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Thread: MM Cycle: Test prop, NPP, possibly HCG

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    MM Cycle: Test prop, NPP, possibly HCG

    Hey guys. Haven't been here in awhile! I am thinking about running this cycle for MMA:

    Test Prop - 100mg EOD weeks 1-10
    NPP - 100mg EOD weeks 1-10
    Exedrol (aromasin) 12.5mg ED weeks 1-10

    Clomid 50/50/25/25
    Nolva 40/40/20/20

    I can possibly add HCG but I am not sure how I would dose it. I can get HCG Pregnyl at 5,000 IU and I was doing some reading, some people inject it at 250 IU twice a week?
    My goals are to recover faster for mma, get leaner, and add some muscle. Not trying to be pro, just possibly some amateur fights. my stats are as follows:

    26 y/o
    185 lbs.
    around 15-17% BF

    Before I start the cycle, I am going to lean out a bit since BF is kinda high. Also, I am recently turned vegan and I usually eat my food raw. I know it's hard to get protein. I am trying hard to get it from beans, quinoa, hemp protein, and such. I usually jack up the hemp protein powder if needed. I heard soy such as tofu raises estrogen levels so I'm not even consuming it.Also, I do not consume milk and eggs just in case anyone is wondering.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Imo low protein is not the only problem on a strict vegan diet... it's also necessarily high in carbs and low on fat. You may find it difficult to lean out and maintain muscle without supplementing, especially omega3 fats and vit b12...
    You also may need to combine different protein sources based on their amino acid profile to get in complete protein.. most vegetarian sources miss out on several essential amino acids, so for example by relying on hemp protein powder you may be selling yourself short.
    Last edited by SidVicious77; 02-09-2014 at 02:58 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Tried to edit this in but lost the changes...
    you may also want to look into protein combinations.. most vegetarian sources have an incomplete amino acid profile, so by overrelying on any one you may be selling yourself short.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Most MMA fighters use Test and EQ. The EQ will increase your endurance. Why NPP unless your looking at increasing lean muscle mass.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Dagoba System
    From what I understand, eq is able to be detected up to a year and a half in some cases, so unless there's a sure fire way to clean it out.....I know Stephan Bonnar got busted, big or little Nog too, for EQ...npp and prop, both should clear out fast, correct?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ickythump
    From what I understand, eq is able to be detected up to a year and a half in some cases, so unless there's a sure fire way to clean it out.....I know Stephan Bonnar got busted, big or little Nog too, for EQ...npp and prop, both should clear out fast, correct?
    You shouldn't be using steroids at all. You're using it for the wrong reasons. I'm an MMA fighter, recently turned pro and I've never touched an AAS yet and when I do, it will be when I'm done fighting. You should be focused on getting down to around 160-165 with proper diet and cut to 155 to fight as you aren't very tall.

    If you choose not to listen, NPP will is not what you should be using at all if you aren't trying to gain mass. Testosterone only is advices for a first cycle. Also yes you should use HCG. But take my advice and don't turn to Steroids. They're very unnecessary at low level MMA as long as you have the proper skill set.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by SidVicious77 View Post
    Tried to edit this in but lost the changes...
    you may also want to look into protein combinations.. most vegetarian sources have an incomplete amino acid profile, so by overrelying on any one you may be selling yourself short.
    I looked into those as well. I am going to be consuming some type of beans, legumes, chickpeas and such at every meal.

  8. #8
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by testluva View Post
    Most MMA fighters use Test and EQ. The EQ will increase your endurance. Why NPP unless your looking at increasing lean muscle mass.
    I was originally going to use EQ but I researched some more and some people recommended NPP instead because Test Prop and NPP are both short esters.

  9. #9
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by newguy92 View Post
    You shouldn't be using steroids at all. You're using it for the wrong reasons. I'm an MMA fighter, recently turned pro and I've never touched an AAS yet and when I do, it will be when I'm done fighting. You should be focused on getting down to around 160-165 with proper diet and cut to 155 to fight as you aren't very tall.

