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Thread: test/mast/deca question

  1. #1

    test/mast/deca question

    What's up all! New to the board but been lifting for 10+ years and been cycling for about 8 of them.. I took a good 8 months off and let myself go a bit more than preferred but it's time to get back in the game.

    Stats - 33yrs old, 6'1, 240, around 20% body fat.

    Plan was to do 16wks of 900 test e + 600 mast e. I've ran them together before and always love it. personally I've come to prefer the mast over tren but that's a different story.. Lol anyways i happen to have some deca as well and was thinking of running 300 for the first 8 weeks. I want an opinion on adding deca to my test/mast cycle because i usually only use deca for mass and my objective this time around is for a leaner gain. What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Why not get the bf down to about 15 first? You need an ai for on cycle and hcg as well. What are the plans for pct?

  3. #3
    Got Letro on hand for throughout and hcg/clomid for after. I shed fat pretty quick so not worried about getting leaner before I start. I will also be doing cardio 4x a week. And diet will vary depending on how I feel but Its typically 6oz chicken, half cup Veggie and half cup complex carb. 4-5 meals a day plus shakes.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftdvs View Post
    Got Letro on hand for throughout and hcg/clomid for after. I shed fat pretty quick so not worried about getting leaner before I start. I will also be doing cardio 4x a week. And diet will vary depending on how I feel but Its typically 6oz chicken, half cup Veggie and half cup complex carb. 4-5 meals a day plus shakes.
    No letro is to strong and not needed. aromasin or adex for on cycle. HCG is for on cycle and clomid and nolvadex are for pct. Please refer to my post #2.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Agree with jimbo.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite
    Agree with jimbo.
    I agree with the agreed.

  7. #7
    Cool I can move my hcg to on cycle but the letro is already paid for and was gonna use sparingly cuz the mast. So thanks for that advice, but what about my original question?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftdvs
    Cool I can move my hcg to on cycle but the letro is already paid for and was gonna use sparingly cuz the mast. So thanks for that advice, but what about my original question?
    letro really doesn't gave anything to do with the mast brother. Welcome to the board by the way and if you have the experience there is nothing wrong with deca if you like it. You been off for eight months though why not just run test?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027
    letro really doesn't gave anything to do with the mast brother. Welcome to the board by the way and if you have the experience there is nothing wrong with deca if you like it. You been off for eight months though why not just run test?
    As Jim suggested, there is no logical reason to use letro because you are using masteron. I've run masteron twice and never used letro. An anastrozol and aromasin are better choices. Letrozole is simply too harsh and has a higher risk of crashing your E, which is very unpleasant.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 01-20-2014 at 05:38 PM.

  10. #10
    Thx for the welcome bro. So I am sensitive to the estrogen sides as I do bloat if run test higher than 600. When I ran the test/mast I always ran at 600/400 and didn't have to worry much as far as estro sides. But since I am bumping it up to 900/600 plus the 300 deca I figured it shouldn't hurt to have on hand if needed due to the higher dose and extra compound. So your telling me nix the letro all together? What if that's the only ai I can get? Also what do you think about the ratios here? I understand that 1+1 isnt always 2 when stacking

  11. #11
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    Having the letro on hand for an emergency is a good idea but only for that reason. Get som Adex or aromasin. Adex at .25 mg eod or aromasin at 12.5 mg Ed are good starting points with room to adjust if needed

  12. #12
    Alright, ill replace the letro with adex. Thanks Jim! Any opinions on the ratios of the compounds?

    Has anyone used test/mast/deca in the same cycle? I know its rare to use mast and deca in the same run but I have the deca on hand and figure might as well put it to use? Or do you think it would be best to save it for another time?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftdvs View Post
    Alright, ill replace the letro with adex. Thanks Jim! Any opinions on the ratios of the compounds?

    Has anyone used test/mast/deca in the same cycle? I know its rare to use mast and deca in the same run but I have the deca on hand and figure might as well put it to use? Or do you think it would be best to save it for another time?
    Honestly if you are not cutting i think adding the mast is a waste. I would save that for another run when you will be able to see the benefit but thats just me. you will not get the hard grainy look unless you can get your bf in the single digits.

  14. #14
    Thanks for the feedback guys. But no one has answered my question.

    I am running a test/mast cycle at 900/600 for 16 weeks to add size and lean out. I have extra deca on hand. The question is should I add it at 300 per week for the first 8 weeks? Or should I save it for a bulking cycle later? ? thanks

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftdvs
    Thanks for the feedback guys. But no one has answered my question.

    I am running a test/mast cycle at 900/600 for 16 weeks to add size and lean out. I have extra deca on hand. The question is should I add it at 300 per week for the first 8 weeks? Or should I save it for a bulking cycle later? ? thanks
    Jim answered this. Deca increases edema/water retention. Mast is a drying compound and you really won't see any real effects of mast above a bf of 12%. If you are determined to run mast, save the deca for another time.

  16. #16
    Ok, thanks guys. Deca will be tucked away for another run.

    Personally I've had great results with test/mast but then again I've never been over 20% body fat before.. Just curious what compound would you recommend for a cutting stack for someone with my bf%? And before anyone chimes in and says its all diet and cardio, I get that. But your choice of compound does play a role so what would you recommend instead of mast?

  17. #17
    I know you dont want to hear it but your really should drop to 15% before you start the test/mast cycle. Ive run mast. Lower the body fat better the results! Try it ill bet you will be happier with your results!!!,

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftdvs
    Ok, thanks guys. Deca will be tucked away for another run.

    Personally I've had great results with test/mast but then again I've never been over 20% body fat before.. Just curious what compound would you recommend for a cutting stack for someone with my bf%? And before anyone chimes in and says its all diet and cardio, I get that. But your choice of compound does play a role so what would you recommend instead of mast?
    Cutting will be determine by your nutrition not the compounds you run. I recommend cutting bf first to reduce side effects

  19. #19
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Ok so first hand I have run those 3 together with good results.
    Although 8 weeks of Deca is a waste. It starts to show itself about week 6 and then what 2 weeks later your done with it??

    I personally will not be using the mast again due to the hairless I experienced.
    I ran Adex at .25 daily on this and got an itchy tender left nip and squashed it with 1 mg adex for a week and a bottle of raloxifene 60 mg daily.
    I had to move to .5 mg adex daily for the remainder of the cycle.

    Moral of the story estrogen management is very important when running a cycle. Ink and Jim have been saying this repeatedly.

    My cycle was. 500mg week of each test mast deca

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