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Thread: Which is better for a first time cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Which is better for a first time cycle?

    Give you stats first.

    Age: 23 years old

    Height: 6ft

    Weight: 78kg = 172 lbs

    Bodyfat: 13%

    My goal: To gain a solid 30 lbs of muscle while maintaining my lean look (I say 30lbs incase if some gains are slightly lost when coming of the drugs) then gaining 20 lbs which is my real goal but I say 30lbs in case that happens.

    Important Information: Been training since I was 16 - I won't do a cycle now - will be in 2 -3 years time - as I just finished University now need to sort out my finances and career etc - just need to get the information ready now so I know what gear I need to get.

    Cycle One:

    So 12 weeks of Testosterone Ethanate @ 500mg a week
    I am a little bit uncertain as to whether to take Dianabol to 'jump start' I am slightly against orals (but with SOME exceptions) and I'd rather the Testosterone itself just do its work as I read that Ethanate will make the user gain weight regardless.

    Whilst taking this cycle I plan to take Arimidex @ 0.5mg every two days or so to keep bloating and gyno at bay.

    I was thinking maybe Winstrol ORAL at some point in the cycle to maintain the lean look but maybe that might not even be necessary as taking Arimidex well keep bloating away. (see what your views are - I know diet plays a part)

    Then after the final injection 2 weeks later start the PCT of Clomid or Nolvadex.

    Cycle Two:

    Alternatively I was reading on ********* from their University chapter thing that a beginner's cycle is

    Sustanon 250 @ 500mg a week
    for 8 weeks

    2 weeks later PCT.

    Not sure what your view on that.

    So what would be best Cycle One or Cycle Two? And what alterations would need to be made? Based on what I said my goals are.

    Thank You.

    I will attach a picture of how I look currently so you have a better visual idea.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Shot.JPG 
Views:	320 
Size:	1.29 MB 
ID:	148431

    Me =]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Wasaga Ontario
    Two years from now I'd pick test e 500week

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer
    Whether you wait two years (or two weeks) this is the best route

    You will not gain 30 lbs of lean muscle, you probably won't gain 20 either but with proper diet and training you should make some good steps towards your goal.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by mikey hulk View Post
    Two years from now I'd pick test e 500week
    So you believe that Dianabol should NOT be added at all as a jump starter?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMike View Post
    Whether you wait two years (or two weeks) this is the best route

    You will not gain 30 lbs of lean muscle, you probably won't gain 20 either but with proper diet and training you should make some good steps towards your goal.
    Yes I read that poll post it was good.

    So if you don't believe 20lbs of muscle can be gained on Test E @ 500mg a week week for 12 weeks then would another compound such as Dianabol be best to use with it? Of course diet always plays a huge factor.

    In fact my diet must be more cleaner then ever before as I have to watch my sugar levels.

  7. #7
    read sticky

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    sorry Man U are to small. You do not look 13% bf to me-you are a bit higher.imho if you were 13% you would weight 15 or so pounds less either way your diet is probably off. Post in nutrition section. You need protein not aas. Good luck you do have a good base just clean up your diet eat more clean food gain some lean mass and we can revisit this in 6-8 months

  9. #9
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by vito93x View Post
    read sticky
    I keep hearing about this sticky - is there a link you can give me?

    Was it a blog?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Derekjpapa View Post
    sorry Man U are to small. You do not look 13% bf to me-you are a bit higher.imho if you were 13% you would weight 15 or so pounds less either way your diet is probably off. Post in nutrition section. You need protein not aas. Good luck you do have a good base just clean up your diet eat more clean food gain some lean mass and we can revisit this in 6-8 months
    Fair enough, my diet at the moment ain't great - but I just do a whole lot of running. But I cook my foods in the right kind of oil *rapeseed oil*

    But I am grateful that I have a fast metabolic rate anyway.

    Well I can't really get on the protein thing right NOW as finance just left University looking for work and looking to get on postgraduate study next year 2015 - I would need funds coming in every month to manage to purchase protein whey and food to really main that intake of protein nutrients continually.

    That is why I said I wouldn't do any AAS till 2-3 years time when I am set in my career.

    I never have underestimated the power of protein, just I have never had the finance to maintain purchasing it.

