02-19-2014, 07:49 PM #1New Member
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My first tren cycle need a little help
Hello all this is my first post on here...
I am currently 5 10 230 I have done 4 cycles of test dbol and a pct and they all went good.but I wanted to try something new and better...I know tons about steroids but all that is just facts since I dont know anyone on gear I've had to do all the research that I could.so I want to use tren for a cutting cycle I was gonna do test e 250 tren and Winn I will do 1 mg of teat weeks 1-8 and weeks 9-16 2 mg of test a week with winny 50 mg ed and tren ace 50 mg eod I would like to know if taking all 3 the last 7 weeks would work for me and I didn't know if you could winny and tren at the same time so any help would be really appreciated and I've always injected in into my tricep which has worked good so far but I'm thinking about injecting into my quad I also wante to know if that is a good spot
02-19-2014, 08:46 PM #2
Please stop cycling until you learn more
02-19-2014, 08:51 PM #3
Which blend of tren are you planning on running
what does 1mg of test a week mean?
things just don't sound right
Detail it out like this
1-12 week 250 mg of test a week pin e4d
Tren 400 mg pin eod
Winny 50mg ed weeks 5-12
Ai ???? From and till
Pct. ???? Weeks 14-18
Hcg ??? From and till amount
Need better detail
Not trying to be rude trying to help
And what's your bf%
02-19-2014, 09:08 PM #4New Member
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02-19-2014, 09:10 PM #5New Member
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And ((((asepsis))))) I don't know any one to ask in person so I'm trying to learn more on here if your gonna just say something stupid then stfu please
02-19-2014, 09:11 PM #6New Member
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And Derek don't know exact bf %but if I had to guess I would say around 16 it's kind of high
02-19-2014, 09:30 PM #7
02-19-2014, 09:31 PM #8
yeah I going to bed but Check in the morning- with this being your first tren run I would just run test and tren from the get go. Forget jump around with test 250 to 500 crazy stuff. Tren is amazing and can be tough with sides do keep that in mind and can shut you down hard --read: http://forums.steroid.com/anabolic-s...njections.html
U should IMHO run low test higher tren from start and stay steady so your not messing with blood levels any more than you have to say 250mg a week test and 400mg (or little less) of tren a week. No need to run 16 weeks to long . try to keep first tren cycle simple. Check back tomm but do more research make sure your ready and get bf% lower
02-19-2014, 09:57 PM #9
How old are you? No offense, but tren affected me differently at different ages. Even if you have run 4 cycles does not mean that you will enjoy tren. It is its own animal and can cause an increase in aggression that can be more difficult to manage if not mentally prepared to do so.
02-19-2014, 10:30 PM #10
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Agreed. I always handled it well in my late 20s and early 30s, however I just wrapped up a cycle with tren and it was not fun in a lot of ways (elevated BP, zero stamina, insomnia).
02-20-2014, 06:59 AM #11
his bio says he is 31 yrs
02-20-2014, 08:23 AM #12New Member
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Alright cool guys Thanks and ya I'm 31..I know all the side affects it might come with and if i can't handle them ill stop right away.i guess i will keep it simple being my first tren cycle I'm going to keep it at 50mg eod(((( as low as possible for my first cycle)))))) and I know it will completely shut down my natural testosterone do you guys think 250mg a week of test will be enough I always ran 500 a week while on dbol and it seemed to work perfect for me
02-20-2014, 09:07 AM #13
yes 250 is good let the tren do the work
02-20-2014, 09:09 AM #14
drop winny just run test and tren 10-12 weeks no reason to run it any longer some people even run all short esters for 8 weeks
16 weeks is very bad idea
02-20-2014, 09:38 AM #15New Member
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Alright ill do 10 week and I've always injected into triceps and that works for me but I wanted try the quads.... Any problem with that I was gonna do sun tue thur with tren and mon with test but I was thinking about doing test and tren sunday together and in your opinion what would be the best pct to get my natural test back I was going to start 2 weeks after my cycle
02-20-2014, 10:03 AM #16
For someone who self-proclaims that "they already know tons about steroids ", you ask some really stupid/faggy questions. There's a reason why this thread has nearly 400 views, and only 14 replies.
I was suggesting that you learn more before you do damage to your body. Its obvious that you don't know "tons about steroids", and should research more.
Also, you should have your boyfriend proof read your writing before you post.....your grammar sucks.
02-20-2014, 10:08 AM #17
okay I would do it like this-
pin test e4d to equal 250mg a week
Pin tren eod to equal 400mg week
hcg 500 a week --250 twice a week till 3 days before pct
run ai like arimidex .5 eod adjust where needed till just before pct
You can pin quads that's where I do upper outer portion but you should use 4 spots to rotate and you can put everything in one pin if falls on that day
pct should be nolva 40/40/20/20. Clomid 100/75/50/50
Do more research I could be slightly off on what I am saying I am at work trying do this for you
02-20-2014, 10:22 AM #18New Member
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Thanks for your help derek and as far as asepsis I said I know a lot of facts about them I just want to learn more about what goes good with what And what doesn't work well together so I guess if me trying to learn more is offending you then get off my post your not helping your being a dousche bag that's all your doing I'm sure there was a time where you needed info I don't want to try something new without getting all the info I can sorry if I'm not usingproper grammer on a steriod forum
02-20-2014, 10:57 AM #19
I know where he is coming from because tren is no joke- again I stress research as much as possible about it, make sure you have everything perfect like diet , blood work ect...
there is some tough sides and effects everyone different like sweating, can't sleep, anixity rapid heart beat ect .... Read me Tren Side Effects - Steroid .com
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