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Thread: Clenbuterol only

  1. #1

    Exclamation Clenbuterol only


    If i use Clenbuterol through the 2 week on/off way(will run for 2 months), will i have thyroid problems later on because people say it happens? if yes what will be the things i need to fix it if it occurs to me, i want to be ready if anything goes wrong so that i won't be in a rush to fix things.

    How can i avoid facial flushing if it happened to me
    and no this will be my first and last, i won't be using Clen ever again just want to finally try to shred without losing too much muscle mass like what happened to me last summer.


    PLEASE READ POST #2 and THE QUOTE CLEARLY :/, I was asking what does day 17 in that quote means, why did he write ECA/NYC Stack, it confuses me when that person mentions in the thread that they should be together then he writes down day 17 eca/nyc stack.
    Last edited by Men in Black; 01-30-2014 at 12:14 PM.

  2. #2
    and 1 more thing,
    i am following this thread for Clen,

    I wanted to know what does ECA/NYC on day 17 stand for/what it meant
    forums(Dot)steroid(dot)com/educational-threads/23808-clenbuterol-handbook(dot)html ( SORRY i am less than 25 posts)

    Quote Originally Posted by Anabolism View Post
    Example of a first cycle:

    Day1: 20mcg
    Day2: 40mcg
    Day3: 60mcg
    Day4: 80mcg
    Day5: 80mcg(Note: Increase the dose only when the side effects are tolerable)
    Day6-Day12: 100mcg
    Day13: 80 mcg (Tapering is not necessary, but it helps some users get back to
    normal gradually)
    Day14: 60 mcgs
    Day15: off
    Day16: off
    Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack

    Example of a second cycle:

    Day1: 60mcg
    Day2: 80mcg
    Day3: 80mcg
    Day4: 100mcg
    Day5: 100mcg
    Day6-Day12: 120mcg
    Day13: 100 mcg
    Day14: 80 mcgs
    Day15: off
    Day16: off
    Day 17: ECA/ NYC stack

    Taurine MUST be used with Clen at 3-5g daily. Clenbuterol depletes taurine
    levels in the liver which stops the conversion of T4 to T3 in the liver.
    Taurine allows the user to avoid the dreaded rebound effect and painful muscle
    cramps. It's a must with Clen.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Men in Black View Post
    and 1 more thing,
    i am following this thread for Clen,

    I wanted to know what does ECA/NYC on day 17 stand for/what it meant
    forums(Dot)steroid(dot)com/educational-threads/23808-clenbuterol-handbook(dot)html ( SORRY i am less than 25 posts)
    dont follow that.its a disaster.
    start off at a low dose to see how it effects you. dont go over 80mcg/day and take it with ketotifen instead of 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. That way you can keep dose at 60-80mcgs and get results. Also dont taper down. ECA is ephedrine caffeine and aspirin and ecy is epehdrine caffeine and yohimbe. you shouldnt use ephedrine mid clec cycle even when off clen. Throw that out and just ask how to properly run clen.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by stevelifts View Post
    dont follow that.its a disaster.
    start off at a low dose to see how it effects you. dont go over 80mcg/day and take it with ketotifen instead of 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. That way you can keep dose at 60-80mcgs and get results. Also dont taper down. ECA is ephedrine caffeine and aspirin and ecy is epehdrine caffeine and yohimbe. you shouldnt use ephedrine mid clec cycle even when off clen. Throw that out and just ask how to properly run clen.
    Is it a must to have an ECA or ECY with you? :/ i was thinking of only getting taurine and clen and start it off and end it like that, i didn't know ECA would be needed as ECA is some other method of losing fat while Clen should speed up my metabolism,

    The only thing that worries me the most was that rt3 conversion after Clen, i read somewhere that I'll have to have synthetic t3 to overcome rt3 if it happens.
    Can someone confirm all this.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Men in Black View Post

    Is it a must to have an ECA or ECY with you? :/ i was thinking of only getting taurine and clen and start it off and end it like that, i didn't know ECA would be needed as ECA is some other method of losing fat while Clen should speed up my metabolism,

    The only thing that worries me the most was that rt3 conversion after Clen, i read somewhere that I'll have to have synthetic t3 to overcome rt3 if it happens.
    Can someone confirm all this.
    ECA is a different weight loss method , ephedrine , caffeine , asprin ... You do not run this while on a clen cycle .