    But that is youth student life for you.

    I will do some posts in the nutrient section later.

    But I actually got Type 2 Diabetes (only found out today with a blood test) so I will have to now more then ever take my diet more serious then ever.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Northeast usa
    I had/have type 2 diabetes (I think I cured myself with correct food and exercise and weight lose but doctors say even though everything is normal I still am type 2) I know hard hard it Is to get good nutrition and worry about sugar but there is a lot out there you just have to be creative (hope you like chicken) - read this it is a great read And remember foot/diet is 70% -25% training -5% aas --IMHO
    Last edited by derekkpapa1; 02-11-2014 at 09:17 PM.

  12. #12
    if you cant afford protein you cant afford AAS sorry mate.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by vito93x View Post
    if you cant afford protein you cant afford AAS sorry mate.
    Again as I said 2-3 years time by that time I would have started and completed my postgraduate studies and begin my proper career - then can really invest in the right top foods - but just finishing Uni and fishing around for nonsense jobs that are just fillers ain't enough to put you on a monster diet etc every month constantly.

    It is like somebody buying Whey for a month and not being able to get whey again until 3 month later - there would be no point.

    It was just information

    Protein not just going to go via whey of course in foods - however

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Derekjpapa View Post
    I had/have type 2 diabetes (I think I cured myself with correct food and exercise and weight lose but doctors say even though everything is normal I still am type 2) I know hard hard it Is to get good nutrition and worry about sugar but there is a lot out there you just have to be creative (hope you like chicken) - read this it is a great read And remember foot/diet is 70% -25% training -5% aas --IMHO
    Yeah lifestyle changes and strict diet regime - my blood sugar levels in my blood test were 5.1mmol/L.

    But I saw the top things those that are diabetic should eat Blueberries - Asparagus - Apples - Fish - Broccoli you get the idea.

    But they say Karela (Raw Bitter Melon) is the big cure that lowers the sugar levels - an Indian vegetable.

    I need to get some. Eat everyday.

    I'm not fat, weight was not the issue as to why I got Type 2 - it was cos I was heavy handed with the sugar in my cereal I know it.

    But I just had tea with no sugar - it was not bad - it will take time getting used to - besides get enough sugars from fruits and cereals (like sugar puffs).

    I haven't been lifting in last 5 months as such just a lot of unhill running - cardio work.

    The heart is the most important muscle of all.

  15. #15
    Sugar puff cereal is NOT food! Throw that $hit away!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mid west
    Save your simple sugars for post work out nutrition. You can get use to anything if you are dedicated enough. Stop drinking soda, sugary drinks. Drink water, that's all I drink now.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Red Bastard View Post
    Sugar puff cereal is NOT food! Throw that $hit away!!
    Yes hehe well actually I have cornflakes but I JUST ate cornmeal with NO SUGAR AT ALL - it was a LIL difficult but will get used to it - I had tea yesterday with no sugar at all and it was not bad - just about MANNING up the taste buds

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by king6 II View Post
    Save your simple sugars for post work out nutrition. You can get use to anything if you are dedicated enough. Stop drinking soda, sugary drinks. Drink water, that's all I drink now.
    Well slowly but surely I have been - like I said to the RED BASTARD user - had cornmeal with NO SUGAR not one teaspoon - Tea with no sugar - high juice I only put a fraction of that in the water.

    Just to get the right foods that are known to help reduce sugar levels: Blueberries - Cranberries - Apples - Watermelon - Raspberries - grapefruit - Tomatoes - Asparagus - Carrots - Broccoli - Red Onions - Ginger - Spinach - Fish - Soya Beans (pulses) - DAIRY FREE yoghurt - flaxseed - Brazilian Nuts - Beans - Oatmeal - Cabbage - Cauliflower - Cucumber.

    But the KING of them all is KARELA vegetable that reduces sugar levels in blood!! Eat raw (very bitter they say) so I will try that.

    All of it is good - the question about the cycle was just so I had the right information.

    I know I have work to do in terms of getting my diet now really REALLY clean. But as I said before not in the position to right now have that mega diet HOWEVER I can start by cutting down the sugar intake and so far I am doing that well. (have to start somewhere)

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