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Thread: 2,4 Dinitrophenol (DNP) ************************

  1. #1

    2,4 Dinitrophenol (DNP) ************************

    before I hear 500 people say OMG DNP IS GOING TO KILL YOU HOLY **** YOUR STUPID, please just
    answer the question. I really don't care to hear your opinion on the compound.
    I'm only interested in the legal status.

    what is the current legal status of 2,4 DNP in the United States. From my understanding,
    2,4 DNP is not actually considered a drug, but a poison. It can not be sold as a weight loss drug.
    However, it can be sold as a poisin "not for human consumption".

    A similar manner that drugs such as research chemicals are sold.

    Am I correct in this assumption, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    "DNP, a toxic substance commonly used as a pesticide, is not approved by FDA for weight loss or any other indication"

    It is however not illegal to have this on hand unless it is in pill form which makes the assumption this is intended for human use.

    Yes, can it can be legally bought as long as it is not for human consumption.


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    "DNP, a toxic substance commonly used as a pesticide, is not approved by FDA for weight loss or any other indication"

    It is however not illegal to have this on hand unless it is in pill form which makes the assumption this is intended for human use.

    Yes, can it can be legally bought as long as it is not for human consumption.


    yes I have been doing non-stop research on it for the past few hours.

    Here is my understanding of it which I believe is spot on at this point..

    In the United States, it is not illegal. It can't be sold as a dietary supplement and it can't be sold with "intent for human consumption".

    I freaked out when I found out it was a DEA watched chemical. But it is not schedule 1 or schedule 2. I then found a massive list of DEA watched chemicals and realized half of them are everyday things I have bought my entire life so I was no longer worried.

  4. #4
    on a side note** you got that from Wikipedia, Wikipedia is a good reference starting point in my opinion, but you need to do much further investigation beyond it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by vito93x View Post
    on a side note** you got that from Wikipedia, Wikipedia is a good reference starting point in my opinion, but you need to do much further investigation beyond it.
    As much as I appreciate someone telling me where I got my information the quote is from FDA directly but feel free to do your own research from now on!


  6. #6
    Vito93x before you decide to use can you please pm me. I would like to atleast give you my experience of when i used dnp. The experience of using it is far more extreme then what you will read about or find in research.

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