hi guys i do bw yesterday and today i get the results :

prolactin 14.5 ng/ml (1.8-20)
testosterone 27.8 nmol/l (10-28)
estradiol 25.1 pg/ml (7-42)

i have three question :

1.up until this week (week 2) of my cycle i take 7 shot of 100 mg/ml of test-p and my testosterone results one week before start the cycle was 15 nmol/l ,and today After two weeks my testosterone is 27.8 nmol/l, my question is about my staff , is it legit or ugl or fake ? because i take some pro hormones about 1 years ago and do blood work after do blood work and get the results my testosterone was 44 nmol/l just for taking pro hormone and now after two weeks on 100 mg/ml of test-p my testosterone is 27.8 nmol/ !

2.my estradiol result before start the cycle was 51.5 and high than normal range
i take 0.625 mg of letro after 3 shot of test -p in week one and take another two dose of 0.31 mg eod in this week and one dose was on yesterday, was i do blood work on that day , my question is this dose ok for me (0.31) eod to get throughout my cycle or must increase it to 0.625 after 3 shots ?

3. my nipples are puffy and i haven't any gland or gyno , just only puffy . my question is , can this puffy nipples come frome my current prolactin level 14.5 ng/ml (1.8-20)? if yes then what should i do ?