    For a clen cycle you need : Clenbuterol , taurine 3-5grams , water , food , gym !
    ( although I lost 7lbs in two weeks on my clen cycle with no gym , had alot going on )

    Have no idea about clen and the thyroid , wait for a Pro to chime in on that

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by someguyfromanotherforums

    Yes. Clen has a similar effect to ephedrine.

    It's mode of action is through the Beta-2 adrenoreceptors. It's a selective Beta-2 agonist.

    Stimulation of this receptor causes more T4 to be converted to T3 in your thyroid by the de-iodinase enzyme. (80% of your bodies cicrculating free plasma T3 is converted from T4). i.e. Free T3 in your body = T3 produced by your thyroid(20%) + The T3 converted from the T4 produced by your thyroid via the de-iodinase enzyme, which basically just cleaves off an iodine molecule(80%).

    Now, after about 2 weeks of Clen ED( results will vary acording to dosage and physiology, but I would say 2 weeks at 100mcgs/day for a 180lb male will translate to 2 weeks plus/minus 2-3 days), your T4 (that's being producedby the thyroid) that's being converted to the metabolically active T3(Which is what is chiefly responsible for your increase in Metabolic rate, and which is being produced in quantities: 20% by your thyroid and 80% by the T4-T3 conversion I mentioned above) will start being converted to rT3 (reverse T3), the molecular mirror-image of T3 that's metabolically inert. At that moment Clen's stops working and your Plasma T3 levels drop, your rT3 levels go up, and your T4 levels stay about roughly the same. All this basically adds up to to a drop in your metabolic rate until your de-iodinase enzyme can basically re-charge itself back to normal levels, and start back up converting thyroid produced T4 to T3 again via the cleaving of an iodine molecule.

    As mentioned, L-taurine ( A very cheap, colorless, and virtually tasteless amino acid. 300g goes for $10 or less) in the 6-10g 2 split dosages AM and PM, can stop this T4-rT3 conversion for another one week or two through cell voluminization. However, in the end, you're eventually going to have to add synthetic T3 to overcome the rT3 problem. But that's a topic for another time because it would take a very long time to explain.
    This was what some guy from another forum posted in 2004, need confirmation if it'll happen or if that happening is rare.
    will wait on
    Last edited by Men in Black; 01-30-2014 at 12:13 PM.

  7. #7
    Im calling BS on the thyroid nonsense. Hell t3 doesnt even do that when you take it.
    I dont like clen anyway, I like albuterol a lot better.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by pjliftsalot View Post
    Im calling BS on the thyroid nonsense. Hell t3 doesnt even do that when you take it.
    I dont like clen anyway, I like albuterol a lot better.
    Isn't it weak compared to Clen?

  9. #9
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    Potassium and taurine may be depleted so supplement with that.


    Follow my personal story here on this blog: An honest journey
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  10. #10
    ECA stack is supposed to increase you body metabolism by about 3% to 4% while Clenbuterol in 120mcg+ doses will increase your body metabolism 8% to 9%. Then both work on the same beta receptors so taking ECA after a Clen cycle will do nothing. Clen will burn your potassium and taurine right out of your body and you'll catch a cramp just scratching your nuts. lol You need to overload on taurine to the dose of 5g per day. Keto is the only stuff that resets the beta receptors so you can stay on clen for longer than 2 weeks. Benadryl is also an antihistamine but it doesn't work to reset beta receptors. Start at 40mcg and work up until you can't handle the shakes. Remember, the more you shake the more fat falls off. LOL I hate the way clen makes me feel. The high resting heart rate, rise in blood pressure, cold sweat, the shaking, the cramps, etc. I do LOVE the way it makes me look all cut up and lean.

