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  1. #1
    want2Bbigger is offline New Member
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    Is "just one cycle" really possible?

    Thanks to many of you - I'm ready to jump into my first cycle. My goal is to "only do one" and get some gains (realizing I will lose some) but still take "two steps forward and one step back". I won't go into the cycle details, because it's not relevant to this topic...

    My final issue is not one that appears to be discussed too much ...

    ...the "psychological addiction" to the way you look on gear and the ability to adjust to the "lesser" you when you come off ...

    Has anyone done "just one cycle" and what are some ideas or tips to fight off the emotional letdown when you slide back?

    To me, it seems the key is setting the right expectations ... but I'm betting that even if I think I'm ready for the "one step back" - when it actaully happens, I will have to fight the desire to jump back on the AS train.

    If I don't want a lifetime commitment, better to skip it all together?

    PS: Sorry for the overuse of quotation marks

  2. #2
    halifaxsteve is offline Member
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    well when i started out, i just wanted to do one cycle to get over a plateau (and partly out of curiousity too).

    well, i'm 6 wks into my cycle, and have just planned my second. i guess you could say that i'm addicted to the feeling/look, and the prospect of how big/good my physique can become.

    point is, i had convinced myself i would do just one, that idea has passed...

    it totally depends on you tho...and your will power


  3. #3
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    I agree. I only intended to do one cycle, but I'm about to start my third. The only reason I even cosidered stacking was to get over my plateau. I've suffered a couple injuries from high school atheletics that never really healed properly, but when I'm cycling, the pain from the injuries is nearly absent, my recovery time is faster and I have more energy. Plus the way they change your image/physique is awesome. Theres a difference between use and abuse bro. IMO I see nothing wrong with having a little extra 'help' in the gym. Especially for people who don't have the genetics.

  4. #4
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
    DADDYDBOL is offline Anabolic Member
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    I believe alot of us go in with those intentions but I am about to start my 5th one. I agree that it depends on you and your goals. If you do only one let me know how you stopped....

  5. #5
    Lift Chief's Avatar
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    Originally posted by 01dragonslayer
    I agree. I only intended to do one cycle, but I'm about to start my third. The only reason I even cosidered stacking was to get over my plateau. I've suffered a couple injuries from high school atheletics that never really healed properly, but when I'm cycling, the pain from the injuries is nearly absent, my recovery time is faster and I have more energy. Plus the way they change your image/physique is awesome. Theres a difference between use and abuse bro. IMO I see nothing wrong with having a little extra 'help' in the gym. Especially for people who don't have the genetics.
    Well said.

    I, like many others, also said i would just do 1 cycle... but i'll be starting my 2nd long cycle shortly.

    I just don't see the point of making progress at the rate of say riding a bicycle when you have a ferrari at your disposal.

  6. #6
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Am i the only one that didnt do my first cycle thinking it would be my last?
    Well we have different goals i guess.

  7. #7
    Slypknot's Avatar
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    Not sure - move a lot.
    Just like a pringle bro.... can't just have one.

    I was totally against doing more than one - didn't wanna end up looking like a genetic freak.... that was until I finished my first one and saw the massive improvement I got.

    So be prepared, cause I don't know anyone who has been able to do just one.

  8. #8
    motoxxxguy's Avatar
    motoxxxguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    That's the same thing everyone told me when I first started thinking about doing a cycle. "You won't do just one." So I went into this new world of mine ready for the fact that my first would not be my last. Right now I'm in the middle of my second cycle, I look better than I ever have in my life, and I have about six more cycles planned out in my head that I want to try! This is not to say that there aren't some people out there who could do only one. I'm just not one of them, and I'm not alone.


  9. #9
    NEO-OEN's Avatar
    NEO-OEN is offline Associate Member
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    I honestly don't think it's likely to only do one cycle. Once you've felt like a king why would you want to back to living like the jester. It's just never the same again, you never feel the same pump, you never have the same strength. So there is no sense trying to convince yourself that it's only one. Just go into it as a trial and if the trial goes well for you, play it by ear.

