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Thread: PIP, Celluitius, or what?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Rural BFE

    PIP, Celluitius, or what?

    I am 3 days out from a 1/2 cc delt injection of Sustenon 350. I did hit further back on the delt than usual. The first 24 hours nothing. 36 hours started to feel a little pain and had a little swelling. 48 hours a little more swelling with the same amount of pain. Day 3 same as day 2 I think, but there seems to be hardening below the injection site. Maybe the hardness is just due to the swelling?
    This is the 4th injection with this gear. Previous injections with this gear had some PIP, but did not swell this much. The cycle originally started with other gear that caused significantly more swelling and pain. I feared infection. Told the guy I got it from and he bought the gear back. I took 4 days of Bactrim. Swelling disappeared and I switched gear. BTW, the guy that bought the gear back says he is using it with no issues.
    Input appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Whats lab did you use

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Rural BFE
    Quote Originally Posted by ChestNBack View Post
    Whats lab did you use
    Started with Genza, then switched to a different Genza batch #. Genza batch 2 was worse than the first, took Bactrim, then switched to Hulk.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by Captncavematt
    Started with Genza, then switched to a different Genza batch #. Genza batch 2 was worse than the first, took Bactrim, then switched to Hulk.
    If the trauma responded to the bactrim than it was likely a low grade infection or cellulitis.

    I've mentioned numerous times on here, as have others, that anabolics have an IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE effect. That means your immune system, which keeps us HEALTHY, may be somewhat suppressed during a cycle. This in part accounts for increased muscle and joint pain, more frequent colds or flu viruses among steroid users, AND increases the risk of an infection with injectable compounds.

    I would argue that many (not all) cases of severe PIP is either localized trauma or (more likely) cellulitis. Cellulitis is a diffuse or local infection under the skin caused by Group A Streptococcus and Staphylococcus bacteria, which normally cause no infection while on the skin's outer surface but become problematic once pushed into the fascia from needle insertion. In rare but severe cases, StrepA or StaphA pushed to the lower fascia can cause necrotizing fasciitis - or "flesh eating disease". I know many people will say they take extensive precautions when injecting (alcohol to swab the skin, sterile needles, etc.) but is takes very little StaphA or StrepA to cause an infection. Couple this with an immune system that is weakened, and your recovery time is much longer, or, if too severe, antibiotics are required to help sequester the bacteria and neutralize it.

    The is one of the many risks seldom discussed with new users. Taking injections isn't the worst experience in the world, but users must appreciate the risk for infection - no matter how small or great the risk.

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