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Thread: Steroids for medical reasons

  1. #1
    I am an aspiring medical student and as what I assume was a desperate plea for advice, a young friend of mine asked for my help. He told me that he has a very high amount of LH because of puberty, three times the normal amount according to his recent blood analyses. He asked me If there is anyway to reduce these levels.

    As I know about how steroids work, the first solution that came to mind would be to use steroids and suppress these levels in hopes that when use is discontinued, LH levels will bounce back within a normal range. And so my question is: is this use of steroids, on someone typically thought of as too young, unethical?

    FYI this kid is 17-18
    Last edited by CommanderZander; 02-25-2014 at 07:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderZander
    I am an aspiring medical student and as what I assume was a desperate plea for advice, a young friend of mine asked for my help. He told me that he has a very amount of LH because of puberty, three times the normal amount according to his recent blood analyses. He asked me If there is anyway to reduce these levels.

    As I know about how steroids work, the first solution that came to mind would be to use steroids and suppress these levels in hopes that when use is discontinued, LH levels will bounce back within a normal range. And so my question is: is this use of steroids on someone typically thought of as too young unethical?

    FYI this kid is 17-18
    NO! High LH may have numerous etiologies including congenital abnormalities. Often it indicates an impairment in the HTPA negative feedback or potential testicular problems. Shutting his entire HTPA would NOT be the recommended clinical approach and could exacerbate his problems. Moreover, LH levels alone are not enough to make a differential diagnosis.


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