Hey guys it's been a long time. Hope everyone is well!

I'm 4 weeks into cycle and recently got my blood work back. My cycle is as follows.

28 yo 5'11 220lbs 14% bf

5th cycle

600mg test E ew
400mg Mast e ew
200mg tren a ew
1mg adex ed
2.5mg bromo ed

Everything was and is going great. Solid strength and mass gains.

Here are my blood results

<100 <150pmol/L

6 <4nmol/L

>52.0 8.4-28.8nmol/L

<1 <15ug/L

* first time running tren

My libido was excellent up until very recently. It has since begun to subside. Could this be caused by my high progesterone? Secondly, why is my progesterone out of range if my prolactin is extremely low? Excuse my ignorance, but I thought I was covering all the bases here.

I welcome any advice or constructive criticism here. Thanks guys.