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Thread: Sustanon & Deca300 Cycle Advice.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Smile Sustanon & Deca300 Cycle Advice.

    Hi Guys,

    Needing a bit of advice on my first cycle.. One of my mates has told me to take Sustanon & Deca300 as a 10 week course to put on some serious size & strength. I know he's done this a few times & has definitely gained good results from it but I still think he's not really thinking about everything & just banging a needle in his ass to get gains & that's that. So I thought i'd ask the pros!

    Firstly, here's some of my stats..

    Age: 23
    Height: 175cm
    Weight: 71kg

    I've been training on/off for the past 3 years but have really picked it up in the last year & going strong, training 5-6 days a week. I follow a low fat, high protein & carbs diet aswel as consuming the usual supplements (Whey, Casein, Creatine & PostWO Shakes)

    I'm mainly wanting to take a course just to give me a boost in the gym & bulk up a bit, even though i'm noticing gains as it is.. Tbh, I just don't have the patience!! Idiot, I know..

    I've been recommended to to take 1ml of each (10ml of Sus & 10ml of Deca300) together & jab once a week for 10 weeks, but after doing some research I think most of you will disagree? So if you guys could give me some advice on the dosage to take each week & the best PCT to take with this, it would be very much appreciated.

    Rip me to shreds, GO!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    No deca for the first cycle and the advice is bad even for an advanced user. To many things wrong with that cycle. Read the beginner cycle stickys, read up on using hcg on cycle, the use of an ai on cycle and read the pct stickys

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Thanks for the reply jim230027,

    What if I ditched the Deca & just used Sus as a first cycle since it contains a lot of Test? Then back it up with hCG & Armidex then start a PCT 2 weeks after the cycle?

    Yay or nay?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    5'9 and 156lbs? You need food not steroids buddy. Please visit our nutrition forum that will be your best friend here.

    Good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Dude, all I do is eat!! Seems impossible to put any weight on.. My metabolism is just sitting back & laughing at me whilst I try & bulk! Also another reason why I am keen on a little boost..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Jizz
    Dude, all I do is eat!! Seems impossible to put any weight on.. My metabolism is just sitting back & laughing at me whilst I try & bulk! Also another reason why I am keen on a little boost..
    then you are still not eating enough and running a cycle will only disappoint you . Post up what you are yesterday?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Breakfast - 70g Oats, 1 scoop of protein mixed with water & a banana.

    Meal 2 - 100g Chicken & 1 Sweet Potato.

    Meal 3 - 100g Chicken & 1 Sweet Potato.

    Meal 4 - 100g Chicken & 1 protein shake (2 scoops) with water or milk.

    PRE Workout Shake

    Post Workout shake

    Meal 5 - Steak, Green veg & Potato.

    Casein shake with milk before bed.

    & If I feel like i'm hungry between these meals I have a protein bar or shake.

    Usually mix the meals up with Turkey/Steak/Fish & Tuna if the Chicken gets a bit sickening!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Do you know the macros? That's not much food from the looks of it and you need friendly fats

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    The Macros Diet? Wouldn't that be more beneficial If I were just wanting to get ripped? At this moment in time i'm just wanting to bulk & i'll deal with the shredding when it's closer to Ibiza time!! I thought that meal plan was a decent intake, obviously not.. I'll try & add in a few more meals or grams of meats to my meals. The eating plan can easily be tweaked.

    Back to the question I asked you before jim230027, what if I ditched the Deca & done what I said? Having in mind that i'm upping my meals?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Jizz View Post
    The Macros Diet? Wouldn't that be more beneficial If I were just wanting to get ripped? At this moment in time i'm just wanting to bulk & i'll deal with the shredding when it's closer to Ibiza time!! I thought that meal plan was a decent intake, obviously not.. I'll try & add in a few more meals or grams of meats to my meals. The eating plan can easily be tweaked.

    Back to the question I asked you before jim230027, what if I ditched the Deca & done what I said? Having in mind that i'm upping my meals?

    The answers have been given to you. Do you want one of us to make the food, spoon feed you the meals and give you the shoots?

    Read the beginner cycle sticky and visit the nutrition section.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Didn't think it would be long for a penis like you to pop up.. These forums are for people seeking help & advice. I've read the beginner cycle & I was asking if I could just shoot Sus & ditch the deca as it has all the Test in it & back it up with hCG & Armidex following a strong PCT. I apologise that the question offended your almighty knowledge & experience.. My bad!