  11. #11
    scotchguard when u used clen did you do the 2 week on 2 week of or did you run it at low doses and increased the dosage everyweek?

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    ECA stack is supposed to increase you body metabolism by about 3% to 4% while Clenbuterol in 120mcg+ doses will increase your body metabolism 8% to 9%. Then both work on the same beta receptors so taking ECA after a Clen cycle will do nothing. Clen will burn your potassium and taurine right out of your body and you'll catch a cramp just scratching your nuts. lol You need to overload on taurine to the dose of 5g per day. Keto is the only stuff that resets the beta receptors so you can stay on clen for longer than 2 weeks. Benadryl is also an antihistamine but it doesn't work to reset beta receptors. Start at 40mcg and work up until you can't handle the shakes. Remember, the more you shake the more fat falls off. LOL I hate the way clen makes me feel. The high resting heart rate, rise in blood pressure, cold sweat, the shaking, the cramps, etc. I do LOVE the way it makes me look all cut up and lean.
    Can you show how you did your clen?
    like post please, i can handle the shakes, it's my first time, i want to feel something different so shakes won't be a big deal but that thyroid issue is something that makes me scared since no-one in this thread still has answered post #6 quote,
    btw isn't it bad for staying on clen regularly because our body quickly accepts and changes, i know you said it resets but please elaborate.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Men in Black View Post
    Can you show how you did your clen?
    like post please, i can handle the shakes, it's my first time, i want to feel something different so shakes won't be a big deal but that thyroid issue is something that makes me scared since no-one in this thread still has answered post #6 quote,
    btw isn't it bad for staying on clen regularly because our body quickly accepts and changes, i know you said it resets but please elaborate.
    Clenbuterol can cause these side effects:

    Here is the way I ran Clenbuterol the first time:

    Day 1
    • 06.00 - 40mcg Clenbuterol
    • 22.00 - 3mcg Ketotifen

    Day 2
    • 06.00 - 60mcg Clenbuterol
    • 22.00 - 3mcg Ketotifen

    Day 3
    • 06.00 - 80mcg Clenbuterol
    • 22.00 - 3mcg Ketotifen

    Day 4
    • 06.00 - 100mcg Clenbuterol
    • 22.00 - 3mcg Ketotifen

    Day 5 - Day 30
    • 06.00 - 100mcg Clenbuterol
    • 22.00 - 3mcg Ketotifen

    NOTE: If you feel terrible side effects at, for example, 80mcg DO NOT increase dosage.


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  14. #14
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    Crazy, you started out with 40mcg??? I wanted to die the first day with 20mcg. It was worse the first day with 20mcg, than the 7th day with 140mcg. Next time I’ll start out with 10mcg, and will build up in 2 weeks instead of 1 week. Too harsh. Do you the favor and never start out with more than 20mcg and don’t drink coffee, after or before taking clen. A friend of mine ended in emergency

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Crazy, you started out with 40mcg??? I wanted to die the first day with 20mcg. It was worse the first day with 20mcg, than the 7th day with 140mcg. Next time I’ll start out with 10mcg, and will build up in 2 weeks instead of 1 week. Too harsh. Do you the favor and never start out with more than 20mcg and don’t drink coffee, after or before taking clen. A friend of mine ended in emergency
    What was too harsh for you? the pain or something else?

    and tarmyg

    is Hyperthyroidism common or rare?
    and i am sort of confused what you meant by nervousness, Does nervousness mean stammering when talking or is it like bad social skills?
    Last edited by Men in Black; 01-31-2014 at 04:42 AM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Men in Black View Post
    What was too harsh for you? the pain or something else?

