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  1. #1
    Getlean007's Avatar
    Getlean007 is offline Junior Member
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    First Cutting Cycle *Need FEEDBACK*

    Okay I posted a while back talking about running a steroid cycle at high bf around 20+ (I'm decently athletic) and doing mildly excessive cardio while running it.

    I was suggested to use albuterol for a cut cycle first in aim of being 245-250 before my first anabolic cycle.

    I am aware albuterol and clen ( no anticipating using clen) are not magic solutions and that a strict monitored diet and cardio are essential. Simply bring on pre workout supplements and protein while tracking my diet I am able to lose 2-3 pounds a week. Back in October I was around high 290's so I am able to lose weight slowly but I am trying to shred it faster for my own reasons and albuterol will help my metabolism boost. Therefore will also help accelerate my weight loss with the amount of cardio I am capable of doing(2-5 miles 3/days with speed workouts once a week). Also I do a lot of explosive workouts like prowlers, ropes, power cleans, snatches, box jumps and other various workouts like that in my everyday routine while hitting the big 3 on separate days. I take my training very seriously and I will hopefully be able to shred 10-30 on my cycles combined. Mostly all my fat is in midsection. Legs, pecs, biceps and traps are very visible with muscle on my body.
    6'2/280lbs/ 200-215lbm/ bp:325/Sq:435/DL:475+

    Want to cut to around 245-265

    I just purchased my 60ml liquid albuterol

    I want help with some starting doses and some opinions on how long to run my cycle(s)
    I'm thinking either using 30ml two times on a 2 week on 2 week off cycle
    Or do the whole 60 on a three week cycle
    1ml = 6mg
    60ml=360mg ( full bottle )
    30ml=180mg ( half bottle )

    Ideal doses
    12-18mg per day/ split in 3 doses 2 weeks on
    Split doses 3-4 hours apart

    6-12mg per day / split in 3 doses 3 weeks
    Split doses 3-4 hours apart.

    Week one ( // <-- indicates end of day)
    6mg/1ml (.33ml 3 times a day) //
    6mg/1ml (.33ml 3 times a day) //
    12mg/2ml (.66ml 3 times a day) //
    12mg/2ml (.66ml 3 times a day) //
    12mg/2ml (.66ml 3 times a day) //
    12mg/2ml (.66ml 3 times a day) //
    18mg/3ml (1ml 3 times a day) //

    Week 2
    15mg/ 2.5ml (.83ml 3 times a day) (Everyday)
    throughout entire second week
    That will conclude my 180mg/30ml 2 week cycle
    I'd go two weeks off and then repeat.

    Looking for some feedback on dosage nothing else please.

  2. #2
    Getlean007's Avatar
    Getlean007 is offline Junior Member
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    * probably going to lower dosage back down to 12 then 6mg on last two days of cycle *

  3. #3
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    What you dont understand is that High bodyfat often comes with bad lipids, High blood pressure, and fast hearth beat.

    Albuterol/clen will skyrock your blood pressure and if you have bad lipids the risk of stroke is highly increased.

    You better off with steroids than clen/albuterol at that BF%...

    However higher bf% also comes with more aromatase(enzyme who convert test to Estrogen) making it way harder to keep E2 in check. if you fail at keeping it in check you increase your water retention who will increase your blood pressure and increasing your stroke risk again.

    + steroids will screw your lipids more than they already are.

    Also High blood pressure and anabolics can leads to hypertrophy of the left ventricule(hearth issue)
    and albuterol and clen at 2 known products to cause that due to the high increase in hearth beat.

    I tried clen and i was at 90BPM at rest... prior that I was at 65.
    It increase it alot... it's almost a 40% increase...

    You have no safe option other than learn how to cut naturally at least until 15%...

    good luck
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 02-12-2014 at 09:39 AM.

  4. #4
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    No one has advise for your dosage cause we do not agree with you running this compound at this time. we are about being as safe as we can be

    great job on the weight loss so far. over 1lb a week is awesome and you were doing more!

    food for thought: My last cut I started at about 14% and went to 10%. both of these were body pod measurements and not some guess. Yes I had a ripped stomach at 10% if your wondering. reason I bought it up was this took me 18 weeks to do. cardio and diet. You need to have patience. this is not a race. I did my slow so I could keep as much muscle as possible.

  5. #5
    Getlean007's Avatar
    Getlean007 is offline Junior Member
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    My resting heart rate is 60bpm
    Did that with a 20 second count
    You guys need to take into account I am an elite level athlete. As I said, I do appreciate the advice but I will still cycle it
    If you think I need a lesser dose then advise it

  6. #6
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getlean007
    My resting heart rate is 60bpm
    Did that with a 20 second count
    You guys need to take into account I am an elite level athlete. As I said, I do appreciate the advice but I will still cycle it
    If you think I need a lesser dose then advise it
    No disrespect, but how does an elite athlete of 20 years of age get to 20% bf or more? As an elite athlete I would expect your nutritional knowledge and plan to be at a level higher than most so that it drives and sustains lower bf without the need for a bronchodilator.

    That's like me saying, I'm a doctor. Can someone tell me how to use a stethoscope?

  7. #7
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    [QUOTE="You guys need to take into account I am an elite level athlete."[/QUOTE]

    Or are you "decently athletic" like you originally stated?
    Last edited by The Deadlifting Dog; 02-12-2014 at 12:26 PM.

  8. #8
    Getlean007's Avatar
    Getlean007 is offline Junior Member
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    [QUOTE="The Deadlifting Dog"]
    Quote Originally Posted by "You guys need to take into account I am an elite level athlete."[/QUOTE
    Or are you "decently athletic" like you originally stated?
    My goal here is not to prove anything
    I am considered an elite athlete
    I could be 16 for all you know, not that I am but just advise dosage
    That's all I'm looking for

  9. #9
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getlean007
    Or are you "decently athletic" like you originally stated?
    My goal here is not to prove anything
    I am considered an elite athlete
    I could be 16 for all you know, not that I am but just advise dosage
    That's all I'm looking for[/QUOTE]

    Who said you needed to prove anything!?! We are asking questions to understand your history (training experience, nutrition etc) and demographics (age, bf, etc) so the recommendations are specific tailored to your needs and goals.

    Anyway, someone else can answer you. I'm done dealing with ignorant little kids and their arrogant know it all attitudes. There are people in here that ARE elite athletes and not self proclaimed elite athletes or whatever egocentric label you want to wear. Many members have been training and using the compounds of interest longer than you've been sucking air in your lungs. You could actually leverage their knowledge and experience to your advantage if you humbled yourself slightly and dropped your sense of entitlement ("tell me what I want to know").

    Good luck. Kids like you on here are a dime a dozen lately and no own owes you anything so work with or against us but the assistance you receive will be predicated by your attitude.

  10. #10
    michael30's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getlean007 View Post
    My goal here is not to prove anything
    I am considered an elite athlete
    I could be 16 for all you know, not that I am but just advise dosage
    That's all I'm looking for

    Getlean007 i have used clen , t3, eca, and dnp . I have dropped over 100lbs since i first got serious 7yrs ago. I will be completly honest clen/albut is not going to do much. Especially at higher bodyfat. I had to learn the hard way, "cutters" imho are for finishing. Not for losing large amounts of wieght.

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