  10. #10
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Originally posted by palme
    Am i the only one that didnt do my first cycle thinking it would be my last?
    Well we have different goals i guess.
    Your not alone, after doing my research I knew that one cycle was going to be what I needed to reach the goals that I wanted. Plus I was put on HRT so I was going to be on for life. So I figured might as well go for it all. I do have a friend that did one cycle about 4 years ago. He's still alive so who know when he'll do his next one or if he ever will.


  11. #11
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I'm in the 6th week of my cycle and have already planned out my next cycle for this fall. I think there are a lot more worse things I could be doing.

  12. #12
    BUYLONGTERM's Avatar
    BUYLONGTERM is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree. I was the same way......I said "I will only do 1 cycle....then get off of it." I think it's almost impossible. If you think otherwise, your kidding yourself. If your worried, then don't do it. I am just about to finish my first cycle, and since the first cycle is usually a learning one, I can't wait to start my 2nd.......

  13. #13
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    it's probable that you'll do more after your first. it's like getting just one taste of your favourite dessert... it won't take long for you to be hurtin for another fix.

  14. #14
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    No one does just one cycle....

  15. #15
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    Originally posted by MBaraso
    No one does just one cycle....

    well said.

  16. #16
    want2Bbigger is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by TheMudMan
    I'm in the 6th week of my cycle and have already planned out my next cycle for this fall. I think there are a lot more worse things I could be doing.
    Just to be clear - I'm not judging at all ... live and let live ... I know I'm ready physically - now I'm trying to understand the emotional side of the AS equation.

    These are excellent, honest insights and I really appreciate them all ...

  17. #17
    want2Bbigger is offline New Member
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    oops, I actually CAN spell but you wouldn't know if from that last post.

  18. #18
    PEDEY's Avatar
    PEDEY is offline Junior Member
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    Great post want2Bbigger!! I think its an interesting question. Personally, I have found that the thing with Anabolics is that once you do a cycle, you will never be able to feel that good inside of a gym again. For those of us that train hard year round, year after year, weather we're on or not, its sometimes frustrating to train clean. When your using gear your getting gains within a 2 month period that might take you 2 yrs to reach naturally. Like someone else said, gear is great for getting over a Plateau. I did my first cycle, and then trained for another year clean before starting number two. I knew I would do another one, it was just a matter of time. I just look at it like I LOVE training and I LOVE doing gear. I have enough self control to not abuse the stuff, and stick to a cycle or so a year. Like anything, abusing AS will do more harm than good. However, I can think of a lot of positives for my moderate use of gear.

    Just my two cents

  19. #19
    want2Bbigger is offline New Member
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    I supppose if you did just one cycle and moved on, you are not hanging around AR much anymore so it might be hard to get opinions from one-cycle users ...

  20. #20
    want2Bbigger is offline New Member
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    Thanks Pedy ... after 100's of hours researching here ... it's nice to know I was able to add some value back.

  21. #21
    FKITLETSGO's Avatar
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    The more you learn about AAS the more you evolve into understanding the safety precautions and understanding that like anything else when abused, it can be harmfull. You come to understand that you love the feeling while on a cycle and no matter how many journals and cycle diaries you read you can never fathom the idea and understand the feeling of actually being "on" until you are actually "on". After that you never turn back.

  22. #22
    UltimateFighter's Avatar
    UltimateFighter is offline Associate Member
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    bro I am flat ou addicted. Started out like you.

  23. #23
    the dent depot's Avatar
    the dent depot is offline Senior Member
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    Thumbs up

    Yeah're going to be hooked! And why not be hooked on something that can do so much for you...the key to life is MODERATION!
    I can see the "doing something shady" appeal as being addictive as well.

    And on a side note...doesn't cycle imply it's repeating over and over?'re doing all the right stuff by researching and asking the right questions!

