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Thread: Front loading Test E ...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Question Front loading Test E ...

    About to finish a 10week sus250 cycle and wanted to run it longer, but can only get Test E at this very minute... Im going to run the Test E, but what i would like advice on is if front loading will get my blood levels in check faster...i know they will be whacko for a bit anyways... thanks ... not new to the scene, but first time ive had to make this switch in mid-cycle

    (172-5'6-41yr) (nolva/clomid pct)

  2. #2
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Unrealone
    About to finish a 10week sus250 cycle and wanted to run it longer, but can only get Test E at this very minute... Im going to run the Test E, but what i would like advice on is if front loading will get my blood levels in check faster...i know they will be whacko for a bit anyways... thanks ... not new to the scene, but first time ive had to make this switch in mid-cycle (172-5'6-41yr) (nolva/clomid pct)
    hoq many more weeks were you looking at running? How much sust are you taking a week?

  3. #3
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    Jan 2014
    250mg eod ... weeks 1-4 i ran 40mg dbol ed ... ill run the E the same 250 eod ... curious as to any type of drop off i might have or side effects if i dont front load the E...

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    are you still gaining at the 10th week of this cycle?
    what were your stats before the cycle and now

  5. #5
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    Jan 2014
    155 start of cycle (bf was 11%)... ugly cold mid way through... last few weeks have seen very little in weight gain(2lbs) even at 3300-3700 cals (protein near 300g daily), but i started to throw in some morning stairs 3 days a week... strength has been going up considerably for the last 3 weeks.

    my options were to 1. be done, start the nolva in a few weeks ... 2. continue running test e (have 20cc) eod without skipping a beat... 3. front load the test e and then run at 250eod ...

    i also have dbol/dmz on hand if someone suggests throwing one or the other in the mix now...

    ive read this forum for a while and trust what you suggest, markus...thanks for taking the time to read

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unrealone View Post
    155 start of cycle (bf was 11%)... ugly cold mid way through... last few weeks have seen very little in weight gain(2lbs) even at 3300-3700 cals (protein near 300g daily), but i started to throw in some morning stairs 3 days a week... strength has been going up considerably for the last 3 weeks.

    my options were to 1. be done, start the nolva in a few weeks ... 2. continue running test e (have 20cc) eod without skipping a beat... 3. front load the test e and then run at 250eod ...

    i also have dbol/dmz on hand if someone suggests throwing one or the other in the mix now...

    ive read this forum for a while and trust what you suggest, markus...thanks for taking the time to read
    your 155lbs?
    whats your height?

  7. #7
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    Jan 2014
    im 172 on the scale this morning... was 155 with 11%bf when i started almost 10weeks ago... i put stats in 1st post... 5'6/172/41yr old ... dunno body fat as of today...

    curious as to what to expect from the E in the first month of running it, if i simply start it and run it 250eod
    Last edited by Unrealone; 02-12-2014 at 07:23 AM.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You need to come off and start pct, you also need to educate yourself on how to eat to gain mass. You will probably lose all your gains due to your diet not being able to support any new size/mass. You really need to learn how to eat correctly and this should of been done before using steroids.

  9. #9
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    whats wrong with my diet? its basically nothing but eggs/oats/steak/chicken/fish/rice/pasta/greens/fruits and pb and shakes ... can you point out where im screwing up by taking in that many calories with 7-8 meals a day?

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unrealone View Post
    whats wrong with my diet? its basically nothing but eggs/oats/steak/chicken/fish/rice/pasta/greens/fruits and pb and shakes ... can you point out where im screwing up by taking in that many calories with 7-8 meals a day?
    Your not eating enough otherwise you would of been heavier than 155lbs when you started this cycle.

  11. #11
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    well, i wasnt eating nearly what i am now before i started the cycle (maybe 2500ish, but wasnt really keeping up or working out much)... im the biggest ive ever been, so my diet is obviously doing some good work for me...i was under the assumption that 750-1000 above my daily cals was good enough, but i will definitely throw in 4-500 more cals a day if i decide to start the E... it will be tough for me to eat that much without help

    i really appreciate you taking the time to respond... ill give some serious thought into waiting to start the E...i was just starting to get the quality effects from the sus and wanted to continue with something ...appreciate it

  12. #12
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    I think the point Marcus is making is that you weren't eating enough prior to the cycle and will probably go back to not eating enough after and lose your gains. Train and eat right all the time and not just when on cycle.

