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Thread: hi i need advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    hi i need advice

    i want to start a cycle of sustanon 250 but i know very little the main thing im worried about is getting angry with some one and ending up in prison i here a lot about roid rage all the time but know nothing about it is it posable to controle it? is it as bad as people make it out to be? id appreciate any advice given thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    From what I've read it's a bit of a myth if you have a angry side to you already it can make it worse in a way.
    The testosterone makes you produce more red blood cells which in a way can make you more aggressive but how you use the aggression is up to you, if you're a angry person anyway I'd say don't use it but if your a controlled and discipline person you'll be fine.
    Smash the gym not some guys head lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Mid west
    Quote Originally Posted by danielrocks View Post
    i want to start a cycle of sustanon 250 but i know very little the main thing im worried about is getting angry with some one and ending up in prison i here a lot about roid rage all the time but know nothing about it is it posable to controle it? is it as bad as people make it out to be? id appreciate any advice given thanks
    Greetings and welcome. Forgive me but I will have to offer some constructive criticism. If you main concern is roid rage, then that tells me you are lacking in your research. Roid rage should be the least of your concerns, roid rage is more of a label that the media uses to demonize steroids. What you should be concerned with is your age which is 21, and your body fat percentage which you say is too much. At 250 lbs I can only assume you are in the 20% range? You made no mention about diet, training or post cycle and on-cycle therapy. Please take some time and read the sticky threads and further educate yourself about the use of anabolic steroids and you will learn why you are not ready at this time. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I been on sust for 7 weeks now and I can feel my patience wear thin sometimes but not like I want to flip out and hurt someone

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    for a year now iv done nothing but work and hit the gym and haven't had even the slightest out burst in agression i think there is a way to control it but i wont take the stuff until im dam shaw i can

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    i apreciat it thanks iv been hitting the gym everday for a year now and im sticking to tuna and mixed veg with white rice every 3 hours to keep my body anabolic but i still eat crap like icecream and pizza every now and again. is starting a cycle with tomuch fat dangourus?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    that's good to hear. dose it take fat off easy with good dieting?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Great White North
    Quote Originally Posted by danielrocks
    for a year now iv done nothing but work and hit the gym and haven't had even the slightest out burst in agression i think there is a way to control it but i wont take the stuff until im dam shaw i can
    Do you think you should be showing signs of anger and aggression at the gym even though you are not on anything? I might be reading it wrong but it sounds like you are saying you learned to control your anger. You might need to deal with issues that are not gym or working out related before even considering dabbling in test. This is of course besides the bf and diet concerns.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Great White North
    Read some stickies. There are alot of problems with starting anything with too much body fat. I would explain more but it sounds like a better place for you right now is in the sticky and diet section. Good luck man!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    iv never had any sort of outburst at the gym or work its mainly been in high school and towards my mothers boyfriends when i was living with her still at the age of 19 and the guy she was with was on a lot of illegal substances he was the main thing that set me off he use to beat my mother and wasent nice to be around. but iv been in queensland for a year now away from all the addicts i haven't had any sort of out burst since i want to know every thing i can and every step i have to take to make shaw i use steroids right

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Never experienced roid rage. if you have short temper, it will make it worse. if you can control your emotions normally then you will have no problem doing so on roids.

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