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  1. #1
    UPALifter is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014

    Question Planning First Cycle

    Hey guys, I'm working on a first cycle to try out AAS and wanted to see what the more advanced minds here would think.

    About Me:

    I've been lifting for about 14 years now, 5'10" 242 Lbs.

    My lifts:
    Bench - 515 Single Ply
    Squat - 765 Single Ply
    Deadlift - 655 Single Ply

    I'm planning out a cycle to see how it feels and how strong I can really get.

    What I was planning for my first cycle:

    Weeks 1-12: 500mg Test-E/wk
    Weeks 1-12: 0.5mg Arimidex EOD - Starting 2 wks before test
    Weeks 1-6: 25mg DBol /ED
    Weeks 15-18: Clomid - 50/50/25/25 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 (No Access to HCG )

    My trainer is a former world's strongest man, with an 850lb squat raw, and he was on for over 20 years, and he's said he's never run a PCT or anything and he pinned way more test than I'm going to try weekly. What do you guys think?
    Last edited by UPALifter; 03-12-2014 at 11:14 AM.

  2. #2
    king6 II's Avatar
    king6 II is offline Senior Member
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    What is your body fat percentage? I'm guessing it's in the 20's? High body fat plus steroids can be a problem. Increased risks for gyno along with blood pressure issues. If your friend is suggesting that you don't run PCT, he is setting you up for failure. You need PCT to restart your HPTA. First week of clomid should be a little higher, 75.

  3. #3
    UPALifter is offline New Member
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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by king6 II View Post
    What is your body fat percentage? I'm guessing it's in the 20's? High body fat plus steroids can be a problem. Increased risks for gyno along with blood pressure issues. If your friend is suggesting that you don't run PCT, he is setting you up for failure. You need PCT to restart your HPTA. First week of clomid should be a little higher, 75.

    I'm actually around 16-17% BF, just had my BP checked last week and it's always been 'perfect' according to my doc. And I do plan to PCT, I'll up the first Clomid week to 75, thanks man.

  4. #4
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by UPALifter

    I'm actually around 16-17% BF, just had my BP checked last week and it's always been 'perfect' according to my doc. And I do plan to PCT, I'll up the first Clomid week to 75, thanks man.
    Keep an eye on the BP. Mine never deviated from 120/80 in nearly 40 years. Then I started cycling and hypertension was a common issue.

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