Hey guys,
so I'm having some problems on an Anavar only cycle. Let me explain my situation......
so stats first, I'm 31 years old, 6'2 217lbs and have been working out for about 8 years.
im trying to get cut and maybe gain 4-5 lbs of lean muscle in the process like I have in my other cycles.
i have taken var about 2 years ago at 40 mg a day for 60 days with good results.
I took it again last year and stacked with hcgenerate and went to 60 mg a day for 60 days and again had good results.
i am now taking it again and for the first 2 weeks I took 40 mg a day and bumped to 60 mg third and 4th week and ran out so I got more but a totally different brand which comes in 30 mg tabs. So now I am at 75 mg a day. (I cut one in half so I take 2 and a half tabs to equal 75 mgs.)
I am also taking hcgenerate (5 a day) throughout the whole cycle of 60 days.
i am taking bcaa's capsules, 2 per workout and 2 post workout.
also 1 multivitamin a day.
Also using a scoop and a half of C4 per workout ED.
Drinking at least 7-8 cups of water ED and no other drinks.
cut down on carbs and sugars/sweets and fats. A lot of fish, salads and chicken in my diet.
so here's my problem, for the 3rd and 4th week I started to get shin splints and lower back pumps which I never had before in my previous 2 cycles, so I researched and found out Taurine would help.
on my 5th week now at 75 mg a day (new batch) I couldn't even run on the treadmill for 3 minutes without my calves feeling like they were going to explode which eliminates the process of trying to get cut.
i started taking about 1 to 2 teaspoons of taurine about a half hour before my workout with my per workout drink.
i feel like it helped a little but still having issues with cardio and the pain.
also my last 2 workouts sucked, in my 3rd exercise today doing chest, I felt pain and not good pump pain more of like an annoying cant continue pain. I had to lower my cable crossovers to just 15 lbs and it was still hard to finish a set.
My barbell weight had to be dropped a bit for me to continue and I struggled through it.
This is uncommon, var in the past made me add weight and blow through workouts so I am really confused.
i remember gaining a lot of strength in my previous 2 cycles with var but for some reason I'm having a serious problem getting a good workout in now.
keep in mind the first 2-3 weeksof this cycle I was going hard and I don't know if it was mental and the var didn't kick in yet but I was in no pain and I was fine with cardio.
so what could it be?
Could it be mixing anavar batches?
Could it be my dieting, less carbs = less energy and causes pain?
could it be my dose is too high?
someone mentIoned I should try a supp called ZMA which has zinc but hcg has zinc so I dunno.
I do see some results so far into this cycle but no where near where I was in my previous 2 cycles.
Please guys any help would be appreciated, I want to finish out my cycle and get more ripped but its very hard for me to continue if my workouts suck and I can't get cardio in.
thanks guys!