Trying to learn a bit more on these compounds., and my google fu is failing me.
Looking at a cutting, cycle, but not sure when/if I will start it. In the preplanning stages, and getting everything set up for groceries, but had a question.
Everyone seems to love Tren Ace(Least I assume so) cause in most topics I read, its a ED dose. I know the benefit it seems like is that with Ace, if you don't like the sides you can pull out of the cycle quickly, but are there other benefits? Some feedback even suggested some people had harsher sides from A than E?
Just seems like shooting IM everyday would be a bitch. I don't mind it cause of the gains, but wouldn't do Tren E, and hell I guess even have your Test C in the same syringe, and shoot E3Ds work with the longer lasting esters? Something like 150-200mgs Tren E /150mgs Test C 2x weekly. Seems like from what I read, with ED Ace you just keep bumping your levels higher and higher?
Maybe its just me since I only shoot quads/glutes, so my injection sites are limited. I see all the T3/Clen/Tren/Test cycles for cutting, and I imagine they work great if your diet is in check. I just think I am missing something.