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Thread: 6 weeks out from show, clen/kito cycle question

  1. #1

    6 weeks out from show, clen/kito cycle question

    I've done some extensive research on both products and am left with some lingering questions. I've scoured the forums on numerous sites and can't figure out what's going to be best for me. I've had experience with ECA stacks prior to this and ran clen once for 2 weeks, noticed some results but nothing to extraordinary, could of been bunk product too though, point is I was going to order 30mg of clen at 200mcg/1mg. I'm trying to figure out the best effective way to take it. I know the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off is recommended as to allow B2 receptors the time to return to normal, but I have also ready that by introducing the kitotifen at the end of the 2 week mark, you'll up regulate the B2 receptors (of your reading this I'm sure this is not news to you) all I'm wondering is if I ran this for the next 4 weeks into the final 2 weeks when I'll begin my final stage prep (water pills and the dehydration process). This is my first show, so as amped as I am I'm also extremely nervous about it, and hoping this will help get my to my absolute prime. Diets already on point and I'm around 10% maybe a little less at 5'10" 208lbs, trying to come in around 195 maybe a little less and compete light heavyweight near the top of the weight bracket.

    If someone could give me a mock up cycle for the clen to that'd be great, I know people experience different sides, mine were never to bad on it, My body is fine on stimulants. I'm not sure what corse of action to take with it over a 4 week period, I've started at 60mcg before and sides were manageable of someone wants to do it from there. Also how much kitotifen and when would it be introduced ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Great White North
    I know this is not what you are going to want to hear but at 6 weeks out From your first show I would focus on dialling in everything else and doing your best. You are always going to compare everything to your first show. If you start trying things for the first time this close, you are going to end up cramping up on stage and not enjoying the experience. At 21 you have years to enjoy pushing yourself to walk on stage. Good luck up there.

  3. #3
    For the cramps I was going to supplant taurine and drink my standard 2 gallons of water a day until the final 2 weeks. I have no intention of cycling test or anything for some time yet, I'll actually be 23 in June to, from what I understand the best stage of my life to begin somthing like that would be around 25, I've already got 9 years into my training so, a couple more years of natural development is minuscule on the time line of a true bodybuilder. You honestly feel though it would impact my stage presence negatively even whilst doing what's necessary to prevent cramps ? The competition in going into will have some pretty sick physiques, a lot of which are geared up, which I have no objection to nor anything negative to say about, they all out there time in just as I do, I just want to bring the best package possible to the stage and I figured clen would be a safe and effective way of ran properly. I know my body and if it became detrimental I would just rapper off early

  4. #4
    And thank you for the wishes, I appreciate it.

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