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Thread: phasing in test e from test p/ does this cycle look good

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    phasing in test e from test p/ does this cycle look good

    attached a picture of my cycle as it didn't want to format in an easily readable manner in this window.

    My questions are is the plan I laid out correct for phasing in test e with test p. That is I want to kick-start the cycle right away with some test p, (as well as dbol) and similarly finish out with just the test p to make PCT easier.

    Also does PCT look adequate or do you think dropping letrozole at the same time as the nolva will cause a problem and I should extend one longer? I just don't want to run anti-e's any longer than necessary.

    Any other thoughts on the cycle are welcome too, I look forward to your experienced input. Thanks
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	147935  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mid west
    Are you planning on running test prop the same time as test e? I know you said you wanted to use prop as a kick start however, the chart looks like you will be running both at the same time for a total of 850mg per week for the first week then 760mg for the second which is a lot. If you are kick starting with prop I don't see the need for dbol honestly. Also you have var for 7 weeks and winny for 3 all part of a 14 week cycle. You are not gonna see a whole lot from the winny at that length, are you trying to dry out for a competition? Are you prone to gyno? If not I think letro is overkill. You will want some estrogen in your body for gains. The letro will ruin a lot of the gains you would normally get from dbol. I personally would rum Armidex, but have letro on hand just in case. You will not get a lot of support running a cycle like this at your age I'm afraid. You have a lot of compounds in there as well. Can you confirm your test doses?
    Last edited by king6 II; 01-24-2014 at 04:42 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    yes, I did plan on running it as the chart shows. My understanding was that although I would be injecting 850mg test total the first week only about 500mg of it would be utilizable by my body due to the long ester on the E, I would get the full effects of the 350mg of prop right away first week but maybe only 200mg of the test e would be utilized by my body? The next week more of the test E would be available and I would metabolize or have about 400mg of test e in my blood so i would need less prop, maybe only about 150mg, until after 3 weeks where the test E has reached a stable level of metabolism to injection amount and I would no longer need to supplement with the test prop.

    I am pretty new to this so if you guys could share your experience or knowledge on it, or just indicate if this at least makes sense that would be great. I have done a ton of research and it seems like the chart I laid out would give me quite stable blood levels of test which is good. Also the gains should be close to what I am looking for, namely put on as much size as possible meanwhile staying as lean as possible. ( I would call the cycle a lean bulk, with more emphasis on the bulk part of my cycle at the beginning due to the compounds I'm running, and more emphasis on leaning/hardening up towards the end)

    It sounds like you guys use a different method if you're kickstarting a cycle with test e, with test prop? If so if you could share or clarify it that would be great.
    Yes, I am somewhat gyno prone so that's why I planned on running the letro. In the above paragraph I kind of suggested why I was using the dbol, to aid in putting on size, the anavar to 'solidify' the gains and begin to harden me up, finally finishing with the winny to further accomplish this. Also I have more winny, I could run winstrol longer if you think that's good, I just try to be somewhat protective of my liver, part of the reason why I decided to go with some anavar, (yes, I know I am still running dbol- very liver toxic, and the others have some degree as well) my on cycle support is quite extensive and likely overkill, PCT seems just about right but if anyone has suggestions for anything different or changes I am open to hear them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mid west
    I am a fan of slowly building up serum levels with one compound. I am impatient and want to see results fast which is why I always use prop. I used test e before with the dbol kick start, but still prefer the prop. The reason I prefer the slow steady buildup is because, for me, steady serum levels mean less sides. But again that's me. With the slow build up of test e compared with the fast ester of prop it now becomes a balancing act between the slow ester replacing the fast ester. I am also assuming this is a first cycle, if you mentioned it before I apologize for missing it. For a first cycle its another good reason to keep steady serum levels. However, if this is not a first cycle and you don't have any issues with test then the method you are suggesting would be fine. If you are planning on using letro I would leave out the dbol, as I stated before I think the letro will hinder a lot of those gains.

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