    and tarmyg

    is Hyperthyroidism common or rare?
    and i am sort of confused what you meant by nervousness, Does nervousness mean stammering when talking or is it like bad social skills?
    Too harsh is when you get freakin shaky, and you feel like you’re going to die. Don’t know how to describe, you feel like rev to the limit, and you need to see a damn doctor. I always have some valium on hand, in case of overdose, but playing with clen, sends you to emergency very easy. You better start of low, and adjust dosage. Like someone else said, you have to be shaky all time, but you don’t have to feel like you’re going to explode. You shouldn’t be able to hold shugar on a spoon, or even pin yourself or someone else.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Too harsh is when you get freakin shaky, and you feel like you’re going to die. Don’t know how to describe, you feel like rev to the limit, and you need to see a damn doctor. I always have some valium on hand, in case of overdose, but playing with clen, sends you to emergency very easy. You better start of low, and adjust dosage. Like someone else said, you have to be shaky all time, but you don’t have to feel like you’re going to explode. You shouldn’t be able to hold shugar on a spoon, or even pin yourself or someone else.
    Like Parkinson's disease feeling?
    What should i have when that happens? i think the shakes must be rare, i can get Clen from docs for free since i had an asthma attack a few months ago(it happened after 7 years of 0 attacks straight), and he asked me do you need asthma medications other than the puffs i said yeah sure, and he gave me puffs and "PREDNISOLONE", I wish i would have asked for Clen but i threw away Prednisolone after seeing what it was(a cortisol raising drug),

    Its perfectly legal where i am living in to get prescribed Clenbuterol.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Men in Black View Post

    Like Parkinson's disease feeling?
    What should i have when that happens? i think the shakes must be rare, .
    Shakes are probably the most common side effect :s

    I dont understand what your question is anymore , you could research any drug , even paracetemol , and there will be 'possible side effects'

    Heres a example from the NHS website:
    Rare- More than 1 in 10,000 people who take paracetemol / tramadol hydrochloride

    1. Balance or co-ordination problems
    2. Blurred vision
    3. Convulsions
    4. Dependence

    So you maybe thinking WTF am I on about ...

    Well any tablet you take has possible side effects .

    Clenbuterol we have told you shaking or feeling jittery is common .
    Take taurine so you dont cramp

    And cycle something like this

    Week1 : 40 /40/40/60/60/80/80
    Week2: 80/100/100/100/120/120/120

    Dont ramp up if feeling terrible on current dose
    EVERYONE responds difderent to clen .

    As you see ^^^^^^ some cant handle starting at 40 mcg or 20mcg , some can .
    Change it to your own needs

    Experience = wisdom

  19. #19
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    Clen is the worst drug I ever took for side effects. Ill never use it again, it is a dangerous compound.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Clen is the worst drug I ever took for side effects. Ill never use it again, it is a dangerous compound.
    Yep I agree

  21. #21
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    yeah its a dangerous compound, and I think it has the highest rate of hospital visits.
    And when I still read people starting out with 40mcg... it doesn’t wonder me that you won’t try it again. You have to start with 10mcg and ramp up 10mcg a day, untill you reach 140mcg. If you feel not too shaky, you can ramp up 20mcg. But you’ll get used to the stuff soon, and you’ll feel better on 140mcg than on 20mcg.
    I think clen is no longer available in pharmacy, you can get something like 0,05mcg syrup, you have to drink the whole bottle to have the same effect as a pill.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    yeah its a dangerous compound, and I think it has the highest rate of hospital visits.
    And when I still read people starting out with 40mcg... it doesn't wonder me that you won't try it again.
    @ the OP

    Make sure to drink plenty of water , and not to do anything like HIIT , guranteed there are some newbies that take clen for the first time then hit gym doing cardio hard . This will result in your heart feeling like its going to explode , build up clen slowly , and stay off the HIIT

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Reiid13 View Post
    the OP

    Make sure to drink plenty of water , and not to do anything like HIIT , guranteed there are some newbies that take for the first time then hit gym doing cardio hard . This will result in your heart feeling like its going to explode , build up clen slowly , and stay off the HIIT

    o how fast should my cardio be and for how long?
    I don't want to take Clen either but there is no way i am going to do what i did last summer(my 1st cut, ended up losing way too much muscle and less fat, my fat loss kept halting, had to drop calories again and again until i stopped at 1700 and went back to bulk bulked with 3000+ calories last time and now 3300)

  24. #24
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    looks like your on the right track. I just started a clen cycle for first time as well. Did 40mcg first day, 80, second and third. Deciding whether to bump to 120mcg yet or wait for second round.. The shakes makes me look like a nervous alcoholic. lol

  25. #25
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    I don't believe I will ever use it again either.. just don't like the way it feels and I found that I can do the same thing without it, just takes a bit longer.

