I am 3 days out from a 1/2 cc delt injection of Sustenon 350. I did hit further back on the delt than usual. The first 24 hours nothing. 36 hours started to feel a little pain and had a little swelling. 48 hours a little more swelling with the same amount of pain. Day 3 same as day 2 I think, but there seems to be hardening below the injection site. Maybe the hardness is just due to the swelling?
This is the 4th injection with this gear. Previous injections with this gear had some PIP, but did not swell this much. The cycle originally started with other gear that caused significantly more swelling and pain. I feared infection. Told the guy I got it from and he bought the gear back. I took 4 days of Bactrim. Swelling disappeared and I switched gear. BTW, the guy that bought the gear back says he is using it with no issues.
Input appreciated.