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  1. #1
    dk94's Avatar
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    Need help with dosage and ptc, help is appreciated

    Im looking to begin a low dose of test enthanate. around 200mgs a week to give me a bit of an energy and aggression boost. i would like to run it for 12-15 weeks, at this dosage would nolvadex be adequate for ptc or should i run hcg or arimadex during the cycle.

    What do you think, i appreciate any input.

    Thank you

  2. #2
    derekkpapa1's Avatar
    derekkpapa1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Detail stats please

  3. #3
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dk94 View Post
    Im looking to begin a low dose of test enthanate. around 200mgs a week to give me a bit of an energy and aggression boost. i would like to run it for 12-15 weeks, at this dosage would nolvadex be adequate for ptc or should i run hcg or arimadex during the cycle.

    What do you think, i appreciate any input.

    Thank you
    Are you on TRT? If not why would you want to run a TRT dose? Also why the need for an aggression boost? You do realize that aggression is not a for sure effect of AAS, also is not necessarily a good thing. As Derek inquired, what are your stats. Also your only 50% right with your PCT, which means you need more research.

  4. #4
    dk94's Avatar
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    im not on trt. i went for blood work and my test results indicated my testosterone levels are low but within the normal range, whatever that means. i live in canada, with our free healthcare, unless your dying they wont help you. So id like to raise my test levels, help my sex drive and energy levels.
    i dont body build, i fight competitively once in a while and keep active and train according to the sport. Im 6'1' about 218 right now, i dont know by body fat, i have light definition, good strength.
    Ive dont steroids when i was younger, ill informed and overly eager and im sure i did some damage, try telling an 18 year old whats right. The only thing ive done recently is anavar so i didnt concern my self with pct
    I know i am in need of more research, theres not a lot out there in relation to low dose cycles

  5. #5
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Anavar shuts you down as well - FYI.

    28 years old
    6'1' about 218
    Bf% unknown - (light definition so perhaps 15-20%?)

    goals revolve around higher energy and sex drive?

    If you only want to run at TRT dose then that would be fine as that is the high end of a TRT dose.

    Pct would look like this:

    Clomid: 100/50/50/50
    Nolvadex : 40/20/20/20

    Run a light AI - adex at .25mg/eod, stop running this 10 days after your last enanthate shot and begin pct. I'm interested if the pct may bring you back to mid or high normal range... you should get additional blood work 6-8 weeks after you complete pct.

  6. #6
    dk94's Avatar
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    wow, everything i read about var said it requires no ptc, even on the steroid profiles here. That would make sense then. would it be worth it to run hcg instead of clomid? arent clomid and nolvadex some what similiar. i appreciate the help. i wish i knew about this forum earlier on.

  7. #7
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    No, HCG shoudl be run during cycle, and not for PCT. Clomid and nolv are somewhat similar but it is best to run simultaneously...

    Here is why:

    Testosterone Cypionate + HCG + Dbol?

    ^^ Read post #12 from austinite

  8. #8
    dk94's Avatar
    dk94 is offline Associate Member
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    makes sense, i will heed that advise. thank you

  9. #9
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    Anytime bro.

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