  13. #13
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    the guy is 42. start trt.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZ E View Post
    I think the point Marcus is making is that you weren't eating enough prior to the cycle and will probably go back to not eating enough after and lose your gains. Train and eat right all the time and not just when on cycle.
    i didnt pay any attention to diet before hitting the gym this time around, hence the small stature...but dont eat shit food...on and off the last 10yrs ive pinned test or sustanon when i got a wild hair... but it wasnt until a few months ago that i decided to get more serious about it and put on some mass... i have put on 17lbs in just less than 10weeks(while losing 4-5 during a sick week) so the fact that someone thinks my bulk diet is bad right now, i just have to laugh... ive run 2/3 of a sus cycle to gain that much... might not seem much to you, but look at my age and the fact that ive never been able to put on much weight before and you have some solid results... now , i know how to eat and my diet is in full check... as far as post cycle eating and keeping gains, we will diet wont change that much but will have cardio added...

    here is the problem with some of the advice that vets give on the forums... sure, knowing the persons stats and diet are good to know, but if you look at the big picture, the question i asked concerned the effects on stabling blood levels (since i have other esters in my body) and less to do with my actual diet... but guys go on and on about different shit because all most know to do is quote other people they have read over the years and they really have no clue about a question like mine... marcus might be different and i appreciate his words, but i still didnt get an answer for the original question beside to quit now and start pct ... with all the different test in my system, should i front load the test E or not in order to get things stable faster?? its not a hard question ...if nobody has been in the situation or trusts the words of guys who have, there really isnt any need to respond ... its beyond ridiculous all the clowns that repeat everything they read on all the roid/bb forums

    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS View Post
    the guy is 42. start trt.
    it wasnt low to begin with...but i would have no issues with trt if i needed it...

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unrealone View Post
    i didnt pay any attention to diet before hitting the gym this time around, hence the small stature...but dont eat shit food...on and off the last 10yrs ive pinned test or sustanon when i got a wild hair... but it wasnt until a few months ago that i decided to get more serious about it and put on some mass... i have put on 17lbs in just less than 10weeks(while losing 4-5 during a sick week) so the fact that someone thinks my bulk diet is bad right now, i just have to laugh... ive run 2/3 of a sus cycle to gain that much... might not seem much to you, but look at my age and the fact that ive never been able to put on much weight before and you have some solid results... now , i know how to eat and my diet is in full check... as far as post cycle eating and keeping gains, we will diet wont change that much but will have cardio added...

    here is the problem with some of the advice that vets give on the forums... sure, knowing the persons stats and diet are good to know, but if you look at the big picture, the question i asked concerned the effects on stabling blood levels (since i have other esters in my body) and less to do with my actual diet... but guys go on and on about different shit because all most know to do is quote other people they have read over the years and they really have no clue about a question like mine... marcus might be different and i appreciate his words, but i still didnt get an answer for the original question beside to quit now and start pct ... with all the different test in my system, should i front load the test E or not in order to get things stable faster?? its not a hard question ...if nobody has been in the situation or trusts the words of guys who have, there really isnt any need to respond ... its beyond ridiculous all the clowns that repeat everything they read on all the roid/bb forums

    it wasnt low to begin with...but i would have no issues with trt if i needed it...
    My advice was not to carry on with the cycle so why should I give you an answer to the opposite of what I think you should do. I speak form experience not someone else's comments or words over the years. You would make far more progress if you listened instead of waiting to hear what you may think is right. Staying on cycle wont yield further gains if it did I would be 500lbs come off go into pct and try your best to maintain your gains, your problem is your diet you may not think it is but its obvious to anyone who knows what they are talking about. You don't eat enough and you didn't pre cycle and all because you did on cycle doesn't mean you will keep the gains, you need to look at your diet and abolish your support level so you can maintain through pct, you will need to increase cals further into pct. Why do I get a feeling I am wasting my time writing this!! lol oh well I tried best of luck.

  16. #16
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    you arent... and again, i appreciate the, i didnt pre cycle, thats true, so i know that i am going to have to keep my intake high post cycle in order to keep ... for a guy my size, how many more cals a day do you suggest i eat? if i had to give a weeks avg. i would say 3600 a day with protein 325g daily... i imagine you havent been my size since you were a teenager, so i dunno if you can exactly understand how hard it is for me to take in so much food... once a week ill throw down 4500-5000cals

    my frustration level is at a high right now because of the circumstance that is keeping me from finishing the sus cycle... seen a lot of change and was looking forward to the last portion of the cycle...

    ill pack it in an start the pct in a few weeks... hit the test e in a few months ... thanks

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