    Certainly be careful and drink plenty of water. Potassium and taurine, as stated above. Don't faulter of the 2on/2off regimine unless you're also running keto.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno
    I don't believe I will ever use it again either.. just don't like the way it feels and I found that I can do the same thing without it, just takes a bit longer.

    Certainly be careful and drink plenty of water. Potassium and taurine, as stated above. Don't faulter of the 2on/2off regimine unless you're also running keto.
    I'm thinking about running a 2x2 cycle. I'm not a proponent of clen or albute but giving it some thought. Haven't made a final decision yet.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Men in Black View Post

    o how fast should my cardio be and for how long?
    I don't want to take Clen either but there is no way i am going to do what i did last summer(my 1st cut, ended up losing way too much muscle and less fat, my fat loss kept halting, had to drop calories again and again until i stopped at 1700 and went back to bulk bulked with 3000+ calories last time and now 3300)
    Well id do cardio just at a level in which I feel comfortable , you'll know what that heart pumping sensation feels like if your going to hard , it feels like your heart is pumping through your chest .

    Keep your protein up , eat carbs but keep them clean , personally I go with something like 100 grams brown rice a day , I keep it minimial .

    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    I'm thinking about running a 2x2 cycle. I'm not a proponent of clen or albute but giving it some thought. Haven't made a final decision yet.
    Start low man and give it a go , those lil clen pills are some powerfull stuff

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reiid13

    Well id do cardio just at a level in which I feel comfortable , you'll know what that heart pumping sensation feels like if your going to hard , it feels like your heart is pumping through your chest .

    Keep your protein up , eat carbs but keep them clean , personally I go with something like 100 grams brown rice a day , I keep it minimial .

    Start low man and give it a go , those lil clen pills are some powerfull stuff
    Absolutely. If I go with it, I'll be sticking with conservative doses.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post

    Absolutely. If I go with it, I'll be sticking with conservative doses.
    I think its not recommended to go above 120mcg , on my last day of my most recent I done 140mcg , felt jittery in the morning , but was fine in the afternoon .

    I got on great with it started at 40mcg , but some people have to start at 10/20mcg , id adjust accordingly

  30. #30
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    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Reiid13

    I think its not recommended to go above 120mcg , on my last day of my most recent I done 140mcg , felt jittery in the morning , but was fine in the afternoon .

    I got on great with it started at 40mcg , but some people have to start at 10/20mcg , id adjust accordingly
    Yes, I'll be following "less is more". I don't want to go crazy, especially managing my pre hypertension.

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Reiid13 View Post
    Well id do cardio just at a level in which I feel comfortable , you'll know what that heart pumping sensation feels like if your going to hard , it feels like your heart is pumping through your chest .

    Keep your protein up , eat carbs but keep them clean , personally I go with something like 100 grams brown rice a day , I keep it minimial .

    Start low man and give it a go , those lil clen pills are some powerfull stuff
    clean eating is a myth, IIFYM, i don't cheat all the time(haven't eaten mcdonalds 2 years straight, but would eat something sweet once or twice in a month just don't have the cravings like i used to, i eat white rice instead of brown.)

    and was thinking of starting from 10mcg also after researching more.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Men in Black View Post

    clean eating is a myth, IIFYM, .
    Your macros may say
    X amount of protein
    X amount of carbs
    X amount of fat

    It doesnt say :

    X amount of fat - have good fat or saturated fat there both the same ( there not the same)

    Fat you get from a cod or mackeral , is not the same as fat from a big mac and fries .

    So even IIFYM , you should still keep it as clean as you can so you dont add unwanted body fat.
    Last edited by Reiid13; 02-01-2014 at 05:30 AM.

