What's up all! New to the board but been lifting for 10+ years and been cycling for about 8 of them.. I took a good 8 months off and let myself go a bit more than preferred but it's time to get back in the game.
Stats - 33yrs old, 6'1, 240, around 20% body fat.
Plan was to do 16wks of 900 test e + 600 mast e. I've ran them together before and always love it. personally I've come to prefer the mast over tren but that's a different story.. Lol anyways i happen to have some deca as well and was thinking of running 300 for the first 8 weeks. I want an opinion on adding deca to my test/mast cycle because i usually only use deca for mass and my objective this time around is for a leaner gain. What do you guys think?