03-10-2014, 10:49 PM #1Junior Member
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29 weeks out / 1st comp / 1st cycle
Hey jus quick bit info about me before yah reply to this, might/might not help. appreciate if yah do
Age 20 - weight 80.5kg - 176cm - BF% 12 - Mindset on starting to cycle so save yah time tryna tell me not to -
working as labourer trenching so very physical job - Gym 6 days a week.
well known nz and very good nutrionist helps with diet n nutrtion so thats all on lock.
Entering my first comp in Oct and am going to start cycling (mindset)
- 12 weeks Test E
- 500mg pin 250mg Mon - 250mg Fri
- Arimidex will have on hand just incase symptoms pop up. if they do pop up will run at .5mg EOD
- PCT - Nolva 40/40/20/20 maybe clomid ? experienced opinion?
my QUESTION is should i
A) run 12 week test 500mg run pct then day after pct stops start cutting (will be using gear to help)
B)run 12 week test 500mg cruise at 200-250 test - e then start cutting when i reach 12 weeks out? then run a pct after comp?
C) wait 9 weeks run 8 week test e 500mg then cruise on 200-250 test while using other gear to help cut for 12 weeks ?
D) or something totally different i havnt thought of that you experienced people might know?
i know where and who i want to become in life so try avoid the age card... but each to their own.
03-11-2014, 06:47 AM #2
Option (B). You did not say what you would use to cut, but it needs to be more than 200-250 test.
03-11-2014, 08:58 AM #3
Ok so you are 29 weeks out from your show. The way my coach has me run my gear leading up to a show and what seems to work well and make a lot of sense is to be at your highest test dose 8 weeks out from when you plan on starting your diet. So if you are going to diet for 12 weeks you start you 500mg of test at 20 weeks out. This should stabilize your body weight by the time you start dieting.
03-11-2014, 09:28 AM #4
Age 20. Mind set on AAS. You haven't even educated yourself enough to run a proper cycle and correct PCT.
03-11-2014, 10:08 AM #5
Don't run your cycle then pct then day after start cutting run your test all the way through dont drop it. Around I would say 12 or more weeks out start cutting. Someone who has competed could say more on cutting
03-12-2014, 12:35 AM #6Junior Member
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the dude i talk to for advice and get gear off. had a chat with him last night he reckons run Test - E .7ml/350mg and EQ .7ml/350mg per week (also said i could inject both at same time) for 20 weeks or do 12 weeks then cruise on test e low dosage something like 200mg per week and start introducing winny 8 weeks out clen 10 weeks out from comp day.
03-12-2014, 04:02 AM #7New Member
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Couldn't agree more ! He's in for a rude of awaking when he finds out his hpta won't ever be the same !
03-12-2014, 05:09 AM #8
03-12-2014, 06:30 AM #9
03-12-2014, 06:35 AM #10Originally Posted by manky chops
Think about that for a few minutes. No, think longer. Keep thinking........
Most dealers will sell you what they have and tell you don't need what they don't have.
Stop taking advice from that idiot. His only interest is your money.
Listen to the guys here who have done this longer with greater success.
03-12-2014, 07:09 AM #11
Educate yourself and tell the source what you need and want not the other way around. Many of the members here have made that mistake including myself.
03-12-2014, 09:34 AM #12
good advice here^^^^^its hard not to get tunnell vision but there plenty of unbiased reading here..good luck
03-12-2014, 02:35 PM #13Junior Member
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Hey dude, are you from NZ, if so where abouts?
<< West Auckland, NZ here
* I'd give you my opinion but in all honesty you wouldn't want to hear it (I'm a c unt like that)
Best of luck to ya
03-12-2014, 10:55 PM #14Junior Member
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not to sure if eq on first cycle is the way to go but it seems pretty mild specially at 350mg and 350mg test - e per week the sides arnt going to be something herrific ive been told.i havnt started cycling yet because im getting ALOT of different opinions on how to go about from experienced people.
hes not my dealer he doesnt even sell he just uses for personal and i hit him up for advice n he said he could help find eq and test - e and nolva for me hes not making money off it either, i was pretty keen to just stick with 500mg of test e per week for 12weeks wait 2 weeks n then start nolva 40/40/20/20 for 4 weeks. why? because it seems the basic starter for every first timer, also to see how my body will react to steroids .. being first time and all.
thanks for all responses even the ones who seem bit angry which is fair enough your experienced n know more then me. but everyone started somewhere.. and well here i am..
03-13-2014, 07:02 AM #15
thanks for all responses even the ones who seem bit angry which is fair enough your experienced n know more then me. but everyone started somewhere.. and well here i am..
Then learn
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