Originally Posted by
29 year old male
188 lbs.
13% bf
Training History: Off and on since I was 16 years old, but consistently for the past 3 1/2 years.
Cycle History: 4 cycles when I was younger, consisting of Test, Winny, Tren A, Dbol (not all in the same cycle), but haven't ran AAS in over 6 years.
Proposed cycle:
Week 1-6: Test Prop @ 150mg/EOD
Clomid @ 100/50/50/50
Nolva @ 40/40/20/20/
Arimidex @ 6.5mg/day for first 2 weeks of PCT
In the past, I have had severe depression/anxiety symptoms from Clomid, so I will have enough Nolva on hand just in case I need to drop the Clomid and do a Nolva only PCT. Another member suggested that it was just my estrogen levels that were out of control and not the Clomid causing the symptoms, so I was advised to take Arimidex at 6.5mg/day to combat the estrogen.
You'll notice that the cycle is very short. I would like to give this approach a try to, hopefully, make as much gains off of a short-estered compound as possible, run PCT, then get back on sooner (once bloodwork is back to normal). I'm hoping this will allow me to keep more gains and keep building with each cycle, rather than having the yo-yo effect of gaining then losing as I have with my longer (10-12 week) cycles I've run in the past. It will be trial and error.
Also, I have a powerlifting competition (bench only) coming up, and I was wondering if it would be advisable to add something that would be synergistic to the Prop? I realize that the Test, alone, will shut me down, but please keep in mind that my ultimate goal here is to get back 'on' as soon as possible after this short cycle, so if by adding another compound, it would shut me down harder and require a longer recovery period, I would rather just stick to running the Prop alone.