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Reiid13 View Post
    Your macros may say
    X amount of protein
    X amount of carbs
    X amount of fat

    It doesnt say :

    X amount of fat - have good fat or saturated fat there both the same ( there not the same)

    Fat you get from a cod or mackeral , is not the same as fat from a big mac and fries .

    So even IIFYM , you should still keep it as clean as you can so you dont add unwanted body fat.
    I know i was just talking about Brown Rice vs White rice part as the complex thing doesn't matter.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Men in Black View Post
    I know i was just talking about Brown Rice vs White rice part as the complex thing doesn't matter.
    Is this a serious comment? I am honestly not sure exactly what you are trying to say. Are you contending that all food is processed the same once it enters the body?


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  35. #35
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    i will start my clen cycle starting from tomorrow, got a bottle with 100 tablets, 40mcg per tablet , i will cut the tablet into 2 half and start with a half tablet which will be 20mcg
    my program will be:
    1 week on and 2 weeks off
    day1: 20mcg at mornning
    day2: 20mcg
    and if every thing goes well will start to take 40mcg starting from the 3rd day
    day3 to day 7: 40mcg

    is there any problem taking clen with breakfast ?
    any problem with the cycle ?
    i have found that cell-tech contains 1g Taurine per serving , so is there any need to get an extra Taurine supplement !!?
    thx in advance
    Last edited by mizo; 02-18-2014 at 04:04 PM.

  36. #36

    Clen.. First time, tablets?

    Start low man and give it a go , those lil clen pills are some powerfull stuff[/QUOTE]

    Ok, so I'm sorry in advance if this has been covered elsewhere, this is the post my search has resulted in.
    Regarding Clen, I see your above mentioned quote on pill form. I have only previously used the gel and I am wondering if one is better than the other?
    Was just about to order some, but thought i'd check first so any banter would be appreciated.
    FYI: I'm a 29yr old Female and completed my last course of Deca Jan/2014. Re: Clen I'm obviously wanting to strip down...

  37. #37
    MIB,howd it go?

  38. #38
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    People should be careful with Clenbuterol because of it's long half life - up to 48 hours. This is the main reason it is not approved by FDA for human use.

    Just to illustrate, taking 20mcg Day 1, 40mcg Day 2 and 60mcg Day 3 might leave a person with up to 100mcg of Clen in their system by Day 3 - warranting a potential emergency for someone sensitive to the compound.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    ECA stack is supposed to increase you body metabolism by about 3% to 4% while Clenbuterol in 120mcg+ doses will increase your body metabolism 8% to 9%. Then both work on the same beta receptors so taking ECA after a Clen cycle will do nothing. Clen will burn your potassium and taurine right out of your body and you'll catch a cramp just scratching your nuts. lol You need to overload on taurine to the dose of 5g per day. Keto is the only stuff that resets the beta receptors so you can stay on clen for longer than 2 weeks. Benadryl is also an antihistamine but it doesn't work to reset beta receptors. Start at 40mcg and work up until you can't handle the shakes. Remember, the more you shake the more fat falls off. LOL I hate the way clen makes me feel. The high resting heart rate, rise in blood pressure, cold sweat, the shaking, the cramps, etc. I do LOVE the way it makes me look all cut up and lean.
    Although EC is supposedly weaker, I still prefer to use it for several reasons:

    1. Over the counter
    2. Gives you that euphoric/confidence sensation
    3. Gives you a ton of energy

    However clen does have its benefits over EC of course:

    1. Slightly more potent
    2. A lot cheaper
    3. No caffeine crashing early in the evening

    Ita up to you op to weigh the pros and cons. To me, clen has some potentially dangerous side effects, makes you shake like crazy, and doesnt give you that superman feeling ec does.

    Also, I do not know your current bodybuilding situation but I personally wpuld recommend EC if youre above 10% bf and use EC untill you reach 10. Then bring in the big guns (clen) to get you below that 10% barrier
    Last edited by jaxbrah; 04-18-2014 at 06:20 PM.

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