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Thread: Need Help for Deca , test , Dianabol and Anavar Cycle

  1. #1

    Post Need Help for Deca , test , Dianabol and Anavar Cycle

    Hello everyone.

    I have few doubts in my mind which i really want to clear and want to know about them. if anybody can help me out

    1.) I wanna run a cycle of Deca , test cypionate , dianabol for 12 weeks. I'll using these very soon but not now. So i'll adjust quantities according to my need. I'll be using arimidex in cycle to avoid bloat/water retention. For pct , i'll be using Nolvadex or may be clomid.

    Week 1 - 12 Test
    Week 1 - 10 Deca
    Week 1- 4 Dianbol

    So here is my question can i use Anavar at the end of cycle like "week 8-12" or any other steriod after dianabol.

    2.) I having pain in my knees . Can deca cure my knee pain ?. This is also the reason i wanna run deca cycle

    3.) How long can i use Test and deca.. If i want to run longer than week 1-12. Can i go for it ??.

    I had more doubts in my mind but i forgot now. well for now Please clear these doubts for me.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks !!!!!!!

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    what are your stats?
    how long have you been training?
    how many cycles have you done and what were the results?

  3. #3
    YOhh yeah im sorry i forgot to mention...
    5 feet 6 inch tall
    71 kg weight
    24 years.

    I have done neurobol , stanozolo , test nd two more(forgot the name).. Results were very nice

    Been training for more than 2 years

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
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    I would forget about the dbol and var, test and deca are good for a second cycle. Clomid and nolva should be run for pct. However, at 5'6" 156 lbs, I think you stand to make better gains with a bulking diet. What is your current body fat %?

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by harry005 View Post
    YOhh yeah im sorry i forgot to mention...
    5 feet 6 inch tall
    71 kg weight
    24 years.

    I have done neurobol , stanozolo , test nd two more(forgot the name).. Results were very nice

    Been training for more than 2 years

    A whole two years? You must be tired. But seriously, keep things simple. You're not that advanced that you need that many products. Nail down your training and nutrition for lasting progress.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  6. #6
    king6 II's:- wel thanks... but if i use dbol and anvar in future after deca and test cycle.. . .. how can i use these two products.. ??.... . .

    kelkel :- yea thanks for your kindness.. but i want to use deca cycle because it can cure knee pains.. so this is the main reason im going for deca cycle..

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by harry005 View Post
    king6 II's:- wel thanks... but if i use dbol and anvar in future after deca and test cycle.. . .. how can i use these two products.. ??.... . .

    kelkel :- yea thanks for your kindness.. but i want to use deca cycle because it can cure knee pains.. so this is the main reason im going for deca cycle..
    They can be used with plain ol' test. Save them for a future cycle, var is good for cutting. Keep in mind though, just because you have is does not mean you have to use it. I have thrown gear away because it did not have a place in my cycle.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Keep it simple then, test n deca. Always a winner. The rest is nutrition and training. Just kill it.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I agree with kel. keep it simple. if your going to run something just test and deca. if you add dbol with deca you will most likely look like a balloon while on cycle. or if you prefer a puffer fish. only way to stop this is not run both compounds.
    Have you ran deca to know it helps your knees. your young to be having knee problems. look into your form as well

  10. #10
    thank you all for your feedback.. here is my last que how long can i run deca and test cycle.. can i run it for more than 12 weeks... if yes then how much week i can run

  11. #11
    I don't see HCG up there

  12. #12
    im sorry friend... but what is hcg ??.. i have never heard of it. why do u we use that ??

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by harry005 View Post
    im sorry friend... but what is hcg ??.. i have never heard of it. why do u we use that ??
    There is a sticky someplace, but it simulates LH and keeps your leydig cells kicking so your balls don't shrink up, makes restart easier. It has some other benefits as well, do a search for HCG on this site and you'll get a ton of hits.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by harry005 View Post
    thank you all for your feedback.. here is my last que how long can i run deca and test cycle.. can i run it for more than 12 weeks... if yes then how much week i can run
    You should definitely run hcg. You can run test deca for 16 weeks is what I have done. But again hcg is needed. 16 weeks is a long shut down and a 19 nor like deca shuts you down hard.

  15. #15
    wow.. thanks guys for letting me know about hcg.. shud i use hcg on cycle or as pct ??

  16. #16
    On cycle, up until pct

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