    Cheers for the help guys, appreciated!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Jizz View Post
    Didn't think it would be long for a penis like you to pop up.. These forums are for people seeking help & advice. I've read the beginner cycle & I was asking if I could just shoot Sus & ditch the deca as it has all the Test in it & back it up with hCG & Armidex following a strong PCT. I apologise that the question offended your almighty knowledge & experience.. My bad!

    Cheers for the help guys, appreciated!
    You welcome, does that mean you are gone and we wont be seeing you again? Ask anyone here, I seem to bat 100% when it comes to members being banned. For a newbie you are awful quick to be calling names. You might want to thing twice about that.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    upper midwest
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post

    You welcome, does that mean you are gone and we wont be seeing you again? Ask anyone here, I seem to bat 100% when it comes to members being banned. For a newbie you are awful quick to be calling names. You might want to thing twice about that.
    You big penis you! Lol

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    You big penis you! Lol
    Hey now... Well yes that is what the girls call me.

    He's right, it's long penis also. lol

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You welcome, does that mean you are gone and we wont be seeing you again? Ask anyone here, I seem to bat 100% when it comes to members being banned. For a newbie you are awful quick to be calling names. You might want to thing twice about that.
    Oh, so I guess you get a buzz out of being the pro jabber who tries to take the piss out of "newbies" asking a question or 2 & getting them banned for not taking on your pathetic replies? Cool guy.. I'm glad you get something out of that! It's nice to know that everyone seeking advice can depend on someone like you to help them out & answer their questions instead of trying to make them feel more of an idiot than they already do for having to ask really stupid questions to people with such a great knowledge of yours. I guess you're making a real good impression to all the other "newbies" who might want to ask a few stupid questions instead of putting their lives in jeopardy. Get me banned if you wish you crazy cat, although it should be people with your attitude that should be banned from forums like this!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No dont cry. Will it help if I say Im sorry??? Promise not to go away mad but just go away? I guess I'm just a big meany for telling you to do what you have already been told to do but you again asked the same question. Sniff, sniff...

    I dont think I will have to. I have a feeling you will do a good job of that yourself.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Erm.. Yeah okay!

    Maybe if you read the forum properly you would've realised that the question never got answered..

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Jizz View Post
    Erm.. Yeah okay!

    Maybe if you read the forum properly you would've realised that the question never got answered..
    Looks like the name is fitting, for now. In a few months you might want to change it to wet noodle.

  19. #19
    If you've done your research, you would know that the recommended first cycle is a test only cycle. Sust is a blend of different esters, so how do you know which sides are from which? They told you to drop the deca and asked you to post up your Marcos. Marcos are essential for both cutting and bulking. I'm assuming you don't want to gain a bunch of unwanted BF. typically you would post up your whole cycle to get critiqued, which you have not. No plans of an AI, HCG or even a PCT? If you we're planning to take deca, nothing for prolactin? I know your getting discouraged but no ones going to do the work for you. IMO at 23 your still a little young to be using AAS. If you get your diet in check you will see that you will get the gains your looking for. At least in that direction. When I first came to this site, I thought the same. I thought that my metabolism was fighting against me. I would eat and eat and not gain weight. I posted up my meal plans with Marcos in the nutritional section and they helped me get on track. Once I had it nailed down y weight shot up and the gains in the gym. It went so well people thought I was using AAS even when I wasn't. I was still full when I had to eat my next meal. To give you an idea on how much you need to eat. Post up your meal plan with Marcos in the nutritional section and get it critiqued. Even if you still do this cycle, your diet is essential. If your not eating enough, your not going to get the gains your looking for. If you do you won't keep them and then blame them on your metabolism

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    Cool name "jizz" lol

    Listen man you need figure out how many cals u are taking in and grams protein carbs and fats. Go to the nutritional forum and get advice then we can talk about cycles. But first rwad the stickys and make sure you are eating enough