  24. #24
    beginner boy is offline New Member
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    want2Bbigger -

    i want2Bbigger too. and i want to do just one cycle. i have talked to many people as well and they all say "that is what everyone says" and they go on to a life comittment to gear.

    i wonder what everyone's goal was when doing cycle after cycle. i don't really get off on wanting to lift the most weight, it isn't a strength thing for me (i don't think) it is purely a 'looks' thing for me. having a tight, well-defined, muscular body. and if that is maintainable after the first cycle, then i think i would be able to stop.

    so i guess my question for the folks out there is about what their goals were and if they are in it for the 'strenth' factor or the 'looks/vanity' factor. i'm guessing those can be two very different types of people. not that they are totally independent of one another - i'm not that naive to say that. but i do beilieve that they would require different types of gear and workouts, etc. and now i'll shut up and see if i'm totally out of touch.

  25. #25
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Well I would imagine if your over 8-10 yrs old you can surely make a desicion rather or not to stab yourself injecting oil.

    If you dont want to do another cycle ever...then ok, dont.

    If your seriously having fear of not being able to control yourself and have worries of psycological addiction, IMO you have to be a complete dumbass to ever use at all.

  26. #26
    beginner boy is offline New Member
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    btw, want2Bbigger, i think this is a great thread. thanks.

  27. #27
    TheMudMan's Avatar
    TheMudMan is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Originally posted by want2Bbigger

    Just to be clear - I'm not judging at all ... live and let live ... I know I'm ready physically - now I'm trying to understand the emotional side of the AS equation.

    These are excellent, honest insights and I really appreciate them all ...
    want2Bbigger I didn't think you were judging at all.... I just know if I didn't change my lifestyle years ago I could be doing a lot worse things than AS. Sorry if I came off that way.

    Good luck in your decision on doing this cycle!

  28. #28
    want2Bbigger is offline New Member
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    Billy ...

    We don't need no haters ...

  29. #29
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Originally posted by want2Bbigger
    Billy ...

    We don't need no haters ...
    of what?

    its the simple truth. how old are you?

    i dont give a fuck how many cycles anyone does. but if you or anyone for that matter with any drug is sitting here thinking...

    ...hmm, i wonder if i do this, will i ever be able to stop? everyone says no..hmm should i still do it? you gotta be a fucking idiot to do it and obviously not psycologically mature enough. if that offends you, perhaps you need to stay away for drugs.

  30. #30
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Originally posted by Billy_Bathgate

    of what?

    its the simple truth. how old are you?

    i dont give a fuck how many cycles anyone does. but if you or anyone for that matter with any drug is sitting here thinking...

    ...hmm, i wonder if i do this, will i ever be able to stop? everyone says no..hmm should i still do it? you gotta be a fucking idiot to do it and obviously not psycologically mature enough. if that offends you, perhaps you need to stay away for drugs.
    I agree 100%

  31. #31
    FKITLETSGO's Avatar
    FKITLETSGO is offline Senior Member
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    beginner boy:

    My question is why do just one cycle? why would you give away the title of being natural and achieving your goals for just one simple cycle? To me that is rediculous and stupid

  32. #32
    the dent depot's Avatar
    the dent depot is offline Senior Member
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    These are the most prickish responses I have seen to a valid question! Everyone must be on their need to flame me for being observant btw.


  33. #33
    want2Bbigger is offline New Member
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    Billy -

    42 years old, extremely sucessfull and well adjusted - thanks for asking.

    However, it's pretty clear to me that the question is a ligitimate one based on the number of people in this thread alone that have stated "that was my plan too, but ..."

    Regardless - I understand your point, but it's pretty clear that many, many people here went into it thinking "just once" and clearly, for their own reasons, chose to continue on. I'm trying to understand why they
    chose to continue on ...

    Perhaps you could give us those insights into your choices ... was it a "one time" desire for you that turned into a multi-cycle lifestyle and if so, why?

  34. #34
    Nickleby's Avatar
    Nickleby is offline Junior Member
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    Are you seeking justification for your want to use aas? Or are you afraid of becoming enmeshed in a vicious circle of addiction?

    I believe that people take aas' for only two reasons: competition (body building, athletics, sports, etc), or for the aesthetic appeal they bring.

    I know a lot of people, I mean a lot of people, who really only do aas for the aesthetics of it. They may be small and want to get bigger to look better. They may be fat and want to shred up. They were bullied or belittled and now want to be stronger. Time and again we read threads of people saying "check out my summer cutting cycle". Why do they do these cycles?....because it's beach and party time and they wanna look good for the babes (or guys if you're that way inclined....not that there's anything wrong with that!!!) Nothing wrong with that. We all wanna look good. And at 42 I'm guessing you're not wanting to compete!?!?!!

