth might cost.
Id like to get a ballpark idea from experienced members what i should expect to pay for an average beginners cycle...$100, $500, $2000...i am really clueless. This very well might be the deciding factor as to whether i get started since it would be nearly impossible for me to conceal a $1000 withdrawl from my wife.
That leads me to the question, is it realistic to think i can hide use from my wife? Id love to hear from those of you who have tried successfully or not. Any ideas/suggestions?