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Your post ended with rip me to shreds, go. To be honest you got nicer responses than a 23 year old would typically get. Usually for anyone under 25 most people on here will tell you to drop everything and just keep working out natty for a few more years. You will not be the first person to ignore advice, but I wish when I was your age I had this much information at my fingertips to learn from. You also have to keep in mind that you came to a site where most of the guys on here have an exponential amount of test running through our systems and it can be hard not to be a tiny bit snappy on occasions. Ha ha. But, there is a wealth of information here if you handle the manner in which it is dispensed.
    You said that you wanted a boost, even though you are seeing gains as it is. This is because your natural test levels are high and you are able to do so. Jim offered you some good advice by telling you to drop the deca and do some reading; which I think helped. Then Lovbyts jumped in and believed that Jim had already explained what you should do and also told you to read the beginner cycle sticky which is also full of a lot of information that members do not like to write and rewrite to every new person who asks the same questions. There are pages of information and it is certainly easier to point someone new in the right direction to learn everything they are asking instead of trying to repeat the same information several times a day. The reason Lovbyts was teasing you about feeding you and giving you shots is because he believed you just want us to write everything for you instead of pointing you in a direction that you can find everything you are looking for. It is not your fault, but keep in mind it gets tiring when new members ask, pretty much the same thing, day after day. Lovbyts is not trying to scare newbies into being afraid to ask a question. But it would be nice if we wouldn't hear the same questions asked over and over. Im sure you can understand that. We all have things that bother us a bit. For me its when a newbie says I am 20 years old and am thinking about running a tren cycle for the first time because I heard it was the strongest. I must have written 100 responses on here on why people should not start with tren and they shouldn't run it without test, but unfortunately I bet you I am going to have to write another 100 responses to answer the same question again. Don't get pissed. Its just the way we are here and the more time you spend here, the less likely you will want to respond with names. When I first started I got in an argument with a guy named Swolecat. He accused me of being a sales rep for three different competing companies; which made no sense to me. Instead of arguing I swallowed my pride and let it go and am glad I did because I learned a crap load of good info after that and so will you. In a few years you two may laugh about calling the big man a "penis" Lol, and I didn't have the balls to say that to Swolecat. But hold off on the name calling and just learn as much as you can and everything will be fine; unless the big penis wants to take you out. Ha ha. Im laughing right now because I know this guy can probably offer you more information than you can even imagine right now, even if he does it in a way that seemed abrasive. He is a good guy though and I promise you he does know his sh!t. I have been doing AAS for 20 years and still learn from him all the time. Good luck.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Jizz
    The Macros Diet? Wouldn't that be more beneficial If I were just wanting to get ripped? At this moment in time i'm just wanting to bulk & i'll deal with the shredding when it's closer to Ibiza time!! I thought that meal plan was a decent intake, obviously not.. I'll try & add in a few more meals or grams of meats to my meals. The eating plan can easily be tweaked. Back to the question I asked you before jim230027, what if I ditched the Deca & done what I said? Having in mind that i'm upping my meals?
    no offense here and I haven't read the other posts yet but I eat more than your meal plan now to cut and you have about 40 extra pounds on you than me. You really need to hit the nutrition forum and get that dialed in

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Jizz View Post
    Didn't think it would be long for a penis like you to pop up.. These forums are for people seeking help & advice. I've read the beginner cycle & I was asking if I could just shoot Sus & ditch the deca as it has all the Test in it & back it up with hCG & Armidex following a strong PCT. I apologise that the question offended your almighty knowledge & experience.. My bad!

    Cheers for the help guys, appreciated!
    lol, dude, you should not be using AAS. You need to figure out proper nutrition and stay committed to it long before you are ready. It sounds like you are impatient and have not taken the time to do proper research, which is further setting yourself up for failure. FFS, you think macros is a specific diet plan.
    Last edited by TestAce; 01-19-2014 at 01:05 PM.

  24. #24
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    no offense here and I haven't read the other posts yet but I eat more than your meal plan now to cut and you have about 40 extra pounds on you than me. You really need to hit the nutrition forum and get that dialed in
    Hope not Jim, he only weighs 156lbs

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Hope not Jim, he only weighs 156lbs
    Yikes were the heck did i get 190 from?

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Yikes were the heck did i get 190 from?
    It's them funny metric European measurements. Not as funny as stones though

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    It's them funny metric European measurements. Not as funny as stones though
    Right i certainly did something wrong but the op still is not eating enough to gain on or off cycle

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post

    Hope not Jim, he only weighs 156lbs
    Oh damn my penis weighs more than that... lol.
    Op, its not just how much you eat but also what and when. As said, head to the nutrition section.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 01-19-2014 at 09:02 PM.

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