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Thread: Dosing Question for Test - E

  1. #1

    Dosing Question for Test - E

    Hi everyone,

    Stats: male 5 foot 7 140 pounds
    History: started at 127 5 years ago and built naturally to 140.

    I've been at 140 for about 2 years now and really looking for an overall goal of 160. Most of the weight needs to be on my legs.

    That's right... I'm THAT guy... that USED to skip leg day but not any more.

    My problem is that for the last year I haven't been able to gain on my legs or my upper body.

    Eating right because my strength gains are going up but very slowly
    Using progressive overload by uping the weights 5 pounds and staying there until I'm able to do it easily or be able to do enough reps to move the weights up again.
    I'm growing slowly but surely about half a pound to one pound a month.

    I've decided on Test E because of the fact that you only inject twice a week for the 500mg

    my question:
    If I dose lower at say 250mg per week, injecting say only on Mondays will it be worth it? I'm asking this because I'm only 140 pounds at 5' 7". Or will I just be pumping it through my body with no gains? I have a 10 week cycle at 500mg per week and yes a pct plan in effect.

    Please keep in mind that I'm only trying to gain about 20 - 25 pounds total. I have a good build on my body but want a little more.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Are you growing 0.5-1lb a month or haven't you grown for 2 years, I don't understand?

    Mate, you need to visit our nutrition forum. You aren't growing because you aren't eating enough. It's that simple. Head over there and post your diet up for critique. If you can't grow off steroids with your stats you won't grow on them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I've seen great gains on 350mg a week, diet is mostly what contributes to gains
    Quote Originally Posted by Tayethin View Post
    Hi everyone,

    Stats: male 5 foot 7 140 pounds
    History: started at 127 5 years ago and built naturally to 140.

    I've been at 140 for about 2 years now and really looking for an overall goal of 160. Most of the weight needs to be on my legs.

    That's right... I'm THAT guy... that USED to skip leg day but not any more.

    My problem is that for the last year I haven't been able to gain on my legs or my upper body.

    Eating right because my strength gains are going up but very slowly
    Using progressive overload by uping the weights 5 pounds and staying there until I'm able to do it easily or be able to do enough reps to move the weights up again.
    I'm growing slowly but surely about half a pound to one pound a month.

    I've decided on Test E because of the fact that you only inject twice a week for the 500mg

    my question:
    If I dose lower at say 250mg per week, injecting say only on Mondays will it be worth it? I'm asking this because I'm only 140 pounds at 5' 7". Or will I just be pumping it through my body with no gains? I have a 10 week cycle at 500mg per week and yes a pct plan in effect.

    Please keep in mind that I'm only trying to gain about 20 - 25 pounds total. I have a good build on my body but want a little more.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    bro you need to visit some buffets in your area. You need to eat more food period
    Steroids are not going to do much without food and if you can't eat correct you are never going to cycle correct.
    only other thing is if you are eating correct maybe you have some other issue and need to see a doctor. Read this:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I agree that 250 will be plenty. You probably could gain 40 lbs in 2 years natty if you'd commit to it.

  7. #7
    thanks everyone, I've got test e dosed at 300 mg per ml and a total of 20ml

    should I be doing a half ml twice per week or one ml once per week if I'm aiming at 300mg per week

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by DAAS View Post
    I've seen great gains on 350mg a week, diet is mostly what contributes to gains
    ^^^^ excellent post

    By the old are you? How long have you been training?

  9. #9
    and as for diet I've laid out my plan for the whole cycle in grocery lists and cooking mayhem will be on sundays to prep for the week. I've found a way to can quinoa for added cals and protein but will be utilizing rice as well. I'm doing the diet now and feeling like I want to be sick I'm so full. But it's funny how I feel too full to eat and then when I start eating anyway I'm able to get it all in. Wife is hating the gas haha. My emergency "I don't feel like making a lunch today because I'm late for work plan" is the sushi buffet, you allowed buffet take out, as long as the carry out tray closes you can take as much as you like. I'll way it tomorrow and I'm guessing its about 3 pounds of food.

  10. #10
    I'm 36 and training for 8 years for rock climbing to gain strength, then a few years off then two years for size and weight gain from 127 to 140. One year of training now for size using progressive overload techniques.

  11. #11
    protein powders I'm using are a New Zealand whey and Mutant Mass gainer.

    Meats: local organic inside round cuts bought at 15lbs at a time for only $35. It's awesome stuff and cans up really well to make sandwhiches and stirfry. Boxes of chicken from the same source and I catch more wild fish than I can eat.

    Carbs are quinoa and rice, love making veggies stir fry. also counting on some of my carbs from mass gainer, but only for about 800 of daily cals intake.

    Smoothies in the morning with bananas, blueberries, frozen greens ice cubs "put a whole box of spinach, broccoli and lots of other greens in the blender and then poor into ice cube trays, then use two or three of these in my smoothies, tastes kind nasty but you can just down it this way.

    V8 juice, about at glass a day

    full plate of salads with meat on the side and just a little salad dressing

    Fairly clean diet really, nothing fast food and dodging preservatives by canning my own food every sunday.

    Trail mix is 1/2 cup of dried chick peas, 1/2 cup of wasabi pease 3/4 cup of mixed nuts like almonds cashews and such. eating one of these every day

    I don't know how I fit it all in, plus I do regular dinners like bbq chicken breast and butterchicken rice

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