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  1. #1
    WoodyX21 is offline New Member
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    First cycle (sust/anavar)

    Hey all,
    Just looking for a little bit of insight and feedback for what I plan on doing for my first cycle. First off, I'll start with my stats:
    25 years old
    15% body fat
    8 years lifting weights (on and off but for the most part fairly steady)
    My genetics are very good as I am quite often accused of doing steroids . Anyway, because of these genetics and what I could do with my body naturally I really want to see how far I can take it.

    My cycle will look like this:
    Weeks 1-12: 500mg sust ew
    Weeks 4-12: 50-80mg anavar ed
    Weeks 14&15: 40mg Nolva
    Weeks 14&15: 100mg clomid
    Weeks 16&17: 20mg Nolva
    Weeks 16&17: 50mg clomid

    Will also have Nolva on hand if gyno appears on cycle. My goals are to put on quality, hard muscle while losing body fat. I like to stay lean year round unlike the bulking and cutting seasons of the bodybuilding world. However, still willing to add some body fat if it means putting on quality muscle. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    Are you ramping 50-80mg of anavar ? I'd just pick a dose and stick with it for the 4 weeks.

    What about HCG and an AI on cycle?

    How often are you injecting the sustanon a week?

  3. #3
    WoodyX21 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2014
    I haven't decided on the dose yet of the anavar .. I meant somewhere within that range at a constant dose for the 8 weeks. Also I figured an AI and hcg was likely not needed for this mild cycle .. Do you figure I should have it on hand anyway?

  4. #4
    Krb367's Avatar
    Krb367 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WoodyX21 View Post
    Also I figured an AI and hcg was likely not needed for this mild cycle .. Do you figure I should have it on hand anyway?
    Yes you should.. Even though the cycle may be considered "mild", you are still going to shut yourself down and have no idea of the repercussions. Better safe than sorry brah!

  5. #5
    WoodyX21 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krb367
    Yes you should.. Even though the cycle may be considered "mild", you are still going to shut yourself down and have no idea of the repercussions. Better safe than sorry brah!
    How about if I incorporated arimadex at .25mg eod while on cycle to keep my estrogen levels down?

  6. #6
    Krb367's Avatar
    Krb367 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WoodyX21 View Post
    How about if I incorporated arimadex at .25mg eod while on cycle to keep my estrogen levels down?
    Seems to be the standard protocol everyone prescribes..

    forums. steroid . com/anabolic -steroids -questions-answers/527383-%2Aaromasin-exemestane-vs-arimidex -anastrozole-unraveled%2A.html

    Not sure how up to date this, but none the less it's a good read on thoroughly explaining the two.

  7. #7
    WoodyX21 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krb367
    Seems to be the standard protocol everyone prescribes.. forums. steroid. com/anabolic-steroids-questions-answers/527383-%2Aaromasin-exemestane-vs-arimidex-anastrozole-unraveled%2A.html Not sure how up to date this, but none the less it's a good read on thoroughly explaining the two.
    Thanks for the help! Great read.

  8. #8
    WoodyX21 is offline New Member
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    OK guys, I got an AI and some HCG on hand. Let me know what you guys think:

    Weeks 1-12: 150mg Sustanon EOD. Averages out to be around 500mg EW(I changed this because multiple sources say that EOD gives more stable blood levels with sust)
    Weeks 6-12: 75mg Anavar ED
    Weeks 12-14: 500IUS HCG 2X a week

    Approximately 17 days after my last sustanon shot I'll start my PCT:
    Weeks 1-2 PCT: 40mg Nolva
    100mg clomid
    Weeks 3-4 PCT: 20mg Nolva
    50mg Clomid

    Also, I have arimidex on hand if needed. I won't use unless i experience gyno or bloating simply because eliminating estrogen can also hinder gains. If I do experience these symptoms I will most likely run at .5mg EOD.

    Let me know what you guys think or if there is anything I should consider changing. Thanks in advance.

  9. #9
    typerracer247 is offline New Member
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    let me know how it goes.. im running a very similiar cycle actulaly didnt know how to run the anavar . i have the sustatnon 250 and arimidex as well and gonna run 500mg a week twice a week. mondays and thursdays and amiridix mondays wednesday and fridays. want to introduce anavar just not sure of when.. i just started my sustanon first pin today!

  10. #10
    itsjayman02's Avatar
    itsjayman02 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WoodyX21 View Post
    OK guys, I got an AI and some HCG on hand. Let me know what you guys think:

    Weeks 1-12: 150mg Sustanon EOD. Averages out to be around 500mg EW(I changed this because multiple sources say that EOD gives more stable blood levels with sust)
    Weeks 6-12: 75mg Anavar ED
    Weeks 12-14: 500IUS HCG 2X a week

    Approximately 17 days after my last sustanon shot I'll start my PCT:
    Weeks 1-2 PCT: 40mg Nolva
    100mg clomid
    Weeks 3-4 PCT: 20mg Nolva
    50mg Clomid

    Also, I have arimidex on hand if needed. I won't use unless i experience gyno or bloating simply because eliminating estrogen can also hinder gains. If I do experience these symptoms I will most likely run at .5mg EOD.

    Let me know what you guys think or if there is anything I should consider changing. Thanks in advance.
    Running an Ai on cycle is essential not just to combat your E2

    And will not hinder your gains
    when you are shut down your shut down regardless of the dosage!!

    When you shut the door either slamming it or a gentle push the door is still shut!!

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