Hi Guys,
Needing a bit of advice on my first cycle.. One of my mates has told me to take Sustanon & Deca300 as a 10 week course to put on some serious size & strength. I know he's done this a few times & has definitely gained good results from it but I still think he's not really thinking about everything & just banging a needle in his ass to get gains & that's that. So I thought i'd ask the pros!
Firstly, here's some of my stats..
Age: 23
Height: 175cm
Weight: 71kg
I've been training on/off for the past 3 years but have really picked it up in the last year & going strong, training 5-6 days a week. I follow a low fat, high protein & carbs diet aswel as consuming the usual supplements (Whey, Casein, Creatine & PostWO Shakes)
I'm mainly wanting to take a course just to give me a boost in the gym & bulk up a bit, even though i'm noticing gains as it is.. Tbh, I just don't have the patience!! Idiot, I know..
I've been recommended to to take 1ml of each (10ml of Sus & 10ml of Deca300) together & jab once a week for 10 weeks, but after doing some research I think most of you will disagree? So if you guys could give me some advice on the dosage to take each week & the best PCT to take with this, it would be very much appreciated.
Rip me to shreds, GO!