    Psychologically speaking, and to answer your question, it is extremely hard to do just one cycle as the benefits (size, strength, feel, psyche) produced border on addictive. However, as some of the guys pointed out here, if you train smart, eat smart, and use smart, and have a good head on your shoulders, then the addiction won't become obsessive and you can get the results you are after.

    I'd rather do one or two well thought out and researched cycles than be hooked on crack, coke, or heroin!!!

    Just my 2c worth.

  35. #35
    want2Bbigger is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by Nickleby

    Are you seeking justification for your want to use aas? Or are you afraid of becoming enmeshed in a vicious circle of addiction?

    I believe that people take aas' for only two reasons: competition (body building, athletics, sports, etc), or for the aesthetic appeal they bring.

    I know a lot of people, I mean a lot of people, who really only do aas for the aesthetics of it. They may be small and want to get bigger to look better. They may be fat and want to shred up. They were bullied or belittled and now want to be stronger. Time and again we read threads of people saying "check out my summer cutting cycle". Why do they do these cycles?....because it's beach and party time and they wanna look good for the babes (or guys if you're that way inclined....not that there's anything wrong with that!!!) Nothing wrong with that. We all wanna look good. And at 42 I'm guessing you're not wanting to compete!?!?!!

    Psychologically speaking, and to answer your question, it is extremely hard to do just one cycle as the benefits (size, strength, feel, psyche) produced border on addictive. However, as some of the guys pointed out here, if you train smart, eat smart, and use smart, and have a good head on your shoulders, then the addiction won't become obsessive and you can get the results you are after.

    I'd rather do one or two well thought out and researched cycles than be hooked on crack, coke, or heroin!!!

    Just my 2c worth.
    Nickleby -
    No, at 42, I don't think I'm gonna start competing - lol...
    I'm in decent shape
    17% +/- bf

    I'm not looking to justifiy it at all...I know myself and know (or beleive) that I will be able to make a choice after this cycle and decide if additional ones are necessary or warranted. At 42 - you wanna start to fight off the signs of aging ... but I'm a realist and I know that, no matter what - you can't outrun it. My goal is to look and feel better. Your honest comments... "Psychologically speaking, and to answer your question, it is extremely hard to do just one cycle as the benefits (size, strength, feel, psyche) produced border on addictive." This is the type of honest insight I was/am looking for prior to my cycle.


  36. #36
    flexgolf's Avatar
    flexgolf is offline Member
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    Originally posted by FKITLETSGO
    The more you learn about AAS the more you evolve into understanding the safety precautions and understanding that like anything else when abused, it can be harmfull. You come to understand that you love the feeling while on a cycle and no matter how many journals and cycle diaries you read you can never fathom the idea and understand the feeling of actually being "on" until you are actually "on". After that you never turn back.
    im starting soon....i kinda hope i get that feeling

  37. #37
    Mike21 is offline Junior Member
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    I said I would do one. Then I said I will only do one more. Then I said im only doing one more more. Now I am planning my next.

  38. #38
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Honestly, I assumed you were a teenager.

    To me, when I stareted, cycle number wasnt of improtance. Getting big was.

    I agree your question is legit, but of common sence would tell me not to do something I am unsure of I can quit.

    Peraps you or other take that as me being a dick, but I only speak my honest opinon.

    That being said, if you only want to do one cycle, then fine, only do one. There is not a little red crack demon forking you in the side demandin you to do another.

    After my first I thoguht, hell ya, that rocked, lets do another.

    But, I can say Ive been off a good 8-9 months and could go on, as i sit here looking at multiple vials, but i choose not to as this isnt the best time for me to do it.

    Mind over matter bro. If your not confident in that area, seriously...dont do it.

  39. #39
    Tock's Avatar
    Tock is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ah . . . AS cycles are like Lay's potato chips. You can't have just one!!

  40. #40
    want2Bbigger is offline New Member
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    Thanks Billy.

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