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  1. #1
    jakemw is offline New Member
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    Nov 2013

    Sus250 or test c with Winnie

    What's going on guys, going to be doing my second cycle. Running 10weeks of test c or Sus 500 weekly along with 6 weeks of Winnie 50mg ED. Running Winnie from weeks 6-12 that way the test and Winnie both fall off about the same time to start my pct. Stats first height 5"8 180 pounds 12-15% body fat still unsure exactly but I know it ranges there, 24 years old last cycle I did was my first and I used sus250 Monday/Thursday 500 a week.

    Honestly I gained a great amount of solid lean muscle. Started cycle at 165 gained about 20 pounds. Holding strong at 180 three months later. Used adex/ light letro dose later to rid of some small gyno issue that cleared in a week. I was eatting around 3500/3800 calories all generally clean. Honestly love Sus but my question is with me running winnie( and I can't just get prop ) should I use Sus again with some fast acting esters and shoot for pin every three days or two days a week. Or should I keep it simple and do a single ester. My goals from this cycle.

    Lean mass drop a few % bf and gain a soild 5-8 pounds of lean keeping mass by end of my cycle. Also I understand diet will be key and I plan to put the most thought into my diet instead of just replying on a magic liquid or pill. All input is greatly appreciated .
    Pct clomid 100/50/50/50 can't get hcg novaldex 20/20/20/20 will be using adex .5 EOD letro also on hand for any issues.

  2. #2
    newguy92's Avatar
    newguy92 is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2013
    You can do either or but sustanon should be pinned every other day. 0.5ml should be enough. You should try to get some HCG as well

  3. #3
    jakemw is offline New Member
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    Nov 2013
    Yea I'm working on the hcg . My answer needs to be revised. What is better to stack with Winnie, test c or Sus, and why do you prefer your choice. Or are we just going to say test is test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    Blog Entries
    honestly bro test is test so pick the one that suits the protocol your looking to follow i.e. eod or 2x week can imho get away with pinning sust 2x per week as well as its mostly long esters but if you want to make use of the short ones too then id go eod...

  5. #5
    jakemw is offline New Member
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    Nov 2013
    Great I appreciate the advice.

  6. #6
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would up the nolva to 40/40/20/20 for pct.
    as said above test is test. So many guys over think all the things that do not even matter and pay zero attention to there diet and training. (training I mean resting the appro amount so you can grow)

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