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  1. #1
    MisterRogers's Avatar
    MisterRogers is offline Junior Member
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    first cycle Pharm vs UGL

    ok I have spent several weeks reading stickies and weighing pros and cons, health risks vs reward and I'm ready
    so here are some stats if you need them?
    6'4" 250lbs 18% weight training on and off since high school and started crossfit 2yrs ago.I am trying to be a competitive crossfitter
    1-12 250mg test E e3.5d
    1-12 hcg 250iu e3.5d
    1-14 arimidex .25 eod
    pct 14 days after last pin clomid 70/50/50/50 Nolva 40/20/20/20
    so here is my question I have 3 10ml test E from UGL I trust my source very much but its still UGL so you never know??
    I also have 2 5ml of Delatestryl test E 100% legit pharm but only 10 ml
    should I split it and suppliment the possibly underdosed/fake / maybe g2g ugl with the pharm?
    I was thinking of maybe making two cycles out of it, one now one for another time down the road and split the 5ml between the two? thoughts??
    or option 2
    start with the ugl from what i am told I will know in a few weeks if its G2G from my raging boner and wife telling me to get off her! and finish off with the pharm?
    any thoughts on this would be great

  2. #2
    Friesian is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterRogers View Post
    should I split it and suppliment the possibly underdosed/fake / maybe g2g ugl with the pharm?
    When you say you're considering supplementing them, do you mean you would draw from both vials into the same needle? If so, I would think you need to think about the time your vials will be stored for. Whilst there may not be a huge drop off in potency, the longer storage of opened vials may cause some minor drops in potency.

    Also, not having a go at you but, you may wish to consider dropping a couple of percent body fat as it's usually suggested you only start a cycle if you are under 15% BF.

  3. #3
    michael30's Avatar
    michael30 is offline Member
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    What brand is the ugl. If we know we might be able to give you a better answer.

  4. #4
    MisterRogers's Avatar
    MisterRogers is offline Junior Member
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    yah sorry I forgot to mention that I'm not starting tomorrow or anything and I will drop bf % before I start just getting my ducks in a row! the ugl is praxx

  5. #5
    MisterRogers's Avatar
    MisterRogers is offline Junior Member
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    yah same needle i was thinking .5ml of each first cycle Pharm vs UGL-img_20140205_105143.jpg

  6. #6
    Friesian is offline Junior Member
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    Well, like I said before I would consider the potency issue regarding prolonged storage.
    Also, having done a quick search on the forums, this is the only time anyone has ever even mentioned this brand. Not tryna worry you or anything bud but it seems a bit odd that literally no-one on this forum seems to have even heard of it.

  7. #7
    MisterRogers's Avatar
    MisterRogers is offline Junior Member
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    I was thinking the same! Its from Canada I know new ugl's are popping up all the time sometimes the same lab that keeps changing names so yah I'm a little worried about it with that being said my source used it and I don't think he would lie to me but like I said before its ugl you never know?? I have some time to think it over as I'm still getting my bf% down hopefully someone will have some info by then

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friesian View Post
    Well, like I said before I would consider the potency issue regarding prolonged storage.
    Also, having done a quick search on the forums, this is the only time anyone has ever even mentioned this brand. Not tryna worry you or anything bud but it seems a bit odd that literally no-one on this forum seems to have even heard of it.
    fyi bro there are hundreds of ugl's out there so its more than common for no one to have heard of them especially if they are new...dosent mean anything really imho...ive been here for almost 6 yrs and no one has ever mentioned any brands of ugl's that ive used over the years(and ive used many) to give you an example....and your whole potency theory is not understanding your issue, gear lasts for years and then sometime after the expiration date and if you popped the top off a vial the vial is still sealed and steril even after multiple uses so there is no issue there either...again just saying...

  9. #9
    Friesian is offline Junior Member
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    Sorry if my information was incorrect, I understand that there are lots of UGLs that pop up, I was just trying to say that I was surprised it wasn't one that anyone had ever mentioned before + in terms of the possible under-dosing MR was asking about, it makes it difficult to comment on this. I'm also sorry if my information about potency decrease was incorrect, I was basing this statement upon what I had read on another thread.

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