I'm planning my next cycle, a cycle I do not plan to run for another 4 or 5 months, but I'm planning now so I have plenty of time to secure everything I could possibly need (I ****ed this up a little on my first cycle, didn't have AI first few weeks). This would be my second cycle and I really want to experiment with tren. I know people say to wait for more experience, but my plan is to plan a cycle with a low dose and if I get sides, switch to a standard test only cycle. From my first cycle, I've learned to monitor my BP and bloods, how to get my BP down when it gets high, what ancillaries to keep on hand etc. I'm 30 5'9" @ 185. I don't have low t clinically, but my natural test levels are on the low side (probably why I've been a hardgainer my whole life).
ANYHOW. Here's what I'm thinking
30mg dbol ED for first 4 weeks
12.5 aromasin EOD first 4 weeks
aromasin as needed for rest of cycle
100mg test prop EOD for 10 weeks
50mg tren EOD for 10 weeks
.5mg cabergoline 2x per week
10 weeks total cycle length
Nolva & Clomid for PCT
Suggestions please.