Give you stats first.
Age: 23 years old
Height: 6ft
Weight: 78kg = 172 lbs
Bodyfat: 13%
My goal: To gain a solid 30 lbs of muscle while maintaining my lean look (I say 30lbs incase if some gains are slightly lost when coming of the drugs) then gaining 20 lbs which is my real goal but I say 30lbs in case that happens.
Important Information: Been training since I was 16 - I won't do a cycle now - will be in 2 -3 years time - as I just finished University now need to sort out my finances and career etc - just need to get the information ready now so I know what gear I need to get.
Cycle One:
So 12 weeks of Testosterone Ethanate @ 500mg a week
I am a little bit uncertain as to whether to take Dianabol to 'jump start' I am slightly against orals (but with SOME exceptions) and I'd rather the Testosterone itself just do its work as I read that Ethanate will make the user gain weight regardless.
Whilst taking this cycle I plan to take Arimidex @ 0.5mg every two days or so to keep bloating and gyno at bay.
I was thinking maybe Winstrol ORAL at some point in the cycle to maintain the lean look but maybe that might not even be necessary as taking Arimidex well keep bloating away. (see what your views are - I know diet plays a part)
Then after the final injection 2 weeks later start the PCT of Clomid or Nolvadex.
Cycle Two:
Alternatively I was reading on ********* from their University chapter thing that a beginner's cycle is
Sustanon 250 @ 500mg a week
for 8 weeks
2 weeks later PCT.
Not sure what your view on that.
So what would be best Cycle One or Cycle Two? And what alterations would need to be made? Based on what I said my goals are.
Thank You.
I will attach a picture of how I look currently so you have a better visual idea.