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Thread: Good questions

  1. #1

    Good questions

    I may of May not take them but the for sure thing is, not anytime soon.

    Just some questions:

    Ok I want to be really cut. Like I'm cut already but I want to be super cut. I don't want to be a competitive body builder. I want to get faster and stronger and stay normal looking with a shirt on, but like I said I want to be super cut. Like chiseled and more defined

    Will var be a bad idea at 185 lbs

    I'm 23 6'2 185 lbs
    I'm already very tone I'm like 8.5% body fat

    Will var make a person with my stats look nice and cut or ridiculously skinny.... Or should I bulk more ( I have a fast metabolism but I prefer to bulk naturally, I don't want to take anything more than I have to)

    What do u educated people think?? I'm green ass hell so clue me in.

    Again after my conclusion I may not take anything so tell me how you really feel. And if this is a stupid question let me know... I will delete this thread after a few good answers (I don't want to clutter the forum)

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Var only will more than likely do more harm than good if thats what you are thinking?

  3. #3
    Oh and I do lift. Have been for years now, I played college football

  4. #4
    Fore sure thanks. What would put me over the edge?? I cant push any more weight I've been stuck for a while now

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Researcher310 View Post
    Fore sure thanks. What would put me over the edge?? I cant push any more weight I've been stuck for a while now
    Honestly for what you are looking for. Hit the nutrition forum and have those guys look it over. You will be surprised what nutrition alone will do

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mid west
    Sometimes you need to bulk then cut to break through that plateau. Naturally that is.

  7. #7
    Yeah I take a lot of my pride in my speed and weight lifting ratio but I don't want to loose that speed either. Worked way to hard for that.

    So if I bulk to push me over and cut my weight will I keep the strength gains of I go back down to 185 or maybe bounce up to just 190?

  8. #8
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    You are 8.5% bf but you want to cut? That's very us what you are working with here. Diet is key.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985
    You are 8.5% bf but you want to cut? That's very us what you are working with here. Diet is key.

  10. #10
    Diet. I eat a lot and anything I want. I don't gain easy but I can gain forcefully but I can do it. If I never touched a weight in my life I still would be cut but I pushed it and I guess I want to push it a tiny bit further. Just a tiny bit. Maybe get a little faster a swell just so I can tell myself I hit it. Weight wise. I'm going to use bench press as an example because that's the thing that's most fun to keep track of. I can hit 295. But I want to rep the 315. The world can end after that haha . But I've been stuck for over a year now ion my bench. Everything else is still slowly improving.

  11. #11
    I've seen guys weighting 160 pushing 315 like nada... In the weight room. Of course they won't give up their secret... You know??

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Researcher310
    Diet. I eat a lot and anything I want. I don't gain easy but I can gain forcefully but I can do it. If I never touched a weight in my life I still would be cut but I pushed it and I guess I want to push it a tiny bit further. Just a tiny bit. Maybe get a little faster a swell just so I can tell myself I hit it. Weight wise. I'm going to use bench press as an example because that's the thing that's most fun to keep track of. I can hit 295. But I want to rep the 315. The world can end after that haha . But I've been stuck for over a year now ion my bench. Everything else is still slowly improving.
    what did you eat yesterday?

  13. #13
    Chicken bowl for breakfast( lol I'm addicted) my shakex2 (chickens pasta for lunch) I had a burger the. For dinner some steaks and beans!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Researcher310
    Chicken bowl for breakfast( lol I'm addicted) my shakex2 (chickens pasta for lunch) I had a burger the. For dinner some steaks and beans!!
    you are not eating enough. You should hit the nutrition forum and have those guys help you set up a meal plan

  15. #15
    Those 160lbs guys I'm talking about are running 4.4/4.3. 40's... I'm at a 4.5 and believe me I was in the weight room just as much as they were... Kick returners, slot recievers.... This is actually very common but after 4 years of of being in a program. I came to realize that there was no way that was natural

  16. #16
    I'll hit that up right now but how did those guys get to that level of weightlifting while maintain a slender size and speed?? Can that happen naturally?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Researcher310
    I'll hit that up right now but how did those guys get to that level of weightlifting while maintain a slender size and speed?? Can that happen naturally?
    there nutrition is what gets them there

  18. #18
    For sure nutrition it is.

  19. #19
    If u were to these these guys you would be mind blown little shorties will superman powers

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    It doesn't really matter obviously those guys are putting the hard work in to there nutrition and training. You can get there it's not a sprint it's a marathon

  21. #21
    Yeah I get it about to get set up on a nutri plan. Even though my time is done I wanna reach that level so I can be proud of myself... To tell you the truth though playing ball we were all broke and stuck on campus a lot of the time and pretty much eating the same stuff lol

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Researcher310 View Post
    Yeah I get it about to get set up on a nutri plan. Even though my time is done I wanna reach that level so I can be proud of myself... To tell you the truth though playing ball we were all broke and stuck on campus a lot of the time and pretty much eating the same stuff lol
    Nutrition is so powerful and if you are going to put this much stress on your body it really needs the food macros to grow and recover. Lots of variety as well. The food part for me takes up way more time than training or anything else

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