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Thread: critique cycle plan please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    critique cycle plan please

    I'm planning my next cycle, a cycle I do not plan to run for another 4 or 5 months, but I'm planning now so I have plenty of time to secure everything I could possibly need (I ****ed this up a little on my first cycle, didn't have AI first few weeks). This would be my second cycle and I really want to experiment with tren. I know people say to wait for more experience, but my plan is to plan a cycle with a low dose and if I get sides, switch to a standard test only cycle. From my first cycle, I've learned to monitor my BP and bloods, how to get my BP down when it gets high, what ancillaries to keep on hand etc. I'm 30 5'9" @ 185. I don't have low t clinically, but my natural test levels are on the low side (probably why I've been a hardgainer my whole life).

    ANYHOW. Here's what I'm thinking

    30mg dbol ED for first 4 weeks
    12.5 aromasin EOD first 4 weeks
    aromasin as needed for rest of cycle
    100mg test prop EOD for 10 weeks
    50mg tren EOD for 10 weeks
    .5mg cabergoline 2x per week
    10 weeks total cycle length

    Nolva & Clomid for PCT

    Suggestions please.
    Last edited by chaps; 02-26-2014 at 06:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    What ester tren you running and drop dbol you will not need it (to much 2nd cycle-u should not even be running tren) tren should be ran higher than test. Tren is more powerful steroid so you should run it higher and let tren do the work and test at trt dose

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Derekjpapa View Post
    What ester tren you running and drop dbol you will not need it (to much 2nd cycle-u should not even be running tren) tren should be ran higher than test. Tren is more powerful steroid so you should run it higher and let tren do the work and test at trt dose
    Why should tren be ran higher than test? it has harsh sides compared to test. Not trying to be a dick but that sounds like bro-science.

    I'm running 500mg/wk test and 25mg/ED of tren ace and my gains are great.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    tren is strongest steroid out there stronger than test so why would you run test higher makes no sense read this :

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Derekjpapa View Post
    tren is strongest steroid out there stronger than test so why would you run test higher makes no sense read this :
    Because tren is crazy harsh compared to test, that's why.

    I can understand if someone WANTS run run tren higher than test, but to say it has to or should be run that way just seams silly to me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    no you can run it either way- like u said gains are good/great but u could of ran ran test at 250mg week and tren at 300 mg and gains would of be better. I understand the sides and of coarse everyone handles them differently. I can run 400-450mg week tren no problem where u would experience sides.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tren ace. Short esters so I can stop quickly if I so desire. The dose of tren is low intentionally because this would be an experiment, I am approaching it cautiously. I've read Atomini's tren thread thoroughly. The way I figure, 300mg test is pretty minimal compared to 150mg of tren which is supposed to be more anabolic than test by a factor of 5.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by chaps View Post
    Tren ace. Short esters so I can stop quickly if I so desire. The dose of tren is low intentionally because this would be an experiment, I am approaching it cautiously. I've read Atomini's tren thread thoroughly. The way I figure, 300mg test is pretty minimal compared to 150mg of tren which is supposed to be more anabolic than test by a factor of 5.
    Tren is no joke, when I first started using it I started at only 14mg per day as a "test" to see how I would handle it. At 25mg per day the cycle is noticeably different than a test only cycle from multiple angles. Insomnia hit me hard at 20mg per day

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast usa
    Good luck with it. Post back after let us know how it goes

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