    If you choose not to listen, NPP will is not what you should be using at all if you aren't trying to gain mass. Testosterone only is advices for a first cycle. Also yes you should use HCG. But take my advice and don't turn to Steroids. They're very unnecessary at low level MMA as long as you have the proper skill set.
    I understand your concern. I really appreciate the input. I am not trying to go pro or anything. The mma community is rapidly growing and there are younger guys at the age of 18 and they are hungrier. I'll stick to my 9-5 lol. But yeah, I am trying to gain lean mass but my main goal is to increase endurance. I train 2.5 hours at night and sometimes an hour of muay thai really early in the morning on top. So recovery is a bitch sometimes even with proper supplements such as BCAA's. But I am pretty much dead set on the cycle since I already have the Test Prop and PCT. Only thing that's missing is the NPP and HCG which I can get.

  10. #10
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    I understand your concern. I really appreciate the input. I am not trying to go pro or anything. The mma community is rapidly growing and there are younger guys at the age of 18 and they are hungrier. I'll stick to my 9-5 lol. But yeah, I am trying to gain lean mass but my main goal is to increase endurance. I train 2.5 hours at night and sometimes an hour of muay thai really early in the morning on top. So recovery is a bitch sometimes even with proper supplements such as BCAA's. But I am pretty much dead set on the cycle since I already have the Test Prop and PCT. Only thing that's missing is the NPP and HCG which I can get.
    I understand. I was fighting as an amateur for 2 years from the age of 19 (I'm 22 now). I spent 3 months on Thailand training 5 hours a day, 6 days a week so I know all about shitty recovery. It will be hard to recover with a vegan based diet. Steroids aren't just a miracle cure. Without proper diet, you'll do nothing but hurt yourself. If you want to still follow a vegan lifestyle you should keep a close track on your macronutrient breakdown and your calorie intake and ensure everything on track. They sell vegan protein powders so you could get a lot of your protein from that and get your fats from different kinds of oils (flax preferably).

    If you insist on running AAS, just run the prop for 10 weeks at 125mg eod. Look at the educational stickies for on cycle and post cycle ancillary drugs.

  11. #11
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    Feb 2006
    How does the cycle look though guys? I did some more reading and some people tend to end NPP 2 weeks earlier than prop. Also, should I run aromasin while on PCT or can I stop during PCT? Another question is Clomid PCT and HCG. I have seen people go as much as 100/50/50/50 and some go 50/50/50/50. In my case, I wanna go 50/50/25/25 is that good enough or should I increase it? Nolva is also at 40/40/20/20. HCG I wanna ran at 250 IU twice a week. Do those look good?

  12. #12
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by newguy92 View Post
    I understand. I was fighting as an amateur for 2 years from the age of 19 (I'm 22 now). I spent 3 months on Thailand training 5 hours a day, 6 days a week so I know all about shitty recovery. It will be hard to recover with a vegan based diet. Steroids aren't just a miracle cure. Without proper diet, you'll do nothing but hurt yourself. If you want to still follow a vegan lifestyle you should keep a close track on your macronutrient breakdown and your calorie intake and ensure everything on track. They sell vegan protein powders so you could get a lot of your protein from that and get your fats from different kinds of oils (flax preferably).

    If you insist on running AAS, just run the prop for 10 weeks at 125mg eod. Look at the educational stickies for on cycle and post cycle ancillary drugs.
    Thanks for the input again man. Yeah I am finishing my last tub of whey since that I recently transitioned to vegan and I will be switching to hemp protein. I also switched my fish oil to flax seed oil, which actually taste good if you mix it to your healthy shakes.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Last thing I'm gonna say. Don't run NPP it's terrible for your goals

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by newguy92 View Post
    Last thing I'm gonna say. Don't run NPP it's terrible for your goals
    Would EQ be better? I've read that short esters should be ran along another short ester.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by lc1987
    Would EQ be better? I've read that short esters should be ran along another short ester.
    You'll see a lot of benefit from running only testosterone.

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