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  1. #1
    OverTraineD is offline New Member
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    Bad pip during first cycle

    I'm in week 7 of my first cycle and been getting bad pip after every injection. I had planned to take the standard 500mg a wk between 2 shots but the pip has lasted about 6-7 days after every injection so I've only been taking 1 shot a wk, 250mg the first 4 wks and 375 the last 2 wks. After every injection the first day or two isn't bad at all then on third and fourth day It starts to hurt like a mofo and I get a slight fever about 99.4-99.6 and skin gets red in the inj. area and slightly swollen. I usually start feeling better on the 6th or 7th day. What do you guys think, is this normal or is something wrong. Followed all the necessary precautions, alcohol swabbed hands, test vial and site so don't think its an infection, warm up the vial and use a heating pad before injection. Also the gear is good got a buddy using the same and he only gets pip for a couple days. I used 25g 1-inch needle on first four injections in both quads and 23g 1.5 inch in glutes for my last 2 injections. My last injection in my glute has been the worst yet, I took it on Monday night and its now Saturday and it's still hurts and my whole ass cheek is red and skin feel hard to the touch. It does feel better than yesterday tho and I don't have a fever so just confused whats going on.

  2. #2
    GSXRvi6 is offline Member
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    I only ever get minor pip for a day if I mess up an injection. When I was hitting virgin muscle i would hurt like hell for a week, but never any fevers.

    I assume your running UGL gear?

  3. #3
    kaptainkeezy04's Avatar
    kaptainkeezy04 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by OverTraineD View Post
    I'm in week 7 of my first cycle and been getting bad pip after every injection. I had planned to take the standard 500mg a wk between 2 shots but the pip has lasted about 6-7 days after every injection so I've only been taking 1 shot a wk, 250mg the first 4 wks and 375 the last 2 wks. After every injection the first day or two isn't bad at all then on third and fourth day It starts to hurt like a mofo and I get a slight fever about 99.4-99.6 and skin gets red in the inj. area and slightly swollen. I usually start feeling better on the 6th or 7th day. What do you guys think, is this normal or is something wrong. Followed all the necessary precautions, alcohol swabbed hands, test vial and site so don't think its an infection, warm up the vial and use a heating pad before injection. Also the gear is good got a buddy using the same and he only gets pip for a couple days. I used 25g 1-inch needle on first four injections in both quads and 23g 1.5 inch in glutes for my last 2 injections. My last injection in my glute has been the worst yet, I took it on Monday night and its now Saturday and it's still hurts and my whole ass cheek is red and skin feel hard to the touch. It does feel better than yesterday tho and I don't have a fever so just confused whats going on.
    You may be allergic to something in the oil. I had the same thing happen to me. It was so bad it hurt to step up on a stairwell. I talked to the source and found out he used ethyl oleate to make his stuff, which is fine for some, but some people are allergic to it. If you and your buddy are using the same stuff (I am guessing same batch) then you might be allergic to something. Make sure you are injecting VERY slowly. Try to keep a steady hand, etc. Massage muscle after.

  4. #4
    MODO's Avatar
    MODO is offline Associate Member
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    Where on your body did you take that temperature?

    (ps- if your gear is dirty, all the alcohol swabs in the word won't prevent infections. Could be a different batch from your buddy's.)

  5. #5
    OverTraineD is offline New Member
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    I'm using UGL with grape seed oil. I had my temp taken at work by a nurse using an ear thermometer. Is it possible that I'm getting minor infections and my body is healing on its own. Like I said before it never lasts more than a week but I always seem to get quite a bit of redness and slight fever for a couple days.

  6. #6
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    Same thing happened to me on a DECA batch.

    Same gear brand and supplier ive used for years. I would inject, next day get fever symptoms, chills etc.

    Supplier gave me new batch of same brand and I was good to go and fine after new vial. I was prolly allergic or had immune response to gear. Depends if it crashed or the ratio of substances in it is slightly off etc.

    It happens. I would go with a diff batch or even a diff brand and take a loss in the gear u got, unless supplier agrees to give u a new batch to try out at no cost.

  7. #7
    kaptainkeezy04's Avatar
    kaptainkeezy04 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schwarzenegger View Post
    Same thing happened to me on a DECA batch.

    Same gear brand and supplier ive used for years. I would inject, next day get fever symptoms, chills etc.

    Supplier gave me new batch of same brand and I was good to go and fine after new vial. I was prolly allergic or had immune response to gear. Depends if it crashed or the ratio of substances in it is slightly off etc.

    It happens. I would go with a diff batch or even a diff brand and take a loss in the gear u got, unless supplier agrees to give u a new batch to try out at no cost.
    agreed, or just find a source that has pharmaceutical brand gear. It's more expensive, but you never have to worry about underdosing, pollutants, or whether or not the dealer made it in his bathtub.

  8. #8
    OverTraineD is offline New Member
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    Yeah it sucks but I think I'm going have to stop my cycle and start my pct. I'm just worried because I just started seeing a new girl so I don't want to start having problems in the bedroom. I have nolva and clomid for pct and also have Cialis on hand so hopefully I wont have any problems. Just talked to my buddy and he's using a different batch but said he has some extra vials of the same batch I'm using and he's going to try it out and see if he has any problems similar to mine.

  9. #9
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04 View Post
    agreed, or just find a source that has pharmaceutical brand gear. It's more expensive, but you never have to worry about underdosing, pollutants, or whether or not the dealer made it in his bathtub.
    There are plenty of fakes that look practically identical to pharmaceutical brands. When you buy gear on the black market, you always